Chapter 28: nightmare dressed like a daydream

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Taylor's pov:
I wake up to hear Britt screaming. I have no idea why. I looked at the time on my phone and it's 2:00. Maybe she's having a nightmare. Without thinking I jumped out of my bed and ran to her room. She is asleep but screaming! I try to wake her up. I gently shake her shoulders. After a few shakes she finally wakes up. She's sweating and seems out of breath.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"He's coming back!" Britt said crying.


"My dad! He came back and was trying to kill me!"

"Britt, no. Your dad is never coming back. He will never hurt you! Do you want to sleep with me?"

She nodded her head yes. She followed me to my room and got into the other side of the bed. Today's going to be a long day.

Britts pov:

I woke up to mom gently shaking my shoulders. I was having a really bad dream but apparently I was screaming and mom woke up. Im sweating and out of breath. My head also kind of hurts.

"What's wrong?" Mom asked after she got me awake.

"He's coming back!" I said referring to my dad.


" my dad! He came back and was trying to kill me!" How can mom be so clueless?

"Britt, no. Your dad is never coming back. He will never hurt you! Do you want to sleep with me?"

I nodded my head yes and followed mom back to her room. I climbed Into her bed and closed my eyes. I hope I don't see dad anymore. He always used to scare me. He also always used to yell at me. And he's pushed me against walls sometimes. And now I'm scared that dad is causing my nightmares. He could be doing it because he's mad that I met my idol since he told me it would never happen. Is it even possible that dead people can control your dreams? I feel like it's possible. A few hours later mom woke me up again.

"You should get up and get ready to go. Our flight is scheduled for 1:00 pm."

"What time is it now?" I asked.
I would look at my phone but I left it in my room and I'm still in moms room.

"9:30.  You need to shower, do your hair, pack anything that's not in your suitcase still and we need some Starbucks. "

"I agree to Starbucks!"

"Then get up and get ready!"
I went back into my own room and checked my phone. No new texts or notifications. Good. I turned on moms music playlist on my phone and went to the bathroom to take a shower. And of corse while I'm in the shower I use the shampoo and conditioner bottles as my microphone. I got out and got dressed into the same clothes I wore on the flight coming here. I brushed my hair and put it into a messy bun on the top of my head. Then I added my normal make up and brushed my teeth. And now I'm dancing crazily to moms songs again. Specifically our song. Have I mentioned it's one of my all time favorite songs? Along with long live, teardrops on my guitar, breathe, fearless, mine, all too well,  starlight, and wonderland. But of corse I absolutely love all of moms songs! I swear there is not a bad Taylor swift song!

"Britt! Are you almost ready? It's 11:00 but I want to leave really early so we can first stop at Starbucks and also have time to talk to a few fans!"

"Um yeah! I'm ready!" I yelled.
I slid my shoes on and found mom by the door. I followed her outside and found Ben and his car. We climbed in the backseat and drove to the airport.
When we got there with our Starbucks in hand, we saw tons of paparazzi and fans. Even some haters with signs that said "all swifties must die" but I ignored the haters. We walked past all of the paparazzi and talked to a few fans. Some asked me when I'm going to start writing music and others just asked for a picture. The britties are so nice! And the swifties! At 12:30 we had to go board our plane. We said goodbye to everybody and left. Goodbye Indiana. Goodbye Caitlyn, Cheyenne and Justin. I thought. What would my life be like if Taylor hadn't seen my story on the news? Would I be in foster care? Where would I be?

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