First Day in the Village

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Raven POV: 

   I just got to the village and I was amazed on how beautiful it was. "Can I help you?" I turn to see a small long desk near the entrance and behind the desk was two men. I walked up to them "Yes you can I am here to see the Hokage my name is Raven Ichimaru I was transfer here from the Mist Village." I handed the man the sealed scroll to prove to them I wasn't lying. The two men see the scroll and looked back at me "Very well allow me escort you to the Hokage's office please follow me." I walked back to my summon animal and grabbed the rope and pulled on it. 

   We walked down the busy streets and I can see everyone was looking at me, 'Well I am not surprised I am stranger in this village' I thought to myself. We finally reached the office " You wait here Baelfire I won't be long." I tell my summoned animal, he nods and starts to laid down. The gentleman knocked on the door "COME IN!" I hear a woman yelling. "Excuse Mid-lady this young woman says she is from Hidden in Mist." I walked forward "Ah! Yes you must be the transfer ninja the Mist sent." I bowed before her "Yes Hokage Lady Mizukage thought I was best selection for this transfer to the village it is honor to meet you." I hear her giggle " I am not surprised the Ichimaru clan is one the strongest clans from the Mist village, do you have the scroll?" she asked me. I went into my bag and grab the scroll, I handed it to her. "RELEASE!" she opens the scroll "I see you will be with us for two years and helping us anyway you could I am fine with that however, you will be giving me your shinobi bandana and return given a Leaf one according to Mizukage after the two years are up you are allowed to stay if you want or return to the Mist understood?" she tells me, I think about away from my sister that long but I can write to her any day. I step forward and handed my my Mist bandana to her and was handed a leaf one 'Well no turning back now!' 

 "Wonderful! here is the key to your new home put your things and come back tomorrow you have your first mission also you will be meeting your team." She tells me  "Hai!" I walked out of her office and towards Baelfire "Come on buddy time to see our new place." I walked the streets and I see all cool little cute stores and restaurants around. Until I see a boy flying towards me I step to the side so I don't get it. I see the boy rubbing his cheek "Are you okay?" I put out my hand to help him up, "Yeah thanks!" I pulled him up and I helped to dust him "That was quite a punch I hope your cheek is fine?" he giggles " Yeah it is she always does that, I've been gone for two years I still don't know when to keep my mouth shut." He tells me I giggle "Well I hope you learned your lesson." He pulls out his hand "My name is Naruto Uzumaki and yours?" I shakes his hand "My name is Raven Ichimaru I just moved here." "WHAT! No way! well you are in best village in the world!" I giggle "I don't know about the best but is cute little village." "NARUTO! COME ON! WE NEED MEET LADY TSUNADE!" The girls with pink hair yelled "COMING!! Say when I am done let me show you around." I nodded "Sure! I would like that!" I smiled. He runs off and joins the girl with the pink hair.  

 I continue walking and I finally reached the house I will be staying at "*Sighs* I am not surprise grandpa got me a house for once would he let me pay for my own stuff." I open the door "Hello?" The house was completely empty 'well at least he allows me live alone with no servants.' I think to myself. I took everything off Baelfire even if armed. "There you go! you are welcome to stay or go back." I tell him, he walks  near the fireplace and lay down 'Guess he staying' I say putting my hands on my hip.  It took me few hours but I finally got the house ready "Good thing I learned how to but furniture  in scrolls I save myself some money." *knock knock* "Hmm? Who could that be?" I look at the time it was eight at night. "Coming!" I walked to the door I opened to see a tall man with white hair and mask that covers half of his face.  "I hope I am not intruding you this late hour, I came here to introduce myself." The man tells "Oh! not at all actually just finish unpacking please why don't you come in." I step to the side to let man come. "Thank you." He smiles to me I couldn't help myself but blush when he did that.  

  I handed him some tea that just finished making, "Thank you your too kind." I sat down on the couch "Now, tell me what brings you here I know Lady Hokage didn't sent you as the welcome wagon." He laughs "You been in the village few hours and you already know me, no Lady Tsunade didn't sent me however; I am here as the leader of the group you be working with and I thought you want info on us before you join us on the mission tomorrow." He hands me few files, I grab them " Oh thank you I was going to ask for these in morning before meet the group, thank you. So tell me sir what is your name I assume you already know mine." I say crossing my legs giving him a evil smirk "I do Lady Raven granddaughter of Aizen Ichimaru and daughter of Luna Ichimaru your clan as well your abilities surpass you specially at young age, as for my name it is Kakashi Hatake leader of group seven the team you will be working with." I open the folders and look at the Naruto folder first the boy I bumped into then the girl with pink hair 'So her name is Sakura hmm interesting she medical ninja like me.' I close the folder 

"Now Kakashi do you have any questions or concerns of me joining your group and do not worry I am not here to replace Sasuke Uchiha in your group." He takes a sip of the tea I have made "I have no concerns what so ever and I know you are not here to replace him but I do have one question why a talent young ninja like yourself wanting to agree working in the transfer program? You could have been a guard for Water Lord if you wanted to." 

 I sigh uncrossed my legs and lean forward "You see Kakashi in my clan you can say I am crown jewel because what I can do however; I do not want to be locked up in my family house like a bird in a cage or work with group of mist ninjas that fear me because what I can do." I sat back in the couch and looked down "I rather go to a village where no one know my family curse or name I go by in the Mist village so that is your answer to you question." It was quite for a minute then I hear him sigh "I do not blame you on that and I understand in a way you and Naruto are the same treated like monster even when if it is not your fault and I am happy you told me the truth then lie to me."  I hear the clock strike nine "It is late we need our rest for tomorrow mission." He says while getting up from the couch. I walked with him to the door. "Thank you for the tea it was yummy and I am sorry for dropping in this late." I shake my head "Don't need to apologize I am happy I got to meet the copy cat ninja and you are welcome stop by anytime you want." He smiles turns around and bows and started walking. I closed the door and starts getting ready for bed 'Tomorrow is going to be long day I just know it.' I thought as I drift off to sleep. 

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