The Day Of The Trail Part One

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Raven POV: 

      I was woken by the sun shining through my window I cover my eyes because the sun was too bright 'go away you damn sun!' I thought in my head out of annoyance, my was pulled out of my thoughts by a light pull. I move the hand away from my face and I open my eyes to see Gaara arm around my waist trying to pull me closer to him, I couldn't help but to blush at this moment I decide to pull myself closer to him and dig my head into his chest. "Good morning snow flower" I start to smile when I hear him call me by that nickname "Morning Gaara-kun I hope you slept well." He makes a morning sound in his way saying yes, I start to giggle 'guess he is not a morning person either.' I thought to myself I slowly get up to see the time, luckily Gaara allowed me to get up. I look at the clock it was little past seven which is not bad because the trial starts at eleven. I slowly get out of the bed and head to the kitchen to see if breakfast was ready. 

   I arrived in the kitchen to see Kakashi and Chōjūrō standing there I am guessing waiting for everyone to get up. "Good Morning you two!" I say to them, they turn towards me and smiled Chōjūrō walks towards me with a smile on his face "Morning Lady Raven and Lord Kazekage!" I was confused so I turned around and sure enough there was Gaara standing behind me, he looks down and smiles at me I couldn't help but blush. I turned towards the two men and asked "No breakfast made yet?" Chōjūrō shakes his head "No the cooks are still sleeping, *looks down* I would cook but I don't know how to." I smile and place my hand on his shoulder he looks up at me "Don't worry I do, go to the village and get some eggs, meat, and a bag of rice okay?" He starts to smile nods his head, and begins heading to the door. Kakashi going with him to help him out with food "Will you help me get breakfast ready Gaara?" I asked him while I put on a apron I found on the counter, he nods his head and begins helping me out. 

A Hour Later: 

  Finally got breakfast done I head to my room to get ready for the trail, I put on my ninja gear and my Mist Village headband. I hear a knock at my door I told the person come in it was Sakura "Oh Sakura how can I help you?" I asked her as I turn around to look at her, I can tell she is nervous about the trail and she is not alone I am nervous as well. "Sensei are you sure about this trail? I feel like something going to happen." I walked put to her and place my hand on her shoulder, it is true I only know her and other Leaf ninjas for short time but I feel like l know them for a life time. "Do not worry Sakura everything will be fine, if something does happen I know that you and the others will be there to protect me and my sister." I knew my words calm her down a bit and she smiles at me and nods, I smile back and we both head towards where everyone is at.  As we enter the main hall of the house I see two ANBU Black Ops there standing near my sister. " I am assuming you are escorting to the trail?" I ask in a stern voice, both men kneel right before me "We are Lady Raven, Mizukage's orders." I sigh out of annoyance 'for once I wish she didn't treat me like a child.' I thought to myself, I moved forward towards the door and turn around to face my sister."I will see you there sister, very well let us go." With that we left.

Nightingale POV:

    I watch my sister disappear into thin air, it always impressed me on how fast she can run I turned to everyone "Let's get going the trail will begin soon follow me." As we were walking through the village I keep looking back at Gaara, what happen last night kept running around my head I need to ask him why? Why does he care about my sister so much? I finally gave in to all the questions in my head  and built up the courage to ask him, "Gaara I want ask you a question." I can tell that I have interrupted his thoughts "What is it Lady Nightingale?" I looked at him with a serious look "Why do you care for my sister so much?" He was shock to my question and then starts to relax his expression he looks down, "To be honest I really don't know why? Every time I am near her she brings the best out of me. So when that man said those things about her my blood boiled. I am still trying figured out myself." Hearing his answer to my question all the thoughts in my head silenced I start to giggle little bit. He looks at me all confused "I know the answer to that question Gaara, you are in love with her."  I walked little faster to catch up to everyone I look behind me and I see Gaara standing there in complete shock on what I said. "Hey!" I snap him out of his trance and he looks up to me "You may know my sister for a short time but love is the most mysterious thing, if you love my sister then tell her *smiles* show her how much she means to you." I turned around and continue walking, I look up to the sky and smile 'well mom your wish came true Raven has found love and believe it or not by a monster like her.'

At The Trail

Raven POV:

    Me and the two ANBU Black Ops finally arrived at the trail, I look up to see Lady Mizukage was standing there waiting for my arrival. "Raven! *walks up to me and hugs me* I am glad made it in time. I hope there was no trouble?" I shake my head no "No no issues on the way here I don't understand why I needed a escort Lady Mizukage I can take care of myself." She starts to laugh I looked at her with annoyance on my face "I made a promise to your mom that I would take care of you and your siblings, can't help a woman caring for some amazing kids." I sighed out of annoyance I know the promise that Lady Mizukage made with my mom but still it does get annoying when she does this. We started heading to the main room where the trail will be hailed, there he was standing there my entire body starts to shake. He looks my way and gives me a evil smirk as if he has missed me. My body couldn't stop shaking I knew this was a bad idea! I knew I wasn't ready to see him again. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder I look up and see my big brother was there, "Rin?" he gives me one his calm and collected smile which helps the stop my shaking. "You think you will be going through this without me?" He tells me I start to smile when he says this to me. I give him a death glare to prove to him that I am not scared of him anymore. Me and my brother continue to walk to main hall. We finally made it to the trail room where I will finally tell my side of the story, I looked up in the crowed and I see everyone there. I smiled when I saw Gaara there he smiles back at me and nods I can feel him telling me that I got this, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I see it was my brother's hand "Don't worry I will be here the whole time if anything happens I will intervene." I smiled at my brother and nodded I walk towards the chair I will be sitting through the whole trail. As I finally sat down and look up to the judges Lady Mizukage speaks. "The trail shall begin! Rave Ichimaru you are here today to confront Shinta Kato about some accusations he did three years ago is that correct?" I nod my head "Yes Lady Mizukage." A medical ninja stands next to me and ties me to the chair "We are only doing this to protect you from yourself, the potion is quiet strong. Once you drink the potion it affects will begin and it will last at least two hours." I nod my head the medical ninja tells me to open my mouth so I can drink the potion, it taste like acid going down my throat. My head starts to hurt I felt like I was going to get sick. I looked up to Gaara and I can see he is worried about me but I have to do this the only way I will move forward to see that bastard behind bars for the rest of his miserable life. 

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