Saving a Life

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(I am going to skip to the part where Lady Chiyo tries to bring Gaara back to life sorry!!!) 

Raven POV: 

 As I helped her bring Gaara back to life by giving her some of my chakras I can see pair of hands appeared before us I looked up and see it was Naruto "Please! Let me help?" I looked at Lady Chiyo and she just smiled at me, I returned the smile and nod my head "Yes please Naruto the help is definitely welcome in this situation." He places his hands on top of ours 'Please Gaara come back, you have a village waiting for you to return don't leave them so soon.' I am starting to get tired my chakra is started to fade "Don't you give up on me now Ice Queen." I looked up at Lady Chiyo with disbelieving "How did you know that name?" She laughs a little "I know your grandfather quite well from the golden days, he helped me to perfect this jutsu so tell me is he still around?" I smiled at her "*nods* yes he is still braking like an old dog." She laughs even harder "That old Ice Wizard still barking an order to everyone around him." 'I am glad I got to meet grandpa's old friend he tells me about.' 

Gaara POV: 

   I suddenly awaken as if I slept for a long time I looked to the left of me and I see Naruto "Naruto?" he smiles at him "Hey Gaara." I looked around and see so many sand shinobis around me so happy to see me alive and well. "You got them all scared Lord Kazekage." I turned to my right and see this beautiful creature next to me with the biggest smile on her face. "Who are you?" I asked her "Oh? I am sorry where are my manners my name is Raven Lord Kazekage Raven Ichimaru at your service!" Her smile is so warm and welcoming I couldn't help myself to stare at her "GAARA!" I turn to see my sister in front of me "Are you okay Gaara?" All I can do is nod everyone cheered. 

   "I got you Gaara." My brother was standing where she was standing deep down I was sad she left my side. I watched her with my eyes I see her doing a summon jutsu hand signs "SUMMONING JUTSU!" she yelled soon after a huge cloud of smoke appeared. The cloud of smoke starts to fade away and I see a huge white bear with armor my eyes widen. "This is Noe Lord Kazekage he will help you get back to the village I trust him with my life." I nodded my brother and Naruto helps me to get to bear he kneels for me make it easier for me to get on. The bear finally got up "Do not worry Lord Kazekage I will be by your side during this journey." I couldn't help myself but smile. "Lady Raven?" Looked forward it was Sakura "Yes Sakura?" she responds back. I can see Sakura has been crying. "Can you make an ice coffin for Lady Chiyo?" 'Ice coffin?' I think to myself  "Yes, of course, Sakura anything for Lady Chiyo, please lay her down." Some the shinobis did as she asked, she takes off her gloves and does some hand signs again. "Ice barrier." Suddenly Lady Chiyo was surrounded by ice. 

  The ice moved towards her and stop right next to Sakura and four other shinobis "There we go as long you four put your chakra on the ice it will stay that way." Everyone was impressed I also was, she walks back to me and stands by my side "Shall we get going?" I nod in agreement. We started to walk and I kept looking at her 'she is amazing!' I thought to myself "So?" I try to break the silence between us she looks up at me her amazing emerald green eyes looking at me. Before I could say anything my brother decided to speak "How can you make ice?" 'Thanks Kankuro you just have stolen my question.' She giggles little bit can't help but like her laugh "Guess you don't know my nickname because sister knows it." I and Kankuro look at Temari "She knows as the Ice Queen her clan has the ability to turn things into the ice with just one touch." I looked straight back at her 'I can not believe my eyes the strongest ninja from the Mist is right next to me' "Wait! Your telling me that is a little girl is the Ice Queen!"  

Raven POV: 

'little girl huh??'  my blood boiled when he called me that "For your information, I am actually 18 years old thank you very much paint man." I hear some sand shinobis laughing what I said "Hey! What did you call me!" I look towards Gaara's brother "You heard me paint man maybe need to clean out your ears oh wait! that is a hat never mind." I laughed when I said that I can see saying that pissed him off big time. 

Gaara POV: 

  Hearing her call Kankuro that made me laugh "That does it get over here Ice Queen!!" I watched them running around I started laughing watching them playing around "I see you are doing well Gaara." I hear Nenji talking to me I smiled "I am actually my body is still stiff but it is nice to see my brother having fun." I looked at him and he smiled "Indeed this is my first time meeting her but she does lighten the mood a bit she reminds me a little bit of Naruto." I nod in agreement 'she does that I do agree on.'  Kankuro stops chasing her she went back standing next to me she still giggling I smiled because I am enjoying this moment so well. "Um-mm Lady Raven?" I turn and see one the sand shinobi standing next to her "Yes?" I can tell the shinobi was nervous "I hear you have an amazing singing voice can you sing us a song I know it a random question." 

 I see a big grin start to form on her face "I would love to!" She closes her eyes and began singing.

Hearing her sing that sweet and sad song made me cry it felt as if she knows my mind. I continue hearing her sing made my heart melt.   

  You're like a mirror, reflecting me

Takes one to know one, so take it from me

You've been lonely
You've been lonely, too long
We've been lonely
We've been lonely, too long  

  Once she was done I hear clapping everyone clapped for her even I did. "Oh! thank you everyone!" she smiles out of embarrassment I thought it was cute then I stop myself 'Am I forming a crush on this girl that I just meet out this terrible circumstance?'  I look back at hear and I smiled 'I do have a crush on her and I want to so much about her.' 

Raven POV: 

  I was so embarrassed after I sang that song "You sing beautifully Raven." I looked up at the Kazekage he had the sweetest smile on his face I couldn't help but blush when he said that. "Oh thank you Lord Kazekage." I feel a hand on my head and I looked up to see the Kazekage was only an inch from my face I blush madly red "Please call me Gaara Raven okay?" 'Omg! he is so handsome! wait! I can't fall in love with him! he is the Kazekage.' I nodded "Okay Kaze... oops I mean Gaara." I looked down to the ground 'Besides who wants fall in love with the Ice Queen.'  I hear a cough coming from Gaara "Are you okay Gaara??" He nods but he is still coughing "Noe stop!" I tell the armed bear to stop. I hop on to the bear and gently push his forehead on to mine. "Is he okay???" I hear Temari asking me with worry in her voice. "He is fine a slight fever but fine. IF ANYONE HAVE BLANKET PLEASE HANDED IT TO ME!"  I yelled out.  

 Gaara POV: 

 "Here I got one!" I hear Naruto yelling, he hands it to Raven "Thank you Naruto!" She pulls the blanket around me I couldn't help myself but blush. "There we go! now try to sit still once we make camp for the night I will make you some herbal tea to help with that cold okay?" All I could do is nod, I felt embarrassed a Mist shinobi taking care of me. I look up to her and see the concern in her eyes, she worried about my fever and if it going to get worse or not. "Hey! Gaara!" I looked down to see Lee and Naruto standing next to the bear "I wish I had a girl taking care of me how about you Lee?" Lee nods "Yup! I wish I did your so lucky Gaara."  Raven turns around starting face forward "Rest your head on my back I will take care of the reins from now on." She turns to me and gives me a sweet smile. I nod and did as she asked me to, I can hear her heartbeat it was soothing and calm like the ocean. "How can you be so calm and collected time like this Raven?" I asked her without opening my eyes. "Simple! I have my comrades with me, as long as they stand by my side during this journey I know they will have my back."  Hearing her say those words made me confident again 'She is right as long you have people by your side have nothing to worry about.'  I started to drift to sleep knowing I am good hands not only with the sand and Leaf but with her.  

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