Missing Her Already

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Gaara POV: 

   It's been a month since I was rescue from Akatsuki by the help from Naruto and his friends. But some how I can not get Raven out of my head. No matter how many time I have try she won't get out of my head.  *knock knock* "Come in!" I tell the person to come into my office. I see it is Kankuro "Done for the day Gaara?" I nod "Yes I am." I looked back to the window and look down at the city that saved before I was defeated by the Akatsuki "Gaara what's up? You got a lot on your mind?" He asked me I sighed "No I only have one person on my mind and I don't know what to do." I turned around to look at my brother. 

  "Oh? who is the lucky girl?" giving me a evil smirk on his face 'minds as well tell him he will find out soon of enough' I looked at him "It's the girl that goes by name Raven, no matter how many times I try not think about her I can't get her out of my head." 

Kankuro POV: 

 I can't believe my ears my little brother is in love with the Ice Queen? Then again I am happy that my brother likes someone "So? What are you going to do Gaara?" I can see the gears in his head turning trying to figure out what to do see her again. Then a idea came to my mind "Hey! I got a idea why not send a letter to the Hokage asking if we can come to the village and thank the ninjas who rescue you and throw them a party."  A light of hope appeared in my brother's eyes  "Good idea Kankuro send the letter right now and let me know what is her response it." I smiled "You got it Gaara!"  I ran down the hall to my office, I sat down in my chair and began writing the letter to the Hokage. 

Dear Lady Tsunade, 

 Lord Kazekage would like to come to the Leaf village to thank the ninjas that risk their lives to save him from Akatsuki, also with your permission to throw them a banquet as his way to thank them. We will not be long in the village just in case they have missions to complete. 

Please send us a message back if you agree to these terms. 



 I roll up the scroll and put into one our message hawk "Please get over there as fast as you can." I let the hawk fly off my arm I watch it fly off 'Please say yes Lady Tsunade my brother wants to see her.' 

One Day Later

Gaara POV: 

 I sit at my desk waiting for the responds from Lady Tsunade, I was about to do work when I hear a knock on the door. "COME IN!" I tell the person "GAARA!" it was Kankuro he runs towards me and hands me a scroll 'It's from the Leaf oh please tell me good news.' I say to myself as I open the scroll and the scroll reads. 

Dear Kazekage

 It would be a honor for you come and visit the Leaf the ninjas on that mission will be truly honored to get a thanks from you. Please stay as long as you can we can discuss about the transfer program. Please send word when you are arriving to the village. 



 "Well??" I hear my brother asking me I looked up with a smile on my face "She is allowing us to stay as long as we want also wants to discuss about the transfer program with the Leaf started doing with the five great nations."  I was over joyed with happiness "That is great news Gaara!!! When do you want to leave?" I looked at him "Tonight!"  He leaves the office to get things ready for our trip. 'I wonder if she is thinking about me as I am thinking about her?' I think to myself. 

Leaf Village: 

 Raven POV: 

 Ever since the mission saving Gaara I can't stop thinking about him "Hello! Earth to Raven Sensei!" I get out of my trans "Huh? What did you say Tenten?" She sighs at me "Honestly Raven Sensei! You been acting odd since the mission." I looked down at my curry "Are you okay?" I looked up at Hinata "Oh! Yes I am alright it just I can't stop thinking about someone." Everyone gasps "WHO! WHO! WHO!" Ino getting so close to my face trying to get a answer out of me. "*Sighs* It's Gaara. You guys probably think I am nuts! *nervous laugh*" Everyone laughed at me I looked around, then I feel a hand on my head I turn to see it is Sakura.   

 "Why would we think you are nuts? Is it because he is the Kazekage?" I nod in responds I was embarrassed what I said 'Great now their going to make fun of me and all the work I have done get out of my shell was for nothing.' Suddenly Sakura messes up my hair "HEY!" I tell her and all she did was smiled at me "It's cute that you like Gaara Raven Sensei, and I am sure one day you will see him again so you can tell him how you feel."  I smiled to her response it made me happy to know I have friends that support me. "Thanks Sakura that means a lot to me." She gives me a big smile, 'one day just like Sakura said I will see him again then maybe I can him how I feel.'  "But for now! a toast to finishing up a mission!" I shouted out "CHEERS!" I laugh enjoying the company of my new friends.

I waved goodbye to my friends and headed home, I looked up at the moon who was my only friend in the Mist village. A folded my hands into pray form and I started to ask a the moon a favor "Please dear friend send him to me tell him that I want to see him again." I closed my eyes, unfold my hands and headed home 'I hope my wish comes true I want see those sea green eyes just one more time.' I thought to myself as I was walking. 

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