Send Strength My Way

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Gaara POV: 

   We finally made it back home, we left the same day as Raven and the others. I looked down as I walked thinking about Raven 'I hope she got home safely.' I thought to myself "Don't worry Gaara I am sure Raven will send you message soon." I hear Temari say all I could do is nod, I was worried about her she was about to face the monster the took something precious from her. "Welcome home Lord Gaara!" I looked up see the a shinobi runs up to me "Lord Gaara a letter from the Mist Village." My eyes widen I took the scroll I knew had to be from Raven who else would it be I open the scroll and began to read it as we were walking through the cave entrance to the village.

 Dear Gaara-kun, 

    I have made it back home safe and sound, everyone is settled in as if been here their whole life. I've been told that the trail will be held in five days and that I will have to drink a truth potion so I can't lie during the trial. The other girls who are part of this trial will speaking first on the last day of the trail I will speak and then him. 

   To be honest Gaara I am really scared no I am more terrified, I don't want to see him again. I know if I see him again all the memories of that day will rush back to me. I wish you were here to give some strength during these next few days. So please Gaara send me all the strength you have my way I can use all the strength and courage during these times.  I know we only one each other for short time but I know I can trust you. 

    Tell Temari and Kankuro I said hello for me. I hope you got back to the Sand Village safely, I am sorry that we couldn't go on that date and I am also sorry that your trip to the Leaf Village was cut so short. I hope you can forgive me and I hope we can see each other soon

Yours Truly, 

Snow Flower. 

     Reading this letter from Raven made me happy and worried at the same time. Happy that she and the others got there same and sound but, worried because she is scared to face this monster. "Is it from Raven Gaara?" I hear Kankuro ask I nod my head "Yes she and the others made it there safe and sound but sounds like she is nervous and scared for the trail." I sighed I want to go and be by her side during this time, crumble up the scroll I can't decide what to do go and support her or stay here and wait for a response from her. I feel a hand on my shoulder I looked to my left to see it was Kankuro. "Don't worry Gaara she has Kakashi and Sakura with her, they will protect her no matter what." I knew he was right she did have her friends there, but I can't shake this feeling that something going to happen. 

      I finally reach my office, I set my gore next to my desk as I sat down. I sat there what it felt like for hours with my thoughts going through my head how to write back to Raven. I hear a knock at my door, I rub my eyes to see to look at the clock to see what time it was it little pass six "Come in!" I told the person it was Kankuro and Temari. "Are you okay Gaara? You been cooped up in your office since we got home." Temari asked me with worried look on her face, " I am Temari just trying to find the words to tell Raven." I place my head on my hands so many words were going through my head "Well I have few words you can tell her. Well four words actually you can tell her." I didn't look up I kept my head in my hands "What are these words?" I hear a giggle from both of my siblings I finally looked up at him with confusion 'what are they laughing about?' I thought to myself "I will see you soon." Temari says my eyes widen when I heard these words "That's right Gaara will be heading out to the Mist Village tonight so I suggest you pack few things, and don't worry I send a message to Mizukage that we will be heading to the Mist Village and that it is a surprised for Raven." I couldn't believe my ears I was actually going to head to the Mist Village to see Raven, "But how? How did you convince the council to allow me to leave the village?" I see Temari but a finger to her lips and winked "We just lie and said that Mizukage asked us and Leaf to help them out with some bandits." I looked down at the paper and wrote as fast as my hand can go.

Dear Snow Flower,

  I am glad that you are home safe and sound, that everyone is doing well.  I am sorry that you are scared and terrified to see that monster again. I wish I could be there with you during the trail, however; I will be there for you in spirit. Don't be sorry about anything this is not your fault the slightest, I will send all my strength to you and remember I will be there for you in spirit. I will Temari and Kankuro you said hello and I will see you soon I promise. Also we did made it back to the Sand Village safely. 

Yours Truly,


   I put the scroll in the bird and watch it fly off to the Mist Village 'please get to the village fast little one.' I thought to myself I put my gore back on "How long will it take get there?" I ask them I was ready to go right now I didn't want pack or waste any more time "We will arrive there around the time the trail beginnings. While we are traveling the Mizukage will send us a message to let us know that there will be a boat waiting for us." I understood "Very well let me get few things and then we will head out." They nod in agreement. I went back to our house I packed a few things I was looking around for the box I got on the way home, I turned around and there it was on the table I left it. I picked it up 'I hope she likes it,' I thought to myself trying not blush, I put my bags on back of my pants and heading out the door. I walked to the gate to see Temari and Kankuro standing there "Ready Gaara?" I nod my head "Ready!"  We started walking when we heard someone yelled stop, we turn around to who it was Baki running towards us.

     "What is it Baki? We have to leave!" I hear Kankuro tell him, he stop running and try to caught his breath "Lord Gaara please wait! *out of breath* you just got back to village not that long ago and now you are leaving to help the Mist Village! Why not let other shinobis help with this issue and you stay in the village it is not safe for you specially if our enemies find out you have left the village." I sighed because I was starting to get annoyed "Because Baki if we want future alliance with the Mist I have to go, and besides I want discuss with Mizukage about few things anyway." I wasn't lying I want talk about this trail with her and plan something like this never happens again. Baki can see no matter what he said I will not change my mind "Very well Lord Gaara please have safe journey and send a message when you get there." I nod my head I turned around and started walking towards the entrance 'hold on Raven I will be there soon as I can you will not fight this battle alone.'  We started running towards the ocean where our boat will be "Gaara why you want go so bad? You know that Leaf shinobis can protect her!" I hear Temari telling me "I know that! But I just got a bad feeling about this trail I don't know what it is." I wasn't lying I had bad gut feeling like something going to happen and I needed to be there.  I ran I ran so fast as I could to get to the ocean. "Gaara! Let's take a break!" I hear Temari I looked behind me and nod my head, we been running since dawn I see some trees "We will rest under those trees!" I pointed at them we ran towards them, I take off my gore and rested in the tree eyes started to get heavy I was about drift off to sleep. 

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