On The Way Home Part One

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Raven POV:

We're getting close to the pier where we were going to pick us up to take us to Mist village, I get off Baelfire give him a break. I walked on to the pier and took in a deep breath, I didn't know I would miss the feel of the ocean. "This is my first seeing the ocean." I hear Hinata telling me as she walks next to me, I looked at her and smile "Well, luckily the boat ride is a short one, we will reach the village by dawn the next day." I tell her and then I looked down to the ground 'I really wish Gaara was here.' I thought to myself, I feel a hand on my shoulder I looked up and see it was Hinata giving me her sweet yet shy smile "Don't worry Sensei me nor Sakura nor Kakashi-Sensei will leave your side through this mission." My eyes widen "Why do you guys care so much about me? I mean only being in the village at least six months now."

I really wanted to know why "Simple Lady Raven."I turned around to face Kakashi "Your a Leaf Shinobi and we help one another no matter what." He gives me a smile, I turned back around to face the ocean and I nod my head slowly "Thank you guys it means a lot to me." I see a boat coming into port "LADY RAVEN!" I hear my name being shouted from the boat I turn to see it was Chōjūrō one of Lady Mizukage bodyguards and also one of my students. "Hey!" I wave to him, the boat stop and I see him getting off the boat and running towards us. He gives me a hug Chōjūrō was always a shy and timid kid however; he always puts 100% in his work that is why I was proud to be his Sensei for a short moment. "It's so good to see you again Lady Raven!" He tells me, I place my hand on his head "It's good to see you too, will you escorting us to the village?" I asked him he nods his head "I am oh! Are these the Shinobis that will be with during your trip back to the village?" I turned to face them "Yes they are we have Hinata, Sakura, Kakashi, and Yamato. They will be guards during this trip Hokage orders." I couldn't tell him the truth about why they were with me on this trip.

We all got on the boat I lean on Baelfire and close my eyes, I couldn't sleep past few days without waking up yelling. I could hear footsteps, I open my eyes to see Chōjūrō was sitting next to me. "I am sorry Lady Raven." I looked at him in confusion "What you worry about?" I can see his experience was sad and angry at the same time, "I am sorry I couldn't protect you from Shinta Kato when I heard the news I was in a rage." I can see that the news not only made him angry but I can also tell that he wanted to protect me as it did for him years ago. I brought him into an embrace "You have nothing to be sorry about Chōjūrō, what happens to me is entirely my fault. I didn't say anything to Mizukage two years ago and now it has come back to haunt me. If I had said something back then this would be solved already." Tears start to flow down my face, I was thinking about the village this whole time and not myself. "The reason why you didn't say anything because you were putting the village first?" I look up to see it was Sakura that was talking. I nod in agreement "That is correct I didn't want a battle between the two clans to happen in the village." I feel Sakura embrace into a hug.

"You were thinking as a shinobi, not as Raven Ichimaru, no one would blame you putting the village before your own." Sakura's words hit me like bullets, she was right I was thinking as a ninja and not as a sixteen-year-old teenager. I wiped my eyes "Thank you Sakura I needed to hear those words, and you are right I did it for sake of village and now I have to it for me." 

Sakura POV: 

 It made me angry to see a young lady who closes in strength to Lady Tsunade be in pain like this. "Your name is Chōjūrō correct?" The boy looks up at me and nods, I give him a gesture to make him follow me. We both look at Raven and we can see she has fallen sleep 'I bet she is tired from the long journey.' I thought to myself we walked towards everyone, I turned around to face Chōjūrō "Now tells us about this man name Shinta Kato." I want to know everything about this clan, "He is the grandson of Ren Kato who is the council since Third Mizukage, the clan is well known for their chakra sense." I nod at him, he continues to tell us that Kato clan wanted Ichimaru clan to leave the village because of their abilities. "The Kato clan make it sound that Lady Raven's family is pure evil which is not true at all. Lady Raven younger sister Lady Nightengale is the sweetest lady in the village...well besides Lady Mizukage." I can tell this boy loved this teacher, to be honest, I don't blame him Raven-sensei is the nicest ninja you ever meet.  "Now this makes sense." I hear Kakashi-sensei "What you mean sensei? Do you think he did this in order the clan gets out of the village?" I asked him he shakes his head no "Remember what Raven said the only reason why she didn't say anything was that she was thinking about the village." I went through my thoughts and my eyes widen "He wanted the outbreak the village!" Kakashi-sensei nods in agreement "Exactly Sakura he did this not only bring an uprising in the village but to make Lady Raven 's family was been hide this the whole time." I couldn't believe it! I look towards Raven-sensei sleeping quietly 'why would a clan go and do something so cruel and heartless because Ichimaru clan has special ninjutsu skills.' Then I thought about the two other girls that were raped "Chōjūrō was the other two girls from well know clans in the village?" I asked him. 

   I can see his eyes widen "They are actually both girls are from the Hashimoto and the Himura clans." He tells me just as I thought "Where are you thinking about Sakura?" I hear Yamato asks me "Think about Captain Yamato a clan that has been on the council since the Third Mizukage, a clan who cares only for the village." I can see everyone eyes widen "They're planning to use this rape trail not only to kick these three clans out the village for making up these lies but to make the Kato clan the strongest clan in the village." I hear Kakashi-sensei "Correct that's why there is so much chaos in the village, they're making these girls look like they are trash and shouldn't be in the village." I hear a cough from Chōjūrō "Well luckily we can answer those theories."  We all looked at him confused "You see during the trail everyone who is speaking will have to take truth serum, whoever drinks it will have to say the truth." 

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