The Day of Sorrow

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Raven POV: 

    When I returned to the Leaf Village I hear that Naruto lost his teacher Jiraiya to the leader of the  Akatsuki. I left bad that wasn't there to help out Naruto, losing someone, especially someone you look up to is the worst kind of feeling. I looked to the sky and it was already dusk 'Well too late in the evening to find Naruto and tell him I am sorry for his loss.' I thought to myself "Raven-Sensei." I looked down and I see Sakura and Kakashi waiting for me at the gate, I started walking towards them "Sakura, Kakashi what you two doing here?" I finally reached them "Took you longer to get back and we got worried about you." Sakura answered my question I looked at their clothes and I can tell they just had the funeral for Jiraiya, I place my hand on Sakura's head and she looks at me "I am sorry for worrying you Sakura I promise I won't do it again also I am sorry for your lost guys." We started walking into the Village and Kakashi told me what I have missed while I was away, apparently, they found Sasuke but lost him because of a man in mask stop them for following him by the time they got rid of him Sasuke got away. 

  I looked at Sakura and I can tell she is annoyed by it "I see that can be annoying, how is Naruto? Is he doing okay with Jiraiya's lost?" I looked at Kakashi and he shakes his head no I looked down 'I see so I was right he is taking it harder than anyone.' We finally arrived at Lady Tsunade's office I waved goodbye to Sakura, Kakashi wanted to go in with me to hear my report but before we did I see my brother's owl flying in. I place my arm out for him to land on it I see there is a note attached to him, I grabbed it and let him fly away I opened it to see what the letter was. I open the scroll to read it once I did I fell to my knees "Raven! What's wrong!" I hear Kakashi asking me 'No! No! Out of all days why today!' I looked up to Kakashi with my eyes already pouring out tears "It's my grandfather he die this morning. From a heart attack."  

Kakashi POV: 

    I was shocked to hear that Raven lost her grandfather, I kneeled down next to her placing my hand on her shoulder "Lady Raven you need to get up this is not the place nor the time shed tears." She nods her head and gets up, we start walking to Lady Tsunade's office I knocked on the door "Come in!" I can tell by her voice that she also has been crying, we enter the room to see them still in their formal outfits "Kakashi and Raven what brings you here?" Tsunade asked mostly because I came with Raven "I am here to give you my report and also I have a request Mi-Lady." I looked at Raven with a sad look I can tell she is trying her hardest not to cry right now.  Raven tells the Hokage that the mission went well and all the Medical Ninjas have learned all the medical Jutus from her "Very good I am glad it went well, now what is your request Raven?" I looked at and I can see she is trying her best to think of words without crying "You see Mi-Lady today I received word that my grandfather has passed away this morning my brother would like if I came home for few days and also to claim the family Jutus." I was shocked by what she said 'Family Jutus? I thought the only jutus her family has is the ice one.' I look over to Hokage and I can see she also shocked by what Raven said. "What family Jutus? I thought your clan only has one family curse and that is the ice." She was right that only curses that we know of, suddenly Raven raises her hand and points at Tsunade's forehead "The Jutus you carry Mi-Lady you when the head of the family, in this case, my grandfather passes the Jutus is pass to the next head of the family which is me." Now I understand by what she said it is the 1,00 healing Jutus that Lady Tsunade has "Ah I see that makes sense your family is known for their healing Jutus, *sighs* very well you can take some time off to spend with your family but I want you to take some Shinobis with you."  

  Raven POV: 

 "Very well I will take Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura, and Sai." I see that she was shocked to the team I want and that is team seven "I know Naruto just lost Jiraiya but to be honest Naruto needs time to heal and I know him he would want to train to kill the name who killed his teacher, I can teach Naruto different wind nature change Jutus better than anyone in the Village. You know Naruto better than one Kakashi once he sets his mind on something he will not change it." I hear Kakashi laugh a little because he knew I was right "You do have a point there Raven you and Naruto are the only ones that know wind chakra change however, the sage toads want to take Naruto under their wing it was Jiraiya the last request so have to think of a different person to join you on your mission back to the Mist Village." I nod my head I have to think of another person to own us but who? "I may know one person that can join us Lady Tsunade why, not Yamato he helped us last time." I winded my eyes how come I could not think of him that moment he would be perfect Lady Tsunade agrees to the team and we left the office "Thank you Kakashi I had a hard time thinking." I looked down I was ashamed of myself because I have to be a shinobi first and Raven second I can't let my emotions go wild. 

   Suddenly I felt a hug "It's alright Lady Raven you can cry now I am here for you as a friend." As soon as he said that I let my tears flow down my face like they were a waterfall, I cried so hard in his vest I feel like I soaked his shirt with it. After a few minutes, I finally stop crying "Feel better now?" I looked up and nod my head he let me "I am sorry about your vest Kakashi I hardly ever cry so I guess this is the first time." Kakashi starts to laugh I looked at him with an odd look "Don't worry about it Lady Raven sometimes it is okay to cry if we didn't we are not human." I smiled at his comment he is right we have to cry once and a while "You are right to thank you Kakashi." 

*A Few Day Later*

 I came back to the Village as I promise and I inherited my family Jutus, I told Lady Tsunade one of them the other two I can't say because it is forbidden to speak of.  As I returned I found out they coded Jiraiya's message and also they were done with the autopsy on one of Pain's bodies. I also found out that Naruto is still training Lord Sage, as I was walking through the Village Gaara came to my mind I haven't written to him since I got back the first time from the Sand Village. I started walking home so I can write to him. 

Dear Gaara, 

  I am sorry I haven't written to you things have been crazy, I lose my grandfather the day I can back to the Village so I had to head back home to be with family and settle things there. Now I am in the Leaf Village getting ready to protect it from the Akatsuki, they are still trying to get Naruto and I will protect him no matter what! I will write to you again soon. 

Your Truly, 


I place the letter in my personal owl and told him to fly to Gaara 'Please get there fast and safe Winter I don't want anything bad happening to you.' I thought to myself he was my grandfather's personal owl. I wear my doorbell ring I walked to my door and I see Kakashi and Sakura is there "Ah perfect timing please come in you two." I escort them to my office once we enter I place a small box of books in Sakura's arms "What are these Lady Raven?" I can tell the box is little heavy for her "Before we left for the Mist Village I ask my family to put these books on the side for you Sakura they are Medical books pass down in my family I want you to have them as a thank you for everything." Sakura was shocked on the gift "Are you sure about this Lady Raven?" I nod my head "Yes I am sure I know you been busy trying to figure out Jiraiya's message but I want you at least read one per week to help you in any way." I can tell she is happy about the gift "Now is your turn Kakashi." I grabbed three books off my desk and handed them to him, I told him that they mystery novels from my personal collection back home. "I will honor them thank you Lady Raven." I never knew that day would be the last day of peace and quiet. 

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