I Am Here For You! Part One

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Gaara POV: 

     We finally reach a village, the boat stop at this magnificent house that was built right on top of a river. I turned around to look at Temari and Kankuro they both were sleeping and I don't blame being tired we did pull almost two all nighters to reach the ocean. "Are you Lord Kazekage?" I hear a woman's voice I looked to left of me and see a woman with long blonde hair that was tied into one single braid holding a lamp up to her face she was standing near the pier. "I am and who are you Madame?" a smile formed on her face as she lower the lamp to her side "I am Nightingale Ichimaru Lord Kazkage and welcome to Mist Village" My eyes widen 'could she be Raven's sister?'  I asked myself I hearing yawning and I turned around to see my siblings waking up "Did we make it to the Village?" I hear Temari asking I nod my head yes.

      "Forgive for the confusion my Lord but we have good reason to bring you and your siblings to our house instead of the main gate." I folded my arms together "Why is that may I ask?" I asked as I was getting off the boat and standing in front of the lady, I hear her giggle "I understand you are here for personal and professional reasons my Lord but the Mist doesn't like the Sand very much and If I didn't brought you to our house safely my sister would have my head if anything happens to man she likes." I can feel my cheeks turning red "So I was right you are Raven's sister?" I asked her she bows gracefully in front of me and my siblings "I am my Lord and it is honor to finally meet the man my sister talks about so much." 

     We followed Nightingale up the stairs towards the house "I hope your trip wasn't long?" She asked us I can she trying start a conversation "Not at all we try our best to get here fast as we could." Kankuro responded in return. My mind was racing like crazy 'can't believe I am meeting Raven's sister I wonder what Raven has told her about me?' I thought to myself "Welcome back Lady Nightingale." I hear a man speak it was a ANBU Black Ops ninja standing in front of the door. "Thank you Ru please tell everyone in the ANBU Black Ops that we have special guest *turns around* we have the Kazekage in the village and that must protect him while he is here." The man name Ru bows and vanish in thin air, "I see you got the Black Ops in palm of your hand Lady Nightingale." I hear my brother I turn at him and glare he puts up his hands and gives me 'sorry'  look.  I hear Nightingale laugh I turn towards her was wondering what was so funny "It is true Sir I do but the only reason is why is because my family founder the Black Ops in the Mist Village that is why they listen to me." My eyes widen 'can't believe it I am standing in front of one co-founder of the village.' I thought to myself "Now shall we go inside before it gets cold." I see her hand escorting us into the house I nod my head and went inside. 

      "Gaara is that you?" I look up after I took off my shoes it was Sakura "Hello Sakura!" I hear Temari all I could do is nod to her as my way saying hello she nods back and smiles at me. "What you guys doing here?" I hear her asking us "We can to support Raven and also want to talk to Mizukage about passing a law in both of our villages so this doesn't happen again." I said to her her eyes widen then soften again she can tell that how much I care about Raven even though I don't know her that long, we started walking to one the rooms everyone was at until I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn to see it was Raven's sister Nightingale's hand. 

     "Wait I want talk to you for a moment." I nod my head and we waited for everyone go into the room I hear her sigh "To be honest when I found out that man my sister likes was the Kazekage I was hesitant to this relationship but when Raven told me what you said to her back in Leaf Village that made me change my mind." I nod my head I can tell that she cares about Raven with all her heart, she brings up a finger and places it on my nose "I will approve of you dating my sister but, if I found you hurt her in anyway possible then the gods of heaven will not stop me from kicking your ass do I make myself clear?" I smile little bit and nod my head "Loud and clear." I said to her she nods her head and smiles "Good! Now let us join everyone *starts to walk and stops* Raven is already a sleep it took me a while get her get some sleep so wait until morning to see her." She continues to walk I follow her and stop to look up at the moon it was so close to the house it look like the moon wanted to help Raven as well. 

    I finally reach the room where everyone was at, I place my gore next to the door and sat right next to Sakura and Temari. "Have you seen Raven yet Gaara?" Sakura asked me I shake my head no "Nightingale told me she was sleeping and I didn't want wake her." She nods at me and continues talking about the trail that Raven will be in, "Okay the trail will be held the Hall of Truth." Nightingale started talking to everyone. She was about to continue when one of maids told her there was a guest at the door. "Very well allow them in everyone please move to the side, Gaara sit next to me since you are the Kazekage." Everyone did as she asked I sat right next to her I put on my Kage hat so show I was the Kazekage. A old man appears in the door way "Ah Lord Kato what brings you here?" I hear Nightingale ask the old man, my blood began to bubble in rage but I kept my composure. "I am here to speak about the trail that is going to happen tomorrow." Lord Kato says as he sat down 'What does he want? Why come so late in the night?' I asked myself "Oh Lord Kazekage it is honor to meet you I didn't know you were going to visit the village." Lord Kato looks at me in shock "I am here to speak with Mizukage I know the Ichimaru clan very well nice Lady Nightingale older sister saved my life." I kept my voice in check not to show how angry I was, I know it was this man fault because he allowed his son get away with rape and nearly killing Raven.

Sakura POV: 

      I can tell that Gaara was mad and he wasn't alone I was mad as well, to meet the head of clan that raped Raven-sensei. "Let's cut to chase shall we Lord Kato *looks at Lady Nightingale* what about the trail you want to speak about?" I agree with Lady Nightingale I want to know as well anyone what this man wants, "Well you see Lady Nightingale I would like it if your sister drop the charges against my son." My eyes widen when I heard this 'DROP THE CHARGES! IS THIS MAN NUTS! How dare he come in here and bark orders!' I thought to myself as I start forming a fist I feel a hand on my fist I look it was Hinata she shakes her head no as if she telling me this not place for violence. I know she was right I let go of my fist and relaxed I am guest in this house I need to asked like one, "I don't understand my Lord why do you want my sister to drop the charges? Is it because the other two girls already spoke?" I nod in agreement 'Exactly! Why should we drop the charges?'  Lord Kato shakes his head no "No it's not because of that *laughs* you well better then I do how much your sister such a flirt and what happen to her is entirely her fault. I mean if she didn't flirt with my son we wouldn't be in the mess." My entire body was flooded with rage I looked towards Gaara and I can see he was angry so was Lady Nightingale 'How dare this man say something about Raven-sensei!'  I was so angry I couldn't contain it no more, I was about to sit up and punch this name so hard I feel a hand on my shoulder and see it was Kakashi-sensei "*whispers* Sakura you need to calm down I know you are angry so am I but this is not the place nor the time we are just here to support Lady Raven and protect her." 

       I know Kakashi-sensei was right but I was so angry I was seeing red all over the place, I watch Lady Nightingale get up. She walks slowly towards Lord Kato I looked at her first it was cover with ice, I knew right there and then she was extremely pissed off.  "You want my sister to drop the charges because your son couldn't keep it in his pants! How dare you ask me such outrageous request! My sister waited two years for justice and now that we are so close you want us to back down!" I can tell that Lady Nightingale want this justice for Raven-sensei as much as we do.  "Well it not my fault your sister waited this long for justice I mean who wants to date a whore *laughs* come on Lady Nightingale surely you know your sister will be single for the rest of her life might as well stop this foolish nonsense. We know that during the trail she will tell everyone that she approved of this and that now she regrading what happen." Before I could say anything I see a sand spear so close to Lord Kato's face I looked towards Gaara and sure enough he was standing up, he was so mad what Lord Kato said. I just looked at him I never seen Gaara this mad he was ready to kill this man for insulting Raven-sensei and I did not blame him. 

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