Chapter 3: I'm Sorry

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*Hey. Sorry, life has been frustrating lately and I've had writers block, but I am back and ready to write! WOO! I made a new cover btw, do you like it? :) (And be sure to read the Emma spinoff I'm writing on a different account, Emma_and_Sadie, the book is called Legends of Darkstalkers and Nightriders.)-A*


I walked back to my house on Dark Valley and went inside. It was the same house I lived it when I was a baby, the same house my parents lived in. Nova followed me inside, Echo resting on my shoulder. The roof had had a hole in it, but Parker and a few other men patched it with a plank of wood. The run down house was still full of items, some things of mine and Blaze as children, but most of the things belonged to my parents. There was a shelf of jewelry that must've belonged to my mother. 

I ran a hand over the items, a collection of dust smearing over my fingers. I moved to a bookshelf, looking at the various large books.

::What are are you looking at?:: Nova asked.

 "Books," I answered. "But I can't read." I pulled a maroon book off of the shelf and looked at it in my hands, though I couldn't read the title. I carefully placed it back, looking around the house. There were some things scattered on the ground from when Drago raided the house many years ago, but the rest was untouched, the way my parents left it.

::I'm sorry..,:: Nova said softly, lowering her head guiltily.

I looked at her. "For what?"

::For killing your parents,:: she replied. 

I stiffened and looked away for a long time, not replying.

Finally, I looked over at her and stroked her head. "I forgive you." I lifted Echo off of my shoulder and gently set her on the floor next to Nova. "I'm going to go practice using a sword," I said, getting to my feet. "I'll be back later." 

I headed out the door which opened with a whine and headed into the woods, carrying a sword with me. The wind coursed through the trees, making it rain small leaves and flower petals. 

A stick snapped behind me. "Emma..."

I whipped around, facing Ezra. I immediately lifted a hand to use my powers, but he put up a force-field, stopping me. Anger surged through me like lightning.

Kill him.

"I just want to talk to you," he said, not putting his force-field down.

I fumbled through my satchel, my hands shaking as I quickly pulled out the maroon crystal that controlled him. "Drop the force-field," I demanded. The stone in my hands forced him to do as I said. 

He stared at the gemstone in my grasp, holding his hands in front of him slightly. "Emma... Where did you get that..?" he asked cautiously.

"Doesn't matter," I snapped.

Kill him! my mind persisted.

"Put that thing down, I'm not here to hurt you," he continued, taking a step toward me.

"Yeah, well, I wish I could say the same about you," I said. 

I raised my other hand, my powers throwing Ezra against a tree. He winced as he hit his back against it.  

"Listen to me, Emma, you are in danger!"

"You're the one in danger, worry about yourself!" I sneered, raising my hand to use my powers on him again.

"Chieftess, don't," a voice came from behind me.

I turned my head to see Parker and when I looked back again, Ezra was gone. I groaned in frustration and kicked the ground, sending a cloud of dirt into the air. I turned back around and pushed Parker down with my powers. "You let him get away!"

He held his hands in front of him to not provoke me, knowing I was dangerous when angry. "Emma, calm down... You're not thinking clearly."

"I am thinking perfectly clearly! I want him dead and now he's gone!" I roared, tears brimming my eyes.

Parker got to his feet again. "Come here." He pulled me into a hug.

I stiffened for a moment before wrapping my arms around his neck and crying into his shoulder. "He killed Daniel," I whispered. "He killed the man I love. He can't get away with it."

"Come on, let me take you home," he said softly.

I nodded and pulled away and he walked me back to my house.


Drago Bludvist sits in a chair looking over the arena of his island.

"Drago, Sir," a guard says as he enters the room. "The Shadow Lord has agreed to work with you."

Drago grins. "Excellent."

Emma: The Monster Inside Me (HTTYD Fanfic, Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now