Chapter 4 (PART 2)

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Hiccup's POV:
Toothless soared through the fog that clouded the air as we searched once again for Emma. The gang flew behind me on their dragons, Blaze behind me on Toothless.

"Everyone split up, we can cover more ground that way," I call the the others. "We can meet back at those sea stacks if we find anything."

The riders all nodded and we flew in different directions. Toothless navigated expertly through the fog, using sound to navigate. Blaze sat quietly. He hadn't been himself since Emma left that day.

"We'll find her, Blaze," I said. "I promise."

"It's been months. What if she never comes back to us? What if she never wants to be found?"

"We can't think like that," I replied. "We can't give up on her."

"You're right," Blaze said with a sigh.

Emma's POV:
I sat on the edge of a cliff, watching the waves below numbly as I fingered the ring my brother had given me that allowed me to become invisible at will.

My heart ached, not only for the loss of Daniel, but because of how much I missed Blaze and my friends. But there was still a voice inside my head that taunted me, whispering that they would never accept me for the way I am now--broken. I either felt everything all at once, or nothing at all and I didn't know how to deal with it. I was grasping for something solid and unwavering to get me through it, and I chose my hatred for Ezra. My desire to take from him what he took from Danny.

I'm becoming just as bad as everyone feared I was, I thought to myself, pulling my knees to my chest. I wasn't a killer. I wasn't a monster. And I knew that--but the voices in my head demanded I let out the monster inside me.

A stick snapped behind me, startling me out of my thoughts and I jumped to my feet, shoving the person hard against a tree with my powers out of impulse.

"Emma, stop!" my brother's voice came from beside me and I realized I had pinned Hiccup to the tree. I gasped and dropped my hand, Hiccup slumping to the ground with a groan.

"Hiccup! Are you okay?" I asked as I ran to his side.

For a moment, the darkness slipped away and I was myself again. "I'm so sorry, you surprised me."

"It's okay," Hiccup said sincerely, getting to his feet again. "I'm just so glad you're okay."

Okay. This word swirled through my mind. I wanted to badly to just be okay. I wanted the voices to stop.

"Em," Blaze said from beside me and I looked at my brother, tears brimming my purple eyes. "Come here."

He pulled me close and hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. "I missed you so much, Emmie, I was so worried," he said gently.

I sucked in a shaky breath. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "You all have every right to hate me."

"Hate you?" Hiccup repeated, "Emma, we don't hate you. We have just been concerned, that's all."

Toothless appeared at Hiccup's side and he rested a hand on his back.

He's lying, the voice in my head hissed, they all hate you. You left them. You let them down. After you pursued killing The Bloodhunter, they now see you as what you really are--a monster.

I pulled away from Blaze and brought my hands to my head, shaking the voice away. The voice came so clearly, so unlike my own.

"But I... I left you all without so much as a goodbye, I told you I want to kill someone. I let you all down," I said softly.

"No, Emmie," Blaze said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You've been through a lot, we understand. Come on, how about we go find the gang and bring them back here to catch up over dinner?"

I hesitated for a long moment before nodding reluctantly. "Alright. Let's go."

Hey, guys! Wow, it's been a long time. Like....a really long time, I am so sorry.  I've been working on other stories and been doing homework, literally all day because I suck at learning and I just haven't had a lot of time.
A bigger reason is that my friend who created the character Venancia/the Shadow Lord recently deleted her account. See, me adding Vena to my story was to be a crossover from her book, and now she deleted it and I doubt she intends to write it since she deleted her whole account. So now I have this character who isn't mine in my book. I don't know all about her backstory or her personality because I didn't create her, and I don't know what to do with such a complicated character now that her own story isn't being written. So that's why I'm kinda stuck. One option would be to delete her from the previous chapters I put her in, that would be the easy way, but that might confuse all of you. But I'd feel weird keeping her, because she's not mine and this story is focused on Emma, not her, so to have such a big character here when she isn't getting her own book anymore would be really hard--and the author who created her cant help me out with questions about her or what to do or anything. Does that make sense? So I really don't know what to do.... Leave me a comment, help me out. :(

-xoxAnnee ***

Emma: The Monster Inside Me (HTTYD Fanfic, Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now