Chapter 5: Tempest

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Okay, so the girl who made Venancia/the Shadow Lord said I could keep her and make her my own as long as I go back and change her name to Vena and not Venancia. So I'll do that really soon. ALSO, I have an awesome idea that will tie up a bunch of loose ends, but in order to do it, I have to go back and change some minor things in the story so far. So if something seems to contradict something I've already done, that's because I changed (or I'm about to change) certain things I've already done in order for the story to fit together with my new idea. Make sense? I'll let you know what changes I've made once I've made them and you can go back and read them to make sure you don't get confused.

Also, this chapter is gonna be a little confusing to you. It's supposed to be that way. I'll slowly reveal things to you as the story progresses :) 


Thirty-five years ago... (3rd person POV)

There was a very powerful man whom everyone feared. He wore the face of a young man and time never touched him. So it had been for centuries. He was a legend, but not in the way most were. He was so feared that no one dared write about him. No one dared tell campfire stories about this immortal man who was more powerful than any other in the known world. In fact, no one dared speak his name. He was called the Dimensionbender, though that was not the name he was born with. His given name was Camber Delta--a normal name given to a very abnormal person. He was chosen by Loki himself--the god of chaos--to receive the "gifts" of immortality and witchcraft, as well as occasional glimpses into the future or insightful sensations. 

On this particular afternoon, a mother and father played with their daughter Everly on the sandy shores. The nine-year-old girl smiled as she ran around on the sand, collecting shimmering seashells and gathering them in a cloth pouch at her waist. Silver-tipped waves swept over her feet before retreating again, as if the waves were playing a game of tag. 

Everly was special. She was born with inhuman abilities. Her emotions could cause lightning storms and she could levitate or blast things with the wave of her hand. Her palms could form beams of violet energy that could be thrown as a powerful weapon. Her appearance reflected her abilities--purple-tinted brown hair and violet eyes that had such depth you could get lost in them. Her arm wore a plum-colored design that vined up her arm in an intricate pattern.  Though Everly was young, she was feared by many. They called her the Tempest for the storms she could create, the definition of tempest being "a violent storm." 

Though to the rest of the world, she was either Everly or Tempest, her father fondly gave her the nickname Supernova, which over time, shortened to simply, "Nova."  Supernova is a word used to define an exploding star, and that is what Everly's father felt she was--a star, bursting with color and personality and passion, shining in a sea of endless darkness.

The nickname Nova always made Everly smile. To be compared to a star, something so beautiful and unreachable, a light in the darkness, by her father made her feel accepted and valued. Every time Everly's father called her Nova it was a reminder of his love for her.

 Everly stopped and looked at her feet as another wave washed over them, leaving a large, purple gemstone at her feet. She picked it up and studied it, admiring the way the light glittered off of its glassy surface.  She gasped as she watched lightning swirl inside of the crystal, like a story locked away in the center.

"Papa, look!" she called, running over to her father. "What's this?"

The father took it from her hands to examine it. "Everly, step to the side, please, you're blocking my light."

Before Everly had a chance to obey, she gasped as her legs moved without her giving the order, moving to the side. "Papa, I didn't do that. It....moved me on its own. It made me move over."

The father looked at his daughter, studying her pale, freckled face. "Are you saying it...controlled you?"

She nodded.

The father frowned and looked at the stone in his hand.  "Levitate that seashell," he whispers to the stone to test the theory. 

Controlled by the Lightning Stone, Everly is forced to obey, levitating the seashell with the wave of her hand. 

Everly's father looked in surprise. "Nova, this is not good. This stone, this...this Lightning Stone can control your powers. That is very dangerous. We mustn't let anyone see it, ever--not anyone, understand?"

Everly nods. "Yes, Papa. I understand."



We walked through the island as I showed the gang around. "This building is somewhat equivalent to The Great Hall on Berk," I said, leading them inside. "It's where people come to eat or hang out. Of course, it's much smaller and more worn than the Great Hall, but it does the job."

The dragon riders look around. "Ooh, books!" Fishlegs exclaims excitedly, moving to sit in a chair in the corner of the room, picking out a book from the shelf that stood against the wall. He blew the dust off of the book's cover before opening it and starting to read.

 Hiccup chuckled. "I like it here. It feels...inviting."

I nodded. "That's one thing I really like about it. Even when I had never been here before, as soon as I walked in, it felt like...home."

Blaze wrapped an arm around me. "That's because it is home. This is the life we were supposed to have. We didn't get to grow up here, but if things were different...we would have."

I nodded. "Speaking of, want to go see our old house?"

My brother smiled slightly. "I would love to."


Hey guys. It has been a looong time, I'm sorry. I'm dealing with the loss of one of my closest friends and I'm currently feeling numb about the whole thing, which is a very strange sensation. My homework has been backed up, as usual, but kinda worse now because I've been distracted. 

Anyway, let me know what you think of this chapter! Be sure to answer these questions in the comments below!:

Who do you think Everly is? Why does she have the same powers as Emma? Who remembers Camber? How do you think all this will affect the story?

Thank you! I love you all so much. <3 

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