Chapter 15: I Don't Need Your Help

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Back in the Hall on Dark Valley, everyone sat and tried to figure out what to do.

"Where do we even start? This guy is way out of our league, how are we supposed to beat him?" Astrid asked.

"Together, all of us, we're a force to be reckoned with. We'll figure something out," Hiccup said. "Parker, he's your brother, got any advice?"

Parker sighed. "Cam is virtually invincible. He has an incredible variety of powers, and he's very skilled at using them. As I'm sure you know by now."

Everly snorted. "No kidding."

"He has no obvious weakness," Parker continued, "no amount of reasoning will change him. He doesn't have a soft spot for anyone, not kids, not family, nothing. He only cares about himself and his power. All of this is a sick game to him, he just likes to win. He likes to make people feel helpless just for fun."

"Everyone has a weakness," Hiccup said, "we just have to find his."

"I know what Ruffnut's weakness is," Tuffnut interjected. "Watch this." He took his sister's helmet off and proceeded to bash her in the head with that.

"Ow! Wait. I barely even felt that," Ruff responded.

Tuffnut hit her with the helmet again.

"Ouch!" Ruff yelped. "That's more like it."

Hiccup face-palmed while Astrid groaned, grumbling, "Idiots."

"Can we please focus here?" Fishlegs asked.

"You were saying, Parker?" I urged him to go on. "You're sure there's nothing he has a soft spot for? No weakness?"

"Some would argue his hunger for power is a weakness in and of itself. But how we can use that, I have no idea. He likes to be in control and to show everyone around him that they're all his puppets. And anything he can do to become more powerful, he's desperate for, becomes obsessed with it."

I nodded thoughtfully. "In the meantime, we should all probably hide somewhere safe until we know what we're going to do. Otherwise we're just sitting ducks, practically begging Cam to come kill us all or use us as leverage against each other. I've had quite enough of that, I don't want to take any chances. Parker, know anywhere safe to hide on the island that Cam doesn't know about?"

He considered my question for a moment. "I know a place. Follow me."

He got to his feet and the rest of us followed him as he made his way deep into the woods and finally to a waterfall that spilled into a coursing river.

I stopped, my body tensing at the sight of the dangerous water. "How is this a place to hide exactly?"

"There's a cave behind the waterfall; the waterfall drapes over the opening like a curtain, it's completely hidden. And any noise we make will be drowned out by the river."

We walked along the rocks down to where the waterfall hit the river water in a white foam, my legs shaking in response to my fear of water.

"All we have to do is swim under it and we'll be inside," Parker said.

I looked up at him sharply. "No way. I'm not getting in the water."

He sighed. "Emma."

"Over my cold, dead body," I said stubbornly, crossing my arms.

"I can teleport you inside," Ezra offered from behind me.

I frowned and turned to look at him. "I don't need your help," I said crisply.

His eyes narrowed. "Oh, really, then be my guest, miss I'm-afraid-of-water, swim inside yourself then. See how well that goes."

Everly cleared her throat, glaring between us to remind us of the promise we'd made to get along. I looked back down at the water, and in a reckless act of defiance just to prove to Ezra I didn't need him, I jumped in.

I had never regretted a decision more quickly.

"Emma!" I heard Blaze cry from above water.

I found my way to the surface and coughed up water, struggling to keep my head above the surface. I heard a splash beside me, then strong arms wrapped around me. A few moments later, I was inside the cave. Surprised, I looked around, taking a breath only to choke on water until I coughed it out. The arms around my waist released me and I turned to see Ezra, soaking wet. I studied him. "I hope you're not waiting for a thank you."

"You're welcome," he said anyway, smoothing his wet hair back from his forehead and teleporting outside the cave again. A few seconds later, he reappeared with half of the others. He disappeared again, making a second trip for the rest of them, and teleported back inside the cave, everyone now safely inside.

"Emma, what the hell were you thinking?" Blaze asked, touching my shoulder. He winced and yanked his hand away when my wet sleeve burned him.

"Sorry," I said. "I just wanted to do it on my own," I added more quietly so Ezra couldn't hear.

My brother sighed. "Well don't forget that your recklessness puts Hiccup in danger too."

That's right...Hiccup feels my pain, as long as it wasn't inflicted by magic...

I sighed, looking down.

"Not to mention yourself," Blaze added more gently. "I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you."

"I'm fine, Bubba," I murmured, brushing his concerns away with the dismissive wave of my hand.

He kissed my forehead. "Just be careful, Okay? And for the love of Thor, don't do anything stupid."

I smiled slightly. "Okay."

Blaze smiled at me before turning away to start a fire in the back center of the cavern. Ezra sat down by the warm flames to dry off and I studied him quietly. Finally, I realized I had been hugging myself and shivering from the cold kiss of the waters. I made my way over to the fire and sat down next to Ezra.

Waves of warmth slowly seared the cold from my body.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Hm?" Ezra said, looking over at me.

"Thanks," I repeated more clearly. " know." I looked into the fire.

I could hear the smile in Ezra's voice. "Oh, I heard you the first time, I just wanted to hear you say it again."

I rolled my eyes, hitting him in the chest and shoving him back. He chuckled and caught himself, righting his balance. I smiled slightly despite myself.

"You're a pain," I said, looking into the fire again.

"Right back at you. And next time, don't go doing stupid stuff to get yourself killed. That does seem to be your favorite thing to do, doesn't it."

"Ahem," Everly cleared her throat again, shooting us a warning glance.

I smiled slightly and scooted closer to the fire, rubbing my hands together. My mind drifted back to thoughts of Cam, fragments of plans to try to bring him down.

Whatever it would be, it had to work. It had to.

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