Chapter 5

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  I was dreaming of laying in a clearing full if sunshine but it seemed to be that the rays were mostly focused on my chest. The warmth started to move around my chest which was weird. Usually and I would hope that a suns rays stayed in the same place. I opened my eyes as I awoke from my dream. I was surprised to see that the warmth that was moving around my chest was a baby dragon stating at me."Whoa!" I scooted into a sitting position shifting the dragon. "It's about time you awoke dragon keeper it's past the time of the Rising Fire." "You mean sunrise?""if that is what you call it dragon keeper then yes it is.""Well I need to go get some fresh air. I'll be back.""I'll come with you.""No Gem will see you.""Then I'll go out the window."She opens her mouth ready to spit fire. "Wow! What do you think your doing?" She suppresses the fire. "Opening the window what else.""Not that way I'll open it." I reach for it and open it. I watch her flap her small wings and make sure shes okay before heading outside. Exiting into the outside world I breathe in the fresh air and look around at the nature that is surrounding me. I lay down in the field next to the house watching. There is a sudden rise of voices in the town square. I look in the direction of it and notice a single man on a dragon flying into the Valley. The dragon lands and the rider jumps off searching the crowd for someone or something. The man was dressed in fine black clothing that was found in only one place and on only one person: Rataero. His dragon is a midnight black and is taller than most houses in the village. As Rataero searches his eyes catch on mine as well as his dragon. The dragon roars and shoots into the air going to the tip of the mountains peaks. I lose sight of it for a minute but then it returns speeding towards the ground but it's not alone now. It comes soaring with about six more dragons all a different color. I jump up and run into the house and grab some of my things as well as Gem's then I go get her and pull her outside. She was shouting at me to let go but grew silent as she saw the dragons coming and her face paled and she ran. The dragons were closing in I searched frantically for Scarlet and found her hiding in the tree next to the window. I run and get her then I start running again as the leading dragon lands inches behind me. I can feel its breath as it roars once again. The other dragons land around us forming a circle around me and Scarlet. Gem had made it to the hills and was going to the forest but a red dragon just like Scarlet grabbed her and put her in the circle with us. The three of us stared wildly around at the dragons as they converged making the circle smaller and tighter. Rataero appeared on the black dragons back and climbed down into the circle. He was chuckling as he came towards us and we inched closer together. "So your the new Dragon Keeper are you? Hmm." He raises a hand towards my face and grabs it I jerk it out of his grasp. Chuckling again he whistles and six men appear on top of each dragon and climb down in unison. "I love your hair Amy it's beautiful. The way that it has red highlights that match your eyes and dragon." I froze astonished my hair didn't have highlights and how did he know my name? "Though the blackness is the same color as my dragon Agrarik. Perhaps we're meant to be together." He tried grabbing for me again but I hit his hand away from he. His eyes seethed with anger and he flicked his hand and the men came closer to us. He pointed at us and they advanced with cold black eyes."Save the girl for me but get rid of the other one." I flinched and launched myself at him."Nooo!" Startled he falls backwards and lands on his bottom. I start hitting him but he grabs my wrists and holds them away from him. He signals one of the men over to us and the man ties my wrists and feet and pushes me down against a brown dragon that I had seen in my book. I remembered it was an Earth Dragon. It bent its big brown head towards me and watched me. I looked away from its big eyes and watched the scene before me but I couldn't look there either. I bowed my head into my arms and started crying. There was a sudden whoosh of wings overhead but I was too scared to look for fear of seeing more cold black eyes. Then I hear metal clanging and look up to see other people attacking Rataero and his men. Rataero was outnumbered so he fought the enemy he was facing and ran towards me and picked me up and through me over his shoulder. He ran to his dragon and put me on it and the dragon took off into the air. I had lost hope of ever having freedom again and the dragon from before appeared again and collided into us causing me to start falling towards the ground screaming. Something grabbed me in the air and cushioned us as we landed. I looked up and saw an...elf? Elves didn't live around here I was confused but my body shuddered and the tears came back crawling down my face. The elf carried me back to the circle. Rataero signaled and the men jumped from where they were fighting onto their dragons and flew off. The elf dropped me next to Gem and I threw my arms around her neck and we both cried together. I don't know when the elves left but when I looked up they were gone. Scarlet landed on my shoulder and Gem looked at me surprised with wide blue eyes."Wh..Why do you have a dragon?""Oh um do you remember the rock that I brought home? Yeah turns out it was a dragon egg.""An egg. Seriously?""Yes Gem an egg and this is Scarlet.""Oh when did you highlights?""Why do people keep saying I have highlights when I don't!""Umm.. Dragon Keeper when you bind with a dragon your facial or body changes in some way.""Scarlet how could you not tell me this before!""Because it's usually a while before they become apparent but your appearance changed quickly.""Whatever. We need to get away from here.""Where we going to go?""Well we need to gather some items and then we'll go into the woods.""Okay let's get moving." We rushed around the house packing what things were needed. We had two bags that contained food and we put one on each of our horses and headed into the forests with Scarlet flying keeping watch.

Dragon Keeper Series The Unexpected Quest  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now