Chapter 10

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  When I awoke I was in a tree that was oddly shaped like a house. I remembered seeing it in the book I think it was called a denariu. It was well crafted and beautiful. On the floor there was a rug that was a scene of a deer in a field grazing but something seemed off... It seemed to be moving? The deer would enter the clearing, graze then walk off. It was amazing how someone could capture that moment. There was a knock on the door and then it opened. A woman walked in carrying fresh linen clothes but they weren't white they were the same color of red that matched my eyes. I sighed rolling my eyes more red yeah. The woman set the clothes on the bed and started making it. I watched her something was different about her she moved with smooth motions that matched what I'd seen just before I fell asleep in the clearing. Her hair was the same as the one from the clearing. She stood up and looked at me and I gasped. She was an elf. Then everything clicked together with the clearing figure, the room, the picture rug, and the smooth gait that she possessed."Hello Dragon Keeper my name is Tatiana. I am a fellow Dragon Keeper as well. My magic comes from nature what is yours?""Ummm. Magic? I have no magic." Her clothes were constantly shifting it seemed that she represented nature itself but the colors."Why yes your magic that you get when you become a Dragon Keeper. You see every living thing has magic in them you just have to find it within yourself.""Oh well then I haven't yet.""That's okay it's no big deal we'll find it sooner or later. Now get changed and meet me outside." I got changed and then went outside to meet Tatiana.

Dragon Keeper Series The Unexpected Quest  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now