Chapter 9

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  I must have fallen asleep as I was crying cause when I woke up the sun was starting to rise. I still couldn't believe she was gone. I would have to get her back she was the only family I had left. I stood up with stiff legs and wobbled over to a tree and stretched my legs and shook myself awake. I couldn't find Scarlet so I assumed she had gone hunting so I went to my pack and pulled out food and ate. For some reason though that I couldn't figure out while I was crying it seemed that Scarlet was bigger than before. Though it was probably a distortion from my tears. I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear Scarlet come up behind me. I jumped startled afraid that it was more Ratarans. I settled down but not after looking at Scarlet. She had changed she was as tall as me now and almost as long as two of me laying down. I was puzzled I couldn't figure out how she got so big so fast. "Scarlet?""Yes Dragon Keeper?""When did you get so big?""That is a good question I've been asking myself that perhaps it had something to do with the elves. Your highlights are brighter now as well to where they now do match your eyes." I rolled my eyes."Let's go we need to go get my sister back." I grabbed my pack and tied my sisters horse to my own and then got on mine. Scarlet took into the air and went higher than before now that she was bigger. I fingered the necklace that was a gift from Gem I missed her so much. I kicked my horse to go faster and soon we were flying through the forest but on the ground of course. We traveled until the horses grew tired and rested for a while and began again but at a slower pace than before. I didn't know where I was but for some reason this area if the forest seemed to have a brighter and more cheerful mood. There were dragonflies and butterflies everywhere flying. We reached a small lake that was beautiful. It had a waterfall at the far end that roared down the rocks into the calm lake. The water was so clear that I could see the animals swimming around in it. Grass surrounded it and it was the purest green that I've seen before. I trees whistles in the wind creating a tune for the birds to carry on. It felt like my worries were slipping away. I leaned against a tree and pulled out my dragon book but now it seemed to be two books. I turned to the second book and it was about elves. It mentioned their culture, and traditions. It was interesting learning about an almost human species. It was still a mystery to me how this part of the book appeared but I didn't care. A mist had fallen over the lake and I heard soft, quiet music resonating around the lake. It was beautiful, seem less, and peaceful. I felt my eyes drooping even though I wasn't tired. Just before my eyes dropped closed I saw a tall lithe figure stride into the clearing with chocolate brown hair. I tried fighting the drowsiness but failed and drifted into sleep.  

Dragon Keeper Series The Unexpected Quest  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now