Chapter 2

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I wake, it is the morning after my un-blissful slumber. The steaming cup of hot chocolate and warm bread do little to dispose of the heaviness felt within my skull. The winter air, however eases my tiredness ever so slightly. Drifting its way through the small crack in my kitchen window. 

In the midst of the raging blizzard outside, snowflakes, almost like grains of sand seep their way through that crack and melt in their short flight through my heated abode. There is nothing to do on this gloomy day besides lounge around and 'relax'. How can I relax when I literally have the guilt of the world resting and digging its way through my entire corpse-like body?

My basic pajama set, accessorised with a beige bathrobe. Not good looking yet practical enough to keep me warm in this storm. My frail legs walk to the lounge room, uninhabited as it seems. Everything in this confined space is covered with a generous layer of dust. I rip the plastic cover from off my couch and slump my unenergised body within it, letting it consume what is left of me.

The news, is un-newsworthy yet it numbs my head enough to block out the wretched thoughts that usually plague me. They are hard to describe, dark yet blissful it appeals to me. Maybe one day I may act on them and then I will be able to see her, the one I cannot name. The individual I hold most dearly to my heart and the one which, lost to my fight.

There were many I had lost that year and there is little people remaining. I could count the amount that support me with only one of my hands, perhaps one finger and that is Haymitch. Although Haymitch himself does not do much in the way off help and support me, yet, he is still near me, approachable and someone I can talk to whenever I shall desire. I don't talk much nowadays anyway, so I don't bother him with my problems.


  something catches my eye, something happening from the next door house where Peeta lives. He's thrashing around and breaking anything he could get his hands on.

I realize he's having a flashback. My first instinct is to run to him and comfort him but I can't, it's too late when I hear my door break down and an entering Peeta arrives but in mutt mode.

"I am gonna kill you, dirty, filthy backstabbing bitch," He screams through the doorway vastly approaching me.

"Peeta no I'm not a..."

"Save you're lies mutt, theres no way you can save yourself now cause I'm going to kill you." He continues to yell.

It happened so fast I was in the middle telling him he was having a flashback but he grabbed hold of my arm, swung me over his head and violently slammed me into the hard wood floorboards leaving me to die.

That's all I remembered after before everything around me went black while I fall into oblivion!

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