Chapter 26

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Peeta POV

I'm bored right now with no company. Maybe I'll go visit Haymitch for our daily chat as I visit him every single day of the week. I walk into my marbled kitchen and grab a loaf of freshly baked bread with cinnamon and pop it into a flimsy brown paper bag. I lace up my old sneakers Katniss bought me when we were together, they are most likey too worn out but I don't care becuase it was Katniss who bough the pair for me and I will treasure anything I can get that relates to her.

I walk over and up the old wooden stairs to Haymitch's door where I knock on it three exact times and push my way through it not even waiting for Haymitch to open it becuase he always leaves it unlocked. Thi man really likes to live on the dangeruous side. I walk through the threshold and clump my way through the wide hallway where I meet Haymitch in the Lounge room currently watching repeats of his favourite show.

"Hey Haymitch!" I call out, making my presence know even though I knocked on the door.

"Uhhhh hey Peeta! How was your day, anything eventful?" He asks uneasy quivering towards the end of his sentance.

"It was pretty uneventful. Marcy visited me at work today and left." I say naturally in a monotone voice.

"Did anyone else visit you?" He asks curiously.

"Ummmm not that I know of. Why was there someone I was supposed to see?" I retort skeptically.

"No reason!" Haymitch shouts out of nowhere at a fast pace.

"Okay that was a little suspicious Haymitch." I say questioningly.

"Boy it just that......I'm a little tired maybe I should go to bed now! Bye Peeta!" He says pushing me out the door.

Now I'm confused Haymitch pushing me out and answering me very suspiciously. It all comes to me know. He probably had a drink, liquor. That's why he was so uneasy a tired. I can't believe I didn't pick that up at first. So walking to my house I think of how much Haymitch has improved with his drinking.

Katniss POV

Sae has been stirring in her sleep for almost five minutes now. The others who are waiting outside ask me continuously for the two hours I've been here by Sae death bed whether I want anything to eat or drink. I turn down all offers except one, for a glass of pure crystal water. I can't be dehydrated dar. Sae looks so peaceful and I know she hasn't ho much time to live but I know she's going to go to a better and much safer place, with Prim.

Sae mumbles incoherent things in her sleep about ingredients for cooking and such. Eventually her eyes start fluttering open, re-defining her vivid crows nest and other wrinkles making her look her age. She is still a beautiful old lady with heart and soul and I wish her all the happiness in the world. She has lived through so much and even through I'm not part of her biological family, I'm as good as it can get because she is more like a grandma figure in my life and I don't want to let her go, not now not ever.

Her eyes open revealing her grey eyes that look warily like she's lost her light. She looks so sick and that's so heartbreaking. I remember what her granddaughter said that she will pass away and only time ticking on the clock will tell. When she observes the room her eyes land on my still tear stricken face. I swear I saw her eyes pop out of her skull a little more revealing a tiny shred of light.

"Katniss?!" She exclaims thinking it's a hallucination.

"Hey Sae it's me."

"Oh my, you....your here!" She says stuttering.

"Yes I am and I heard your last wish." I say with fresh tears running down my pale face.

"No that wasn't my last wish." She says weakly,

"It wasn't?" I ask devastatingly.

"No yours was my second last wish, if I tell you my last wish you've got to promise me that it'll happen please!" She says coughing.

"Anything for you Sae!" I exclaim truthfully.

"Well I have this un-biological granddaughter that loves a man but left him. I can tell she still loves him with every inch of her heart but won't admit it to anyone. The man was devastated and got a girlfriend whom he's never kissed. Maybe just someone to talk to. She's visiting this district at the moment so can you whip her into shape because she's really stubborn but brave." She tells her story solemnly.

"Who is this girl if I may ask?"

"A beautiful girl called Katniss Everdeen, can you get them back together?" She asks hopefully.

"Uhhhhh" I say uneasy.

"You promise dear!" She says intervening,

"Anything for you Sae, I promise." I promise.

"Good now I'm truly happy, now I can die in happiness and peace." She says crying.

"I love you Sae!" I admit for the first time.

"I love you too Katniss Everdeen. What are you still doing here talk to the boy!"

"It's late a night and I'm staying over with you, by your bedside. I will go tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay Katniss. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Sae sleep well!" That's the last thing I say before I hear her soft snores again.

Sae's last dying wish was for Peeta and I to get back together. Dying over rules living now so I must follow through with it even if it means breaking my own. With every word she said about me, I was right I do still love him even though I won't admit it to anyone and I and stubborn. Beatiful? Brave? She was probably using the wrong adjectives because I'm neither, I'm a chicken perhaps and ugly. Yep that's what I am nothing but I'm nothing with a purpose and a promise.

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