Chapter 35

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Katniss' POV

I walk around the street markets selling fish, no doubt and goodies such as fruits and vegetables, pastries, coffees etc. I feel heavy not that I am heavy but I feel like I can't carry my bones, myself anymore. I feel like I just want to give up my life. The regret washes through me as I have these thoughts. Regret that I should have never fallen in love with Peeta and that I should have gone with the Gale option instead.

Haha. Gale. That name feels so different so foreign right now. I've never seen him in who knows how long? Why am I thinking about him so suddenly? I know with all my heart that I actually would never go with that option anyways because my love for him or that was for him is different for the love I had for Peeta, have for Peeta. As much as I try to admit it to myself, I still love him and I don't think anything is going to change my love for Peeta. Unless god gives me some miracle and makes me forget him. That seems like the better option at the moment. Please God send me some miracle.

As that thought comes to mind my eyes wander and immediately draw attention to a person. My eyes are glued to them as if there were some force behind it. I slowly but steadily make my way towards the jewelry stand were he is working. A very attractive male may I add. I skim through the necklaces when I feel eyes burning into me. I instantly know it's him and lock eyes with him. He looks away quickly and I go back to looking at the necklaces.

"Ummmmmm, how much is that necklace?" I ask pointing to a random object on the table.

"That's not a necklace, that's a pack of hair ties which are three dollars each."

He says nicely. I'm nervous and you can't blame me if you saw him. Crisp white shirt complimenting his tanned skin, aqua/green eyes that could melt anyone, wide eyed smile that shows each and very one of his four dimples surrounding his mouth and his jet black hair adds to the attractiveness as the colour brings out the brightness in his eyes leaving you hypnotized.

"Woops!" I say unapologetically.

"I'm Tealore by the way." He introduces leaving his hand out to shake in which I immediately take.

"Katniss, but I'm sure you know." I laugh,

"Who wouldn't, you're a legend." He gushes.

"I wouldn't say that, So an attractive man like you must have a girlfriend huh?" I ask hoping he says no.

"Uhhhh I don't actually." He says looking to the ground. I mentally punch my fist in the air.

"Why not? You are so good looking!" I flirt. Hell! I'm allowed to, plus I need to get Peeta off my chest.

"I like the company of other men." He whispers, "I'm gay!"

"Oh ok, well I'll take this necklace!" I say pointing to a necklaces with a half moon on it.

"Good choice that will be ten dollars please!" He says nicely, "Do you wanna be friends you know hang out and all that stuff? I don't have any friends that are women!"

"Yeah of course, I don't have any male friends at the moment either. Come and swing over my place later. You know were Annie Cres..Odair lives right?" I ask and he nods, "swing by maybe fiveish?" I say giving him the specified amount of money that is needed for my purchase.

"Sounds great seeya at five!" We both wave as I head off wondering around the marketplace.

Eventually after a few hours and a couple small grocery purchases I walk myself back home and dump the half filled plastic bags on the marble counter. I'm tired and I could take a nap right now but once I take sight of the time on the microwave clock I become completely energized. It's 4:45 pm and Tealore could be here any minute now.

Annie isn't home at the moment so she could be in for a big surprise when she sees me with a very attractive male in the house. She would definitely get the wrong idea but we could quickly clear that up for her. I immediately rummage through the pantry grabbing some microwaveable popcorn and a random bag of lollies. That should do it I think. We could just watch a movie or something. Walk on the beach, perhaps swim?

A quick knock on the door sounds around the house, it has to be Tealore because Fin is at swimming lessons. I scurry over to the door tripping over my two left feet realizing he knocks three times, quickly just like me. I twist the fancy door knob to only be welcomed by Tealore himself and dressed in a blue button-up exposing a good portion of his toned chest.

"Hey come in!" I exclaim excitedly.

"I thought we could watch a movie so I brought this." He says holding up my favourite movie, Man Of Steel.

"Thank you, this is my favourite movie not that I haven't watched many that is!" I yell happily.

"Well then let's get it started." Tealore suggests.

"I'll go and make the popcorn!" I say while exiting the lounge room and into the kitchen.

I knew I'll need the microwaveable popcorn for something. I do as the directions tell me to because I can't cook to save my life and if I do I think I might just blow up the entire house with myself in it. It microwaves for about two and half minutes or until the popping sounds stop, courtesy of the handy directions. As I pour the buttery popcorn into a serving bowl I here the front door open. Fin comes rushing in while Annie yells,

"Katniss I'm home, I've got someth.........Who are you?!"

I walk out of the kitchen to a sight I'd never expect to see in a million years. Me not even caring about the popcorn sends it flying across the room and into a wall, furthermore shattering the bowl into millions of pieces. Just like my heart. If it couldn't ache anymore than it has it just exceeded it's limits now.

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