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I followed Zayn and Niall into the house, still scared at the fact that maybe Liam Louis and Harry doesn't like me the way Zayn and Niall does.

"We're back!" Niall said in a cheery tone. They boys turned their attention towards us and I felt them staring at me. I hid behind Niall, too scared to even think what's going to happen next. Suddenly, I was engulfed into a tight hug.

"Connie! I'm glad you're alright, you have no idea how I worry about you so much!" Liam said to me while still holding me in his embrace.

"Li, you're gonna sufficate her." Zayn chuckled. Liam let go of ne and I hugged him back. his eyes widened in shock but he hugged me again. I whispered in his ear.

"Thanks for saving me once."

"No prob Connie, I would save you every time." He whispered back.

Niall reappeared from the kitchen eating a turkey sandwhich. He plopped down onto the couch and began to watch tv. Zayn picked me up and went up the stairs.

"Where are we going?"

"To my room, you'll be sleeping with me until your room is ready."

I yawned amd rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

"Zaynie, promise you'll stay with me?"

"I promise. I'll be here when you wake up." Zayn assured me while placing me on his bed. "I'm always here for you and I won't leave no matter what."

I hugged him and then closed my eyes, letting sleep take over me.


I woke up to the sound of an object breaking. I looked around, nothing in the room is broken so I guess it's from downstairs. I found Zayn next to me still sleeping and I shook him.

"Zaynie, wake up."

He stirred and opened his eyes.

"Hey Connie." He said sleepily.

"I heard some smashing from downstairs." I told him. He groaned and muttered to himself.

"Must be Louis."

I gave him a confused look and he chuckled, getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"To find out what's happening downstairs. Wanna come?" He asked me. I nodded and took his hand, him leading me out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen when we heard the boys talking about me. We stopped and Zayn put a finger to his lips signalling me to stay quiet. I nodded and listened to their conversation.


"Louis, do you have to break every plate in this house? You've broken about like 7 plates already!" I complained and Niall nodded.

"Yeah Lou. Stop breaking plates or else where am I gonna place all these precious food next time when I wanna eat?"

I shot him a glare.

"Niall, that's not the main point I'm talking about. Louis, I seriously think that you should try to learn how to eat properly without breaking your plate?"

"Sorry Li. I'll try to not break another plate."

"You better be."

Niall shoved the rest of the pasta into his mouth and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Harry, are you ok? You would normally help defend Louis but you're being really quiet for the past few hours?" Niall asked Harry worriedly and I looked at Harry,

hoping to get an answer from him.


I looked up from my plate. Pushing it towards Niall.

"Here, help me finish it. I'm not hungry." Niall gladly took the plate and began to eat.

"I'm still waiting for your answer you know. A plate of pasta won't help you make me forget about my question."

I sighed and decided to ask them.

"Does Connie not like me?" I asked.

"No. Of course not. Why would you think that?"

"Cause all she ever talks to is Zayn Niall and Liam. Not me or Lou."

"I guess she just needs to have some getting used to. She will talk to you in time like she talked to me." Niall said. I nodded.

"But what if she doesn't?"

"I'm sure she will Haz. Just give her some time. This is something that you and I are thinking about." Lou said to me.

"I hope she talks to me soon. But what if I scare her? I'm not actually used to having a sister living in our house exactly." I continued to babble on. "I don't even know what she likes or what her favourite color is."

"Zayn's also getting to know her. There's still a lot of things she hasn't even told him." Niall said.

"But how do we break it to her about who we are?" Lou asked suddenly.

Silence filled the air. Nobody knew the answer to that question. We can't even imagine how she'll react when we DO tell her that we're a world famous band.

"Well, just leave that to Zayn after all he's Connie's guardian." Liam said and we all nodded in agreement.

"I'm actually surprised that Zayn hasn't waken up to your plate breaking sound. Normally, he would charge right down and complain what a mess you've made." I said to Louis.

"Maybe it's my lucky day today. I can clean up this mess before Zayn does come down and give me 'punishments'." Lou said and Niall laughed.

"So you afraid of being tickled eh?"

"And you're not?" Liam asked Niall smirking. Niall just shrugged.

"I am. At least I'm not the one being 'punished' by Zayn."

We all laughed whereas Louis gave Niall the finger which just caused us to laugh even harder. But we all stopped when we heard Zayn shouting.



When the boys were laughing, I mouthed to Connie.

"Are you ready?"

She nodded and I began to shout.


From the corner of my eye, I saw Connie trying to hold back her laughter and I walked into the kitchen with her still holding my hand. Louis groaned and the boys erupted into another fist of laughter.

Niall picked up Connie and placed her on his lap.

"How are you feeling?" She smiled and hugged him.

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