Ch 15

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  Today is Connie's first day of school. She didn't seem happy and excited when I told her about it. I guess she's scared to meet new people. The boys decided to come along. I walked up the stairs and opened her bedroom door.

   "Connie, it's time to wake up. It's you're first day of school today." I shook her lightly. She groaned and muttered something.

   "What are you saying?" I asked.

   "I'm gonna go take a shower first." She said louder this time. I nodded.

  "Harry's downstairs making breakfast. We're all gonna come along." I gave her a peck on her cheek and stood up.

   "See you downstairs." I said and left the room.

   "Morning Nialler." I said as Niall came out of his room.

   "Morning Zaynie. Is Connoe awake?"

   "Yep. She's taking a shower. Harry's making breakfast."

   "Oh I smell eggs amd sausages." Niall said as he licked his lips. I laughed.

   "Come on, let's go down and greet the boys." I said and pulled him down the stairs.


  Ugh. School. Just the thought of it makes me want to shrivel away and hide. I got out of the bathroom after blow drying my hair. I changed into a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I walked down the stairs and straight into the kitchen.

   "Morning guys." I mumbled.

   "Morning." They chorsed.

  I sat down on a stool waiting for my breakfast.

   "Are you excited for your first day of school?" Louis asked. I faked a smile.

   "Yeah. Super excited." But deep down I was screaming no and please just let this be a dream. I mentally sighed as Harry gave me my scrambled eggs and sausages. I poured myself a glass of orange juice and took a sip before eating my breakfast. Not long after, Zayn appeared down the stairs.

   "We gotta go now." He said. We all nodded and went out and got in the car. Zayn's driving.

   "I know you're not excited Connie." Liam said to me quietly. I looked up at him. "And I know you don't want to go too."

   "Please don't tell them. Maybe things will be better in this new school." I gave him my puppy eyes and he sighed before nodding.

  Not less than 20 minutes, we  arrived the school grounds. We all got out of the car and people are already screaming and shouting. I held onto Zayn's hand as we walked into the school office.

   "Good morning. My daughter Connie is supposed to have her first day today." Zayn said.

   "Please wait while I go get her things." The lady said and disappeared inside the office and coming back out with a pile of things.

   "We'll take that." Liam said.

   "Thanks guys." I said.

   "There should be someone to guide you for this week. She should arrive here anytime soon." The lady said smiling politely. I nodded and waited patiently with the boys. There came a knock and a girl rushed in.

   "I'm sorry for being late ms.Trish. I had a few accidents at home."

   "It's fine honey. It's not you're fault. Now, let me introduce you the new student."

  The girl turned to face us and her mouth dropped open. I looked at tue ground knowing the scream will come again. But I didn't really expect this.


  I looked up.


   "I see you've met already. Christa, make sure you remind her of Dale. Now run along, class is starting in 30."

  We walked out of the office.

   "I can't believe we're gonna have all our classes together!" Christa cheered and hugged me.

   "Well obviously we're being left out here." Louis said scratching the back of his neck. Christa turned her attention towards them.

   "Figured you guys probably don't want me freaking out. I did during that meet and greet." She chuckled.

   "I approve." Zayn said suddenly and we all looked at him confused.

   "I mean I let you be best friends with Christa and she can come over our house anytime. The Direction household welcomes you Christa."

  I squealed and hugged Zayn.

   "Thank you Zaynie."

   "I'll see you guys after school. We're gonna pick you up." Zayn added. We had a group hug including Christa.

   "Um guys? Make sure you come at exactly 3.30 ok?" Christa said nervously.

  The boys looked at her with a weird expression but nodded.

   "I'll see you after school Connie." Zayn said and kissed my forehead before leaving.

  I quickly learned who Dale is. She's the girl who I lectured. Christa told me we should leave the place if she's around. Dale has a habit of making every new kids' life a living hell. That is if you're the new kid, you're gonna be bullied until another new kid arrives. Then, you're not gonna get bullied ever again. I shook my head not liking Dale's eays of treating people. Christa didn't have much friends but I don't care. A small group of four us enough for me. I met Adam and Jack during lunch. Christa didn't get on well with girls so I'm her first girl friend. The four of us have all the classes together after lunch break. They're all funny. They kept me out of Dale's sight and other people kept their mouth shut, not telling Dale there's a new student in school because I'm One Direction's daughter. For once, I'm thankful for that. Less trouble caused. But everyone keeps telling me to leave exactly at 3.30 because after the school bell rings, the school is turned into a Dale's hell place. The school knows and can do nothing about it since her parents are some highly respected people in this country.

   Christa Adam Jack and I ran out of the school five minutes earlier. The teacher knows why and she hopes I get on well with others. I saw the guys leaning on the car waiting for me.

   "Zaynie!" I shout running towards him.

   "How's your day sweetheart?" He asked.

   "It's safe. These are my new friends. Adam and Jack."

   "Nice to meet you." Zayn said, shaking their hands.

  The bell rung and Christa's face turned pale.

   "We gotta go. See you tomorrow Connie!"

  I hugged them goodbye and got in the car quickly.

   "Explain what's going on in school." Zayn said. I took a deep breath and told the guys all about Dale.

     This chapter is a bit crappy but I promise it'll get better. Vote and Comment. xxNattie

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