Chapter 3 - Leaving

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Wait, me? And Amy? Why?
I can't believe it happened. I have hoped so hard, that I would be adopted one day. I never knew it would actually happen.

I look over at Amy. She's scowling at me, so I grin. 

"Y/N, and Amy." Mistress says "Go get your things." 

"Of course Mistress." Amy is so annoying. Such a suck up. 

"K." I say.

Mistress raises her voice to the kids. Then says "Everyone is dismissed, go back to your respective jobs."

I head over to the orphan staircase. Once we get out of earshot of the visitors and Mistress, Amy starts punching me. 

"You, are, such, a, brat," she says through gritted teeth.

"Just because I got adopted with you?" Amy glares at me 

"Let's just get out stuff and go back down." I suggest tentatively. She just stomps  away in the direction of her room. I walk in the direction of mine.

Once I get to my room. Cloe is on me saying how much I'm lucky I am that I got adopted.
"I don't think I got adopted." I say

"What, they just said-"

"I don't think that's likely to happen, yeah but I'm not a person somebody will want to have around for a long time. Somebody will probably return me to the orphanage one time or another, and it will probably be soon."


"Y/N, Amy, hurry up" A squeaky mouse voice echoed up the stairs.

"Got to go" Cloe hugged me one last time, then I escaped down the stairs.

Once I get to the landing, I see Amy saying a sad good-bye to Mistress. Such a teachers pet. I just walk slowly behind Amy. All of the students, when they leave the orphanage, or get adopted, they have to say good-bye to mistress. I'm not going to, I don't want to say good-bye to the person who made my life miserable the past 70,000 years, not really.

"Write to me weekly, tell me what your new life is like."

"I will, I promise" Amy said. I rolled my eyes at that one.

The man and woman looked impatient to go, so I coughed a few times, which earned me a glare from both mistress and Amy. I made a "hurry up" sign. Amy rolled her eyes, but gave one last hug, and went to pick up her stuff.

" Bye Y/N" I heard a small voice from the balcony I recognized Cloe's voice. I looked to where it was. I saw a small face peering out from the banister and then a small hand wave. I waved back.

"Come on Y/N" Amy said from behind.

"Coming" I said and with a last wave to Cloe, I stepped out the front door.

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