Chapter 2 - Adopted

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"Everybody line up here, tallest in the back, shortest in the front" Mistress's voice reminds me of a mouse. So squeaky.  We do this every time someone gets adopted. It's so the visitors can see everybody with no trouble. Even though I am not tall, she always puts me in the back. That's because she needs someone to do all the hard chores, so she doesn't want me to get adopted, and since she hates me, just as well.

Amy she puts in the back too. That's because Amy's her favorite. She doesn't want Amy to get adopted either. The rest the kids aren't as important to her. When we are all lined up. We are instructed to keep our eyes down. Don't look any stranger in the eye.

The people that are visiting today, are talking quietly with Mistress. She is nodding and smiling which is odd, because she doesn't ever smile. I think it's because she's trying to flirt with the blond haired guy.


I think that's becoming more of a reality. She's glaring at the woman with the red hair.

The red haired woman is surveying the kids. Her eyes never seeming to land. We're not supposed to look up from the ground, but  I do it anyway. I'm not the most obediant of children. I don't like rules.

The guy and the woman start to mingle around the kids. They're looking for someone specific. I can tell. The woman is getting closer and closer to me. So is the guy.

If they pick Amy, I'll die of jealousy. It's not like me to get jealous. It's more likely that they'll choose her. She can get on everyone's good side. She also has a "cute" face, which isn't actually cute at all.

I can see from the corner of my eye, that they're lifting some kids heads up and looking them in the eyes, then moving on. I wonder why they're doing that.

They're getting closer, they've gotten to Amy.

Uh...oh they're whispering together.
The guy is staying there, and the woman is moving on. I guess they're still looking for someone.

They've reached me. I can feel her hand coming up and lifting my face. I wonder why she's doing this. I can see her eyes. They're and interesting color, but I like it.

The woman's turning around to go back to the guy. They're probably going to adopt Amy.

They're whispering together.

"Y/N." says a squeaky mouse voice, no, says Mistress. Then she clears her throat. I give her the worst glare I can give her. I know that's her cue for telling me that I need to look down.
I roll my eyes, but I look down anyway.

I can feel Amy's eyes on me. She probably holding in giggles, that I got in trouble.

The little brat.

The visitors are going to talk with Mistress. I can't help but just peek a bit. I notice some other kids are doing the same.

The guy is now speaking in a loud enough voice, so that I can hear.
"We'll take those two."  He pointed to Amy and I.

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