Dreams Amidst Chaos

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The narrow alleyway offered no escape from Envy's piercing gaze. I was pinned, both physically and emotionally, by his intense scrutiny. My heart raced, but not solely from fear.Silence settled between us like a heavy shroud, oppressive and unrelenting. The confines of the alley were so tight that averting my eyes proved nearly impossible; I was trapped, trapped in this stifling space, and trapped in my own emotional turmoil.Envy, breaking the tense silence, glanced around, his eyes scanning for a way out. He gestured for me to hold onto him, and before I could react, he scooped me up in his arms, his strength surprising me. My cheeks burned with embarrassment and discomfort as he held me close, my protests forming barely coherent words. "Hey, what are you doing?" I stammered, my voice betraying a mixture of embarrassment and unease.Envy's response was curt, "Just shut up and hang on."I had little choice but to oblige, clutching his shoulders as he carried me away from the alley, my discomfort intensifying with every step. The transition was abrupt, leaving me flustered and out of sorts.Upon entering the apparent safety of the apartment, Envy surveyed the surroundings. Dust and dirt had accumulated in layers, as if the apartment had remained untouched for years. Our footprints marred the grime as we moved through the space.Exhausted from the events that had unfolded, I found solace on a worn, dilapidated couch. It offered a moment of reprieve, a chance to collect my thoughts. Envy, however, had other priorities. He moved to the windows, swiftly shutting all the blinds before turning to face me, his arms crossed."Care to explain what the hell just happened?" Envy's voice dripped with frustration. "We were barely twenty minutes into a walk in the park until it turned into running from a nightmare."I muttered under my breath, "Story of my life."Envy's sharp gaze bore into me, demanding an explanation. "What?"I sighed, my frustration surfacing as I looked away. "Nothing."His annoyance grew, his voice tinged with irritation. "Who the hell was that guy, and why were we running away from him?"The weight of my secret pressed down on me. I hesitated, unwilling to reveal the truth about Christopher and me sneaking out of the mansion that night and our encounter with Ling. Silence hung heavily, my silence fueling Envy's growing anger."Why should I?" I finally retorted defiantly.Envy's voice turned stern, his patience dwindling. "It's because of you that we're in this mess, and I don't even know what the hell is going on."Emotion welled up inside me, and the tears I'd been fighting so hard to hold back spilled forth. My sobs racked my body, and I was unable to contain the tidal wave of despair that washed over me."Weak," Envy muttered, his voice laden with discomfort as he watched me cry, his frustration evident.Still sobbing, I looked up at him, my vision blurred by tears. "Oh really? Weak? Let me see you try to go through half of the things I am going through... Let me see you try to stay normal after knowing that your entire life was a lie and that your father was an evil scientist doing god knows what to humans. I want to see how you will end up after watching a very dear and close friend of yours, who raised you, get killed right in front of your goddamn eyes! Tell me how in the hell do you expect me not to crumble and lose my mind?"Envy stood there in shocked silence, my words hanging heavily in the air. I continued, my voice trembling, "And it was you who caused half of the messed-up things that I am going through. You are the one who killed Alfred, along with that bitch Lust. And yet you just can't seem to handle a simple situation like running away from a stranger... and you're calling me weak?"Envy struggled to find a response, his usual composure slipping away. Before he could formulate his thoughts, a noise emanated from the closet, disrupting the tense atmosphere.Both of us fell silent, our eyes locked on the closet door as the noise persisted. Envy instinctively placed his hand on my waist, unconsciously pushing me behind him to protect me. My fear overshadowed our earlier argument, and I took refuge behind him without a second thought.Slowly, Envy moved toward the closet, his anticipation palpable. As he reached for the handle, he flung the door open.A pigeon burst out in a flurry of wings and feathers, causing Envy to stumble backward. My fear dissolved into uncontrollable laughter as the bird swooped past, leaving an unpleasant gift on Envy's head.Envy's irritation grew, and he turned to me, his annoyance clear. "Hold still."My laughter faded as Envy grabbed a piece of my dress and tore it off. I protested, but he seemed uninterested in my complaints. "You're lucky the pigeon didn't poop on you," he grumbled.I couldn't help but snicker. "That's probably the first luck I've ever encountered throughout this entire time."Envy's annoyance continued to escalate, but he was determined to leave. "Get up; we're going back."Frustration coursed through me, and I didn't want to return to the mansion. However, seeing Envy's determination, I sighed, knowing that arguing was futile.But just as we were about to exit the apartment, the door exploded into shards, and the masked figure from before stormed in, immediately attacking Envy. A brutal fight erupted before my eyes, leaving me feeling helpless and terrified.As chaos unfolded around me, my vision began to blur. I heard my name being called, but everything grew distant. Slowly, consciousness slipped away, and I surrendered to the consuming darkness.As my consciousness drifted away, I found myself in a hazy dreamscape, suspended between wakefulness and slumber. Vague images flickered before me, like fragments of memories intertwined with surreal fantasies.In this dreamlike state, I revisited moments from my past, moments that had shaped me and led me to this tumultuous point in my life. I saw myself as a child, innocent and carefree, playing in the lush gardens of my family's mansion. Everything had been so simple back then, so full of promise.But the dream didn't linger on the pleasant memories for long. It shifted, and I was transported to the moment when I discovered the horrifying truth about my father's experiments. The images were vivid, the sense of betrayal and devastation overwhelming. The pain I had felt then resurfaced, cutting through the dream's veil of detachment.As the dream continued to unfold, I saw Alfred, who had been like a father to me. His face, etched with warmth and wisdom, appeared before me. The memory of his tragic death stirred profound grief within me. But the dream didn't stop there; it propelled me into more recent memories. I saw Christopher, the one person who had shown me kindness and understanding in this chaotic world. Our secret meetings, the stolen moments of companionship and laughter, all played out before me. A deep sense of longing and sadness washed over me as I realized how much I had come to depend on his presence.The dream world shifted again, and I found myself back in the apartment, watching the fierce battle between Envy and the masked assailant. The violence and desperation of the fight were a stark contrast to the dream's earlier tranquility.My name echoed through the dream, a distant call that pulled me back toward consciousness. As the dream fragments dissipated, I felt a growing urgency to wake up, to return to the chaotic reality that awaited me. But to no avail.

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