1 • A Fresh Start

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"Ariana, tell Tori to get off me now," I groaned from beneath the tall blonde.

"'Ariana, tell Tori to get off me now,'" Ariana mimicked me, making me glare at her. She glared back, saying, "That's what you get for taking my phone."

"I took it for two seconds!" I defended helplessly. "And that was because we were crossing the road and you could have gotten ran over!"

Ariana made a talking gesture with her hands as I spoke and eventually said, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." She looked to Tori and smirked. "Continue."

Tori jumped on my back and I groaned, earning laughter from her and Ariana. Oh, how I hated them both.

"Girls, this isn't a playground," I heard my aunt say as she entered the studio. "What are you doing?"

"She's doing me a favour, F," Alessia said, walking towards my aunt with an innocent smile. "You see, your niece here–" she motioned to me, and I glared at her, "–embarrassed me in front of someone I liked, so I'm just getting revenge. That's fair, isn't it?"

"Pantsing you on camera wasn't embarrassing," I said, matter-of-factly. "I do that to everyone." Which was kinda true. The amount of times I've pantsed Y/BF/N in PE is unbelievable.

"Y/F/N! You pulled Alessia's pants down on camera?!" my aunt shouted with surprise.

I stayed silent, knowing she would kill me.

"In that case, continue as you are girls."

I looked to my aunt and saw that she was smiling mischievously, before leaving the studio. Leaving me alone with the three she-devils.

"Guys, come on," I begged, tired of being smushed to the ground. "I'm sorry, okay?"

They ignored my apology and continue to do whatever they were doing, also known as going on their phones. I sighed, knowing I wouldn't win against all three of them, and tried my best to reach for my own phone in my pocket. Eventually I got it, and as I began to unlock it, I promised myself to stop annoying them otherwise I would be teased endlessly.

As I was tucked into a game of Temple Run, a loud voice (that sounded a lot like Alessia) began to shout, "Answer your phone you dimwit!"

It scared the living daylights out of me and I dropped my phone with surprise. The other girls laughed as I soon began to realise that the shouting was my new unknown ringtone, and none other than Lauren Jauregui was ringing.

I was so nervous that I didn't even have the effort to shout at Alessia for changing my ringtone without my consent. Instead, I stared at my phone, reluctantly picking it up and seeing a picture of the green-eyed girl enlarged on my phone.

I wasn't scared to answer it, don't get me wrong. I was just... worried, I guess you could say. Worried that I would say something wrong. Worried that I would blurt something out. Worried that she finally came to the conclusion that me liking her was too weird and so she no longer wanted to be friends.

Ever since we agreed (more her) on being friends, I kept to my promise. Despite all of the pain I felt whenever I had to look at her and pretend I wasn't falling in love with her.

Yeah, love.

Things between Lauren and I started off awkward, I'm not going to lie. I could practically spot from a mile off how uncomfortable she looked whenever I was around her. The fact that I had feelings for her obviously seemed to freak her out, which was why it was pretty hard for us to get back to how we once were. But now? Now we were normal.

Actual Love | a Lauren/You FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now