You Find Out He Cheated Carter Reynolds Imagine

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I'm still doing the "He Finds Out You Cheated" saga but I thought there was enough heartbreak for the boys, so why not with it around? Comment below if you want more of these or if I should just keep the cheating to you! Lol...

You and Carter have been together for two solid years. It's been hard time to time with him traveling but you knew somehow he was worth it. 

You tapped your feet in rhythm as you stared hard at the clock. Cameron texted you that the boys arrived about 3 hours ago but haven't heard anything from Carter. You haven't seen him in 3 weeks and couldn't wait to see him. Getting a text from Cam before Carter was weird but you knew that this was probably because Carter was probably surprising you like always. 

Just three more minutes you said to yourself. 

Ugh...what would it be? Probably a bag of candy and flowers. No, McNuggets would be fire right now, you thought

Brinnnng! The bell rung. Instead of staying to chat, you practically flew through the doors. 

Carter was no where to be seen, so you headed to his apartment. He gave you the keys about a year ago so it was no biggie. 

You heart skipped a beat when you saw the familiar car parked in its usual parking space. This is how it always was after he'd come back from the tour. 

You ran up the steps and to his apartment number. The door was unlocked so you didn't need the key. 

When you went in there was heels at the door and a trail of clothes. A sudden wave traveled through you but you refused to go to assumptions. 

You heard certain noises coming from Carter's room and burst thorough the door. 

Long behold Carter and Maggie were together. 

" (Y/N), oh sh-t!" Carter said. "This is not what it looks like." 

Anger boiled inside of you, and you felt yourself slowly blacking out. Next thing you know your pulling Maggie's hair till her body rolls off the bed, throwing a lamp at Carter's head, and kicking everything in sight. 

Carter finally got a hold of you and stopped you. 

"You b-tch! Don't you ever touch me!" Maggie yelled. 

"First of all, I don't know where the hell you've been, and from what I hear you've been everywhere. And second, Carter if you don't get your f--king hands off me, you'll regret the day you've met me, you piece of sh-t!" 

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. We could work this out." 

"And really Carter!? The one person you told me not to worry about? You come near me again, you're dead!" You yelled as you threw a cup at him, for on last spin. 

You walked out and to your car, but before leaving made a big deal of keying Carter's "precious" car. 

"Hope you learn to never f with me again!" 

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