Crush Aaron Imagine For Madison or Maddie

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I sat in class as usual. I was terrible at math, but I don't know why I loved this class so much.

" Mr. Carpenter. What's your excuse this time?" Mrs. Banks asked as the door opened.

I looked over to Aaron, who just tried to sneak in.

Now remember whloved this class.

" My dog ate my shoe, so I had to get a new pair." Aaron said making the class giggle.

" Very clever. Take a seat, and don't interrupt the class."

My heart raced as he took the empty seat next to mine.

" Hey?" I heard A whisper.

I turned to look if it was to me.

" Can I borrow a pencil?" Aaron asked.

I can't believe he asked me for a pencil!?

I reached into my back back and grabbed the only pencil left. My favorite pink fuzzy one. Embarrassed, I handed it over.

" Pink. How'd you know this was my favorite color?" He teased. " Thanks, Mads." he smiled.

Not only did he know my name, but the even gave me nickname!

I held the excitement in.

The bell rung at the end class. I quickly packed up my things in a hurry as usual.

" Wish, where are you going off so fast?" Aaron asked as he stepped into my way.

" Oh, I never really notice so much."

" Well if you keep running off to fast, I'll never get to give you back your pencil, or walk you to your next class." Aaron said with a smirk.

" Walk me to class?" I asked just to make sure I hadn't misheard what he just said.

" I thought you'd never ask."

You guys walked together in the halls.

" Do you have a boyfriend?" Aaron asked.

" No, why do you?" As soon as I said it I regretted it.

" Not that I'm against it, I'm totally for it, but that's not me." Aaron teased.

" You knew what I meant." I playfully pushed him.

We finally reached the door to my next class, and inside I felt sad, but happy that I finally talked to the Aaron Carpenter.

" Thanks for walking me to class." I said.

" My pleasure. I had fun, maybe we should do this more often Mads.  "

" Sure, I guess walking with you is always more fun than walking alone."

" No, I mean talking, not that I don't wanna walk you to class. Friday, I wanna take you out.

" Yes. I mean sure, that's cool." I said trying to not sound like some crazy crush.

Aaron laughed. " Okay, I guess I'll see you around then?"

" Mmhmm."

I smiled to myself as Aaron walked away. When he walked around the corner I squealed, dropped my books and did my usual crazy, excited dance.

My crush, Aaron Carpenter asked me out!

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