His Promise To You As A Boyfriend

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Nash: Never stop being a giant dork. Whenever you're down, he promises to make you laugh. Laughter is the best medicine, without a doubt. 

Taylor: Promises to always have your back. You never have to go to war without him by your side. 

Carter: To always listen. No matter the hate or negative voices. To always give yours a chance.  

Shawn: Remind you everyday of the reasons why you fell for him. 

Jack J: Never hold back hugs, even if your pissed. 

Jack G: Whenever you sleep over, promises to give you most of the bed, without complaints. 

Aaron:  To always be your best friend. To make you comfortable even when you're fighting. 

Cameron: Always apologize even if you're wrong, because in your book, you are always right. 

Matthew:  You could trust him and he will forever be loyal to you. Even if Ariana Grande through herself at him, he'd turn her down. 

Hayes: To remember. To remember everything, big or small. Silly or Serious. Good or Bad. 

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