Kiss Shawn Mendes Imagine

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Shawn and you have been best friends for a while now and you've been in love with him since the two of you have met. It was summer vacation and you decided to travel on tour with the boys, Shawn included of course. It seems like everyone knows of your feelings besides Shawn. 

"I'm tripping over myself

I'm aching begging you to come help

And now that I'm without your kisses

I'll be needing stitches..." 

You can't help but smile as Shawn finishes his set on stage. 

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Taylor says as he passes by you. 

"Shut up, before I run all your bandanas!" You reply while smacking him on the arm. 

"You wouldn't." says Taylor. 

"Try me." 

"(Y/n), please burn them all. I've been trying for years and have yet to be successful." Aaron teases. 

"I'll call you when it's done." 

You hear claps and roars from the audience, telling you that's it time for the closing. 

The guys goes back on stage and do their thing as you watch. You loved going on tour. Seeing the guys in their space and comfort zone gives you life. 

"So, whadda think?" Shawn ask as you guys finally get back on the bus. 

"You guys were amazing." 

"Did you hear when I forgot the lyrics to Sweater Whether?" 

"Shawn, your voice is like velvet, kid. I'm pretty sure you could sing the alphabet all on tour and girls still would be overflowing the venues." You reassure him. 

You look over to see Cameron and Nash making mock kissing faces behind Shawn, so only you can see. 

You signal for them to stop with your eyes, and Shawn catches on. 

He looks behind him. "What did you do?" Shawn asks the boys. 

"Nothing." They said in unison, trying to keep in the laughter. 


After the show and all the signings, you guys decided to head over to get something to eat at McDonald's. Since it was late, you guys were practically the only ones there, the guys taking it upon themselves to act completely like themselves. (You know what I mean! :)

"So, Shawn. Since all the ladies love you, I need advice. " Jack J. asks with his mouth full of fries. 

"What are you talking about?" You ask. 

"Okay, so I have this friend who likes another friend but too scared to tell them. What should my friend do?" 

You knew exactly what he was talking about, and really wanted to punch all the fries out of his mouth. You'd die if Shawn finds out you like him. 

"Well personally, I think that if a guy likes a girl he should just kiss her smack dab on the face!" You joke around. 

"You think so?" Shawn ask as you laugh with the guys. 

"Yeah, why?" 

And before you could get your head straight, Shawn grabs your face and kiss you, right in front of everyone. 

"Ooooooooooooooooo!" Nash yells as he jumps in the air. 

"Hold up, do it again for the snap. I missed it!" Cameron says. 

"W--why did you just do that?" You asked. 

"Well, you said if a guy likes a girl, he should kiss her. So I guess now you know, (Y/n). I like you." 

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