Falling For You Nash Grier Imagine for Madisyn

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IMAGINE: There's a new guy in school, and you being friendly decided to be is first friend there.

" So the dance on Friday, you going?" Shawn asked.

" I don't know, why?" You asked curiously.

" Well, I know we've only known each other for a week or so, but I would love if you'd be my date for the dance?" He asked.

You knew you had the biggest crush on Nash, your best friend, but you didn't know if he felt the same way. You didn't want to run any chances of losing him, so you really didn't know what to do. But you was really hoping that Nash would ask you instead.

" Um, I don't know. I'll think about it." You finally said.

" Oh, I should've known you and Nash were planning on going together." Shawn said out of no where.

" No. Why, did you here something?"

" No, I just could see that you really like him. I mean you kinda talk a lot about him and you guys are always together." His words made you blush, because it was true.

" Is it that obvious?" You asked.

Shawn nodded. " I know not to get in the way of things, being new in all, but if things don't work out, my offer still stands."

" Sure thing."

You started to walking to class until you caught Nash at his locker.

" Hey." You greeted.

" Hey. What's up?" He asked.

What Shawn said was still running through your mind. Did Nash have feelings for you? You thought with a smile.

" Funny thing Shawn said earlier."

" Ugh. Will you ever stop talking about him? He's not a baby I'm pretty sure he could show himself around the school. " Nash sounded a bit jealous.

" Well, he asked me to the dance. He had this funny thought that you were taking me, but I just laughed at that thought. We're only friends it would be lame if I went with you."

" Only friends? Right." Nash faked a smile. You knew because his smile could lit a room, and you knew too well. " Well, I was thinking of asking Amy. Think she'll yes?" Nash asked.

You knew the thought of Nash going to the dance with Amy would hurt. Especially Amy being on of the top girls in your grade. You knew she'd say yes to Nash, what's not to like? " You, kidding? Of course she'd say yes." You laughed.

" Okay. See you later?"

" Sure." You watched as Nash walked off into the hallways.

" God, I'm so stupid." You thought to yourself.

To Be Continued...

NOTE: I know. I know. I just felt like I needed to update so I wanted to just release a peak of this imagine. And yes, there will be a second part, I just hadn't found time to update anything on Wattpad lately.Who will Maddie end up going to the dance with? Vote if u must. :)

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