The Cowardly Duo. Chapter 4

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You and Percy were waiting at the boat for a long time...
Waiting for Poppy and crew to return as you both sighed.

Poppy said that only the bravest pirates could come with and we were the most cowardly pirates he ever saw.

Percy played on the flute while you hummed and drew pictures, it had been a while since Poppy, Janice and crew had gone out.

"...H...Hey Percy?... they've been gone for six hours....."
"That'd be true.... I be gettin worried." Percy sighed, a frown on his face.
" Should we go after them?..." You suggest and he gets a look on his face that you never had seen before, he began to shake and stood up, grabbing a sword and saying.
"Aye! W...We w...will go... as s...scary as it may be..." Percy announced to you and then you whimpered as you both were going to head into the forest and chickened out before entering.
"YOU.... HAVE.... TO.... GO..... INSIDE!!!!
Ms. Laughingstock boomed as both of you jumped.

Percy led you deep into the island and you followed, pushing away vegatation.
You heard a rustling and Percy held his sword out, he looked ready to fight but his hands shook and gave him away that he was scared.

"Peeeeerrrrcccccyyyyy~" You heard a raspy but deep voice as Percy squeaked and grabbed your wrist, running and dragging you behind.

Percy got tripped by something and you two were caught in a net, Percy on top of you and both of you in an awkward position as you both apologised and blushed profusely.

"Ahahahahaaah!!!! We captured th cowards!" You heard Horace laugh as he ran up to the net and you struggled, more embarrassed than ever, especially since you had a flustered Percy trying to get off of you.

"Th two, precious cowards...." Skin Taker grinned as he walked over to your net and then noticed that you two were embarrassed. "Hmm..." He had a sinister grin as he shook the net and Percy screamed with you, you both hugged, shivering in fear.
"YARHARHARHAR!!!" He laughed his stereotypical pirate laugh.
"Ye be the most precious pair of cowards I ever did see!" He was laughing as you whimpered, starting to cry as Percy fearfully but angrily glared at Skin Taker.
"Aww... did I make the angel start to cry again?... GOOD!! Ye better be scared!!! Ye had better bawl yur eyes out!!!! You my dear shall make a fine suit and you boy....
You will make a fine pair of boots! Skin Taker laughed as Percy growled and snapped at him.
"Y...YOU L...LEAVE Y/N A...A...ALONE!!!! Y...YOU DISGUSTIN MONSTER, YOU AREN'T EVEN A PIRATE!!! YOU ARE A S...SICK REMINDER OF A...AN OLD NIGHTMARE!!!!" Percy screamed and was then roughly shook as Skin Taker
had become angry.
"Yur right laddy... I am a nightmare.... in fact... I'm yur nightmare...." Skin Taker spat as he carried you both in the net and brought you with him, probably going to his ship.

"Percy... wh...when did you get b...brave?" You whispered to your friend as he replied.
"I... I ain't.... I'm terrified.... I just got angry and yelled at im..." Percy seemed hopeless, he looked like he had given up and you decided to dig up some bravery as well.
"Y...Y/n? W...what are you doin?" Percy asked as you opened your mouth and bared your teeth, finding a place to bite Skin Taker and doing so.
"SON OF A BITCH!!!" Skin Taker screamed when you bit into his rib and accidentally tore it off, he dropped the net and you glared at him, bone in your mouth.
Percy stared at you with wide eyes as you stood up in the net and managed to get it off, only to have Horace tackle you to the ground.

Skin Taker angrily stomped over to you and glared at you.
"You little bitch..." He hissed and picked you up, beginning to beat you up, bones stabbed you slightly and you had cuts from him slashing you with his sharp fingers.

You eventually fell to your knees and stared up at Skin Taker.
"Now look watcha made me do... I bruised your perfect skin..." He said angrily as he looked into your eyes.

You were afraid but then you noticed that Percy wasn't there anymore and neither was Horace... Horace came back though and he looked hurt and unhappy.
"That little red haired, shit got away..." Horace growled as he held up his sword and Skin Taker sighed.
"It's fine... he isn't what we came fur!" Skin Taker picked you up and set you on his shoulder.

You saw Percy behind you, hiding in the bushes as he looks at you, holding a finger to his lips and you gave him a gentle smile before passing out from being beaten up and tired out...

You knew you could count on Percy.

A Candlelit Lullaby. Pirate Percy X Reader. Candle CoveWhere stories live. Discover now