The ManBearPig. Chapter 12

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You had a nightmare...
Or what you thought had been a nightmare until you woke up with a heart stamped on where your crotch and abdomen meet.
It was a baby blue heart and was very small, it laid upon the corner of your lower half, it was a small heart that laid in the corner of your leg and it had the initials.
MBP... on it.

●》Your Nightmare《●

A scary creature with a pig's face and a bear hat but with the body of a well dressed man had Percy on strings and though you tried to reach Percy you couldn't move, you were picked up by the ManBearPig and set in front of a mirror after he was done playing with the puppet Percy.

He started to undress you and you desperately wanted to scream or cry but could not, you saw that you were a beautiful porcelain doll with amazing h/l, h/c Hair and big, dazzling e/c eyes, you were as thin as a barbie doll and had the shape that naughty cartoons gave it's females, however... you looked delicate and graceful unlike those girls.
You were embarrassed as you saw your naked body, thinking of how ugly you still were...

ManBearPig treated you like a rare gem that could shatter easily as he dressed you in your Pirate attire and attached silken strings onto your arms and then you heard a song that Percy would always play, you saw ManBearPig get Percy to move again and he started getting people to make you both act.

♡●♢Your P.O.V♢●♡

"Oh dear! Percy what are you doing?" My actor asks as she moves my tiny hand to my shaped mouth, this dress was a bit showy... it was much too small for me and Percy was still taller than me...
I still found him beautiful even though he looked quite scary now.
Percy's actor was making Percy hold something behind his back.
"N...Nothin milady... j...just mindin me own bisnuess." His voice actor sounded embarrassed.
I was moved closer.
"What are you hiding Percy?"
Percy was slightly moved back.
I was moved about gracefully as my actor kept trying to get the other to show me what Percy was hiding and eventually we got tangled up in eachother's strings and finally Percy's actor showed me, it was a flower.
"I...It was supposed to be a surprise... for ye..." It was a beautiful flower as I was made to take it and was made to say.
"Thank you Percy..."
Then they pressed our faces together and my actor made a kiss noise...
The rest of the time was an adventure... a scary one...

We were fleeing from Skin Taker and then an actor started talking about episodes and how we'd have to tune in next time.

I was then taken off set and placed down as ManBearPig got a strange stamp thing and removed my clothes, he looked grossed out at first but then got to work, he took away dirt from me, washed me and my hair, shined my body and glossed my hair, eyes and lips.

I looked beautiful and silken and he even painted my nails f/c.
I looked absolutely stunning and I had bendable yet tiptoed feet, it reminded me of a ballerina or a barbie but my face was perfect like a cute anime girl maybe even a Moe. ((Really cute anime person))

I looked amazing then he stamped me too close to my lower area then I felt comfortable with...

~Narrator's P.O.V~

You got up out of your bed as you recalled the dream, you were wearing some rather naughty clothing as well... you blushed and looked down at the slightly transparent nightgown you had on and also looked at the pink undergarments you had on, they barely hid your body, in fact they didn't hide but show off your body, it looked so naughty and then you noticed the knee high socks and blushed.

You wanted help getting these clothes off because they were tied on really tight but you could think of noone to help you.

"Y/n! Are ye okay? Ye haven't been out for a while and yur usually th one up before all of us." Percy said from behind the door.

"I...I'm fine!" You grunted as you tried to release yourself of this evil clothing.
"You sound like yur in trouble..." Percy's voice sounded worried.
"I...I'm fine! It's fine Percy!"
You say once more and after a long pause filled with the sound of your effort, Percy says.
"I'm comin in..." and before you can protest, the door opens and there stands a wide eyed Percy... he looked very worried at first and then that worry turned into shock then fear and then it turned into embarrassment.
"P...Percy! G..Get out!" You blush and he just stands there...
You feel that you may have broken him so you walked over, leaving your clothes be, trying to see if Percy was okay.

Percy just stares off into the distance and you decide that it'd be best if you got Poppy's help... however...
That would also require you to clothe yourself...
You were deep in thought until two arms wrapped around your waist.
"H..Huh?" You say and turn to look at Percy, looking at you and smiling.
"Ye look cute..." He purred and nuzzled your neck.
You say as he cuddles you closer and then you both became red cheeked when you heard a voice say.
"WHY DON'T YOU TWO JUST DO IT ALREADY!?" Then you heard a slap noise and turn to see Poppy and Milo...
Poppy had slapped Milo in the face and was looking at you two now, arms crossed, tapping a foot as Percy let go of you and stood up, walking over to him but when you turned, Milo whistled and Poppy's eyes widened.
"Percival I didn't think you a dirty boy!" Milo snickered before being hit again and Percy blushing hard.
"I...I ain't! I w....was j...just worried about her a...and I... came into her room b...but realised it wasn't my help she needed..." Percy blushed uncontrollably.
Poppy sighed.
"Y/n close yur door... and if you want help... have Percy do it..." Then Poppy dragged Milo along.

Percy was shaky as he helped you, you were mortified...
"I...I'm sorry about this percy..." You say as he manages to get that awful top off of you.

"It's alright... I...It's not like I haven't seen ye before..." He sighs and helps you out of the dress.
"I...I know..."
Then you realise something.
"Hey Percy?..."
"Yes Y/n?" Percy asks.
"Why don't you ever show your body?... and... did you have a weird nightmare about us being puppets?"

Percy was silent for a bit and then he finally explained to you what was happening.
"S...So I'm a porcelain doll now and ManBearPig owns me?..."
Percy nodded sadly.
"And everyone but Janice is also a puppet but this world is made so we can live as we should have?... and the dreams are real?..."
Percy nodded once more and you sighed.
"But what about the reason of why you won't show me what you look like under that jacket and shirt?"
Percy sighed and looked down.
"Are ye sure you wanna see it?" He frowned slightly.
"Yes! I won't judge you..."
Percy sighed once more and after a short pause he removed his shirt and jacket, revealing that his arms were from someone else, one arm was wooden and the other looked like a normal arm... just a bit more skin colored than Percy's pale face.
He frowned, his chest was normal enough... pale but still fine... it looked scratched up and actually looked like it was sculpted by hand...
He was frowning, he didn't look bad... he may have been a bit of a mismatch but he was still Percy, you smiled at him and giggled.
"H...Huh?" Percy was confused. " aren't disgusted?...."
You shook your head and hugged him.
"You look so cute! That wooden arm is kind of cool and the rest of you is just as awesome! There is nothing wrong with you!" You smile at him and he hugs you back.
"Yur amazing..." He smiles.
"Thank you... now I just realised that I still have to get this other stuff off so you can go now... I'll be out in a bit."
You shooed him out and Percy left...


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