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"Taste the pain right on my tongue.

Novocaine to make me numb.

Don't you wor-"

Allen let out a curse as he declined the call. The world better be ending because Hope knew better than to call him before noon on the weekend.  His phone began to ring again. He sat up muttering under his breath and answered it.

"Hope, I swear to god New York better be under attack by extraterrestrial lifeforms."

"Still not a morning person huh Allen? Whatever. I just wanted to tell you that you're probably gonna be going to Stark Tower today."

Allen raised an eyebrow. Hope always managed to know what his plans were before he did.

"What do you mean? Hope, I know you're good with people but I'm pretty sure you can't get into Stark Tower."

"You underestimate me Allen, but yeah. Spike's got an interview set up with some of Tony Starks employees. There's rumors that Stark is gonna do some big reveal on some new tech. Perfect opportunity for some pictures."

Allen smiled at that. He'd been taking pictures for as long as he could remember. He had plenty of candid shots of his friends and Spike. Hope concentrating on her writing. Lavi surrounded by a pile of books. I swear he's going to be a librarian one day. Spike interviewing people. Allen's favorite though was one of all four of them that he had someone take in Central Park. It was a great memory.

"That'll be fun. What're you gonna do today? Wanna come along?" He knew Hope was going to decline. Sunday's are her writing days that she seldom spent away from a desk.

"No thanks, Ally. How about you invite Lavi?" Hope's voice was light and teasing. Allen sighed.

"I would, but he has to work on his art project."
You wouldn't tell by looking at the redhead but he was an amazing artist. His best work is sketching, he can sketch amazingly detailed things from memory alone.

"Oh well. Entertain yourself with Spike."

They said goodbye and hung up. Allen shuddered as he felt a sudden chill. Jeez, I could've sworn it was May. Why am I so cold?

Allen laid on his side and went onto tumblr, remembering he'd left Alex without much of a conversation. He had 16 message notifications and 15 were from Alex.

'do I look like I give a flying shit'
'hint: I dont'
'Cerealy tho'
'did he upset you'
'i will fuck him up fam'
'Allen we may live in different states but we are in the same fucking time zone dont you ignore me'
'I'm gonna punch you'
'I will get on the first flight to New York'
'did you finally ask him out'
'that's it I'm tagging you in every jesus post until the end of time'
'You need Jesus'

Allen laid there for a while trying to fully comprehend what he'd read, then he started typing.
'listen bitch you need to calm yourself I'm still single.'
1 message
'are you still a virgin tho?'

There were a few knocks on his door and Allen looked up to see Spike standing there wearing his pajamas.

"You up for going to-"

"Stark tower? Sure, make me some coffee." Allen giggled as he saw Spike's eyes widen comically.

"Hope told me." Spike seemed to deflate a bit at that. He told Allen to get ready that they were going to leave in 20 minutes and went downstairs to make coffee.

Allen took a quick shower and changed into some jeans and a tank top. He walked over to his bedside drawer and grabbed his purple draw string bag, containing his camera and other things he may need. He put on a pair of black converse and went downstairs.

Spike had been waiting for him with a coffee in a to-go cup and toast.

"Eat up kid."

They ate breakfast on the way to the tower. Allen checked the time 9:53. Spike parked his car near a reserved spot and told Allen that he could get a tour of the tower after his interviews, he told Allen to entertain himself in the general area.

Allen looked around him. Trying to find some inspiration, something that would make a good shot. He was extremely picky though, if it wasn't gonna be a good shot then he wasn't going to bother. It took him a good hour and a half until he finally decided to give up. Then he saw it. There was a place where he could get the perfect shot of the skyline. He just had to get to the roof of a parking garage.

There. If I can get there it would be such a beautiful shot.

Allen made his way up the parking garage with the stairs because the elevator was taking to long. After a good ten minutes he finally made it to the roof. He pulled out his camera and starting taking pictures. After a few good shots decided to take some of the people below. A family walking together down the street. Lovers holding hands. He went to take a picture of Stark tower when he noticed something strange.

Something was assembling itself.

Allen didn't have time to think before one of the large windows shattered and Tony Stark himself fell down. Allen's heart stopped, camera fell out of his hands. Before Stark could hit the pavement though his body was enveloped by armor that began to assemble itself until Stark was safe. Allen called Spike, his hands trembling slightly.

"Allen!" Spike's tone was laced with worry.

"Are you okay? Tony Stark just fell out of a window. I thought he didn't work on the suits in New York."

"He doesn't. Look you need to stay away from the tower. I'm safe inside. They got all the people in the building to a safe room but I'm gonna be stuck in here for a while."

"You want me to just stay away? Spike, what if something happens."

There was an unspoken fear in his voice. Allen knew what it was like to lose someone important, and Spike wasn't in a safe spot. No matter what he said. Allen knew that extraordinary people with extraordinary abilities were angry. Benefits of having a journalist as a guardian, you get to know things before the general public does.

"Look Allen. I'm not gonna be able to talk. They want us to be quiet but, stay safe alright. Stay away from the tower, try and get to a police station or someplace safe. I love you Allen."

Spike hung up before Allen could say it back.

Beginning of the End | LavenWhere stories live. Discover now