Something Different.

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          The shrill scream of an alarm woke Allen with a jolt, as he realized it was only an alarm, he groaned. He sat up slightly out of breath. Again... that dream, he wondered. Fifth time this month. Allen rubbed his shoulder as though he was feeling for an injury. Maybe Hope is right about the horror novels. Allen sighed as he pulled his damp t-shirt over his head. A knock at the door pulled him out of his mind.

"Allen! False alarm. It was my- what the fuck happened to you. You look like shit."

Allen sputtered indignantly, scowling at his guardian.

Spike Ramirez was an interesting person, to say the least. Allen met him when he was 12, Spike was 22, and wasn't really sure what to make of him. Spike kept visiting his foster home until one day he decided to adopt him. Allen had been confused as to why, but over the years, he's learned not to question what Spike does.

"You know... you shouldn't curse like that in front of me. I'm an impressionable teenager." Allen's voice was shaky, exposing the fear he was trying to hide.

"Yeah, and I'm a golden retriever. Now tell me what's wrong kiddo. Was it another nightmare?" Spike leaned on the doorway as he waited for an answer.

"Yeah. It's been the same one all month." Allen mumbled running a hand through his damp hair.

"Well, I was going to say that you can sleep in for a while. The boss called me, said he wanted me to go for a story about some weird mugger.I don't want you to be alone right now. Invite Hope and Lavi over. Have some fun."

Spike left some money on the drawer and went over to where Allen was still sitting and ruffled the teenager's white hair.

"I'll be back around 5. Order some pizza. Pretend you don't have a crush on Lavi. Bye!" Spike teased walking toward the front door.

Allen flushed red as Spike left the house, slightly annoyed. Honestly, can't I have a crush on my best friend without being constantly teased about it, he spoke sarcastically. Allen stood up and fixed his bed. Grabbing some clothes he went into his bathroom. Better get ready. After showering Allen got dressed and checked his phone.

2 missed calls. 3 Unread messages.

Allen smiled to himself upon reading who the senders were and their messages.



Oops... Allen laughed as he read Hope's messages. Suddenly though, his stomach sank as he read Lavi's.

"Ally. Spike told me you're having nightmares again. I thought you promised you'd tell me if they happened again."

Lavi and Hope had stayed over because Allen was alone; Spike was off to California for an emergency news report. The trio had fun most of the night, watching movies and playing a few games. A couple minutes before midnight they decided to go to sleep. Hope changed in the bathroom while the boys changed in Allen's bedroom. A few hours after falling asleep Allen woke up with a startled gasp,a nightmare, and tried to calm himself down without waking anyone up. Needless to say, it didn't work as Allen was grabbed and pulled into a tight hug from his redheaded best friend. Lavi managed to calm Allen down without waking Hope up.

Allen made a promise to tell Lavi about his nightmares whenever they occurred. A promise he had broken...

Allen exhaled a breath he didn't know he'd been holding and called Lavi. The phone rung for a bit before he answered.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing. I-well. I read your message. I wanted to apologize for not telling you." Allen stuttered out. He hated lying to Lavi almost as much as he hated admitting he lied. Allen heard some shuffling on the other side of the call.

"It's fine Ally. I just worry about you. It wasn't fun waking up to my friend having a panic attack."

"I wasn-" he started was quickly interrupted.

"Yes you were. Now invite me over. Hope and I are bored." Lavi stated. Allen could practically hear the smirk in his voice."

"Fine. Come over." Allen responded and quickly hung up, covering his face with his hands.

He texted Hope and told her to come over, he may or may not have also told her to not tease him.

Allen walked out if his bathroom and looked at the time. 11:43 a.m.

"Early enough for pizza." he decided and ordered two large pizzas.

As Allen waited for Hope and Lavi to arrive he laid on the couch. He had an odd feeling, almost as though he was being watched. Allen shook the thought away and turned on the television, about fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang. Allen went and answered the door.

"Allen! How do you not like Channing Tatum?" His friend Hope questioned.

Hope Anderson was one of Allen's closest friends, he told her almost everything; Everything else though, she figured out. For example, Hope figured out about Allen's crush on Lavi before Allen even knew he had a crush on Lavi. Hope was a very kind girl, constantly there for Allen and Lavi when they needed her and asking for nothing in return. Hope was about an inch and a half taller than Allen. (Something Allen was constantly teased for was his height.) She was wearing some jeans and a t-shirt, along with her infamous red converse.

"I'm just not into him. Although Magic Mike was a good movie." Allen smiled.

"Ally no. You can't watch those movies. You're grounded." Allen felt someone lift him in a tight hug.

Lavi Bookman was an interesting person. Natural bright red hair that he styled in weird spikes and bright green eyes. The redhead was tall, 6'1. He had a charming personality, proven by the dozens of girls,and Allen, in school who were crushing on him. Lavi was also not only attractive, but smart as well; Passing all of his classes with a 4.0. Looks and brains.

Allen blushed as Lavi put him down.

"You could've hugged me like a normal person." Allen spoke in mock anger, while moving back to allow his friends into his home.

The teens spoke in the living room for about ten minutes before the pizza arrived. Allen shoved the money into Lavi's hand because both Allen and Hope dislike social interactions with unknown people. They ate pizza and watched One Punch Man because Lavi had never seen it and the other two teens declared it to be anime day. A couple hours passed it was now 4:32. Spike would be home in an hour at the most.

Allen stood and went to the bathroom, upon leaving he looked into the mirror and his blood ran cold. Instead of his white hair adorning his head, his reflection had black unruly hair. Blank eyes stared back at him instead of his natural grey. Blood was streaming down his face, a wicked smile stretched across his lips.

His throat closed up, he couldn't breathe. Allen couldn't stop staring at it. No matter what he did, his reflection copied. He brought his hands up to his cheeks. They were dry, there was no blood.

"Who-who are you?" Allen whispered in fear.

"Me?" The reflection answered in a dark tone. "I'm you Allen. I'm what you're trying to hide."

Suddenly the bathroom lights went out.

"This isn't the last you'll be seeing of me." Allen felt around for the light switch until he felt something grab his wrist, it turned him around and he was met with two blank eyes.

"Until we meet again."

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