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  Ring-a-round the rosie,

Allen couldn't breathe.

  A pocket full of posies, 

It was dark, he could barely move or feel his body. 

A box? Cage? Was I captured? Allen thought to himself. Suddenly he felt hot. He could move, but all he saw was flickering red and black. Sensations overcame him.

He screamed.

Ashes! Ashes!

Allen screamed in pain.He heard screams. Screams that were slowly driving him mad. Looking around he saw other people. Faceless, they had no features. Shadows? They had their arms stretched towards him, as if to ask for help. Allen screamed once more as he tried to move. His whole body felt heavy.

We all,

Allen looked down in horror as several different scarred, burnt hands grabbed his legs and arms.


He tried to get away as they pulled him,


Allen sat up screaming arms wrapped tightly around himself as he shook. He could still hear their screaming.

"Please!" he cried out. He felt a hand on his shoulder and lashed out. He let himself be enveloped by shadows, as they drew away he had his Phantom outfit on. Red gloves, a black coat and on the inside what looked a vest over a white dress shirt. He wore tight black pants and black boots that went up to his knees. Of course not forgetting the mask on his face.

He didn't look at the attacker as he pulled a knife out from the darkness. He did just as Natasha taught, faked a slice and went the opposite but the attacker grabbed his arm, almost knowingly. The attacker grabbed Allen's arms and twisted them against his back. Allen soon found himself pushed against the wall of his bedroom.

He waited for the chloroform or a needle with a sedative but it never came. He realized he'd been screaming, so he hadn't heard anything. He stopped screaming and took a deep breath. He could now hear the worried voice of Lavi.

"-okay now? Allen? Allen! Answer me!"

Allen lost the adrenaline that had been forcing him to stand and collapsed. Lavi sat next to him and wrapped an arm around him tightly. The white haired teen leaned his head against the other's shoulder.

"What happened? Allen, you need to talk about this. It wasn't a normal nightmare." Lavi spoke after a few minutes, when Allen's had calmed down a bit.

"What do you mean?" Allen's voice was quiet.

"I woke up to drink some water and when I looked at you..." Lavi shook his head as he trailed off. "When I saw you, you were covered in some sort of veil. When I saw you it was like I was looking through some kind of cloth. Like you were obscured. I tried to wake you up but when I touched you, you threw me back with some kind of energy blast-you should really tell Natasha about those." Allen sighed, his body still slightly trembling. He told Lavi what he saw.

"The thing is, it didn't seem like a nightmare. It felt more like a memory. You know what I mean?" Lavi nodded, although he really had no idea what it meant. "And I mentioned the energy blasts to Steve and I'm getting tested tomorrow after your training."

"That'll be fun to look forward too." Lavi stood and helped Allen stand.

"You think you'll be able to sleep after that?"  Allen frowned and muttered something before heading back into his bed.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak gremlin. Can you repeat that?" Lavi smirked at him until Allen looked at him. Allen was blushing. His face was as red as Lavi's hair.

"A-Allen? Buddy, are you okay?" Lavi walked over to him and sat in front of him. Allen had put his hands on his face was was looking Ridiculous™.

"Would you mind-fuck. Nevermind it's nothing." Allen laid back and sighed.

"Ally, what's up? What do you need?"

"Look you don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable but... Remember when you slept over once? And we woke up cuddling?" Lavi's face quickly matched his hair.

"Sure, Ally. We can cuddle." Allen muttered some things that would have had Steve rolling in his bed. (I'd say grave but he's not dead. He is old though.)

"Watch your language, you're a hero."

"I'm a vigilante."


Allen soon shut up and fell asleep, no longer be in haunted by those memories.


I know it's a short chapter but the next few will make up for it.

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