Chapter One

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"What do you mean?" I ask in fear of his answer. What does he mean that we are done. We are mates, we mated, we can't be done!

"I mean we are done. You weren't that good of a fuck anyway. Besides, the pack will need a Luna who can take care of the pack. Not someone like you." Darren snorted in disbelief because I thought that I was good enough to be the Luna.

"We can't be done! We're mates, we have to be together, unless....... wait, are you rejecting me." Pain sliced through me as I asked the words in panic.

"We don't have to be together, I have Monica, and she is ready to be a Luna. So yes, this mean I am rejecting you. I Darren Matthews, reject you, Oliver Smith, as my mate." I felt a sharp pain go through my heart before I callasped on the living room floor.

I gasped in pain as my heart felt like it was tearing in two. Tears leaked out of my eyes as I squirmed on the floor trying to rid of the uncomfortable feeling. I looked up and saw a sliver of regret pass Darren's face before it was back to a cruel sadistic one.

I cried out again as I felt the bond fully leave my body and sagged against the ground with ragged breaths as my eyes leaked salty tears. I tried to hold in the tears but I was in pain and rejected, after we had mated. Meaning our bond was strong and I could have died from the bond breaking.

"Get out of here , and if I hear one thing about you making a fuss about us being mates, then you won't like the consequences. You got that?" I whimpered and nodded my head slowly to not increase the pain.

"Good, now go!" He used his Alpha tone, so I had to lift up my body before I was able to lurch out of the pack living room and down to my room in the basement.

I sighed in relief as I laid my body down on my squeaky bed. As the omega of the pack, you don't get very luxurious things, like nice beds. I propped my limpless body on the pillow before letting the tears flow freely. After 18 years I waited for the day I would find my mate, and now I will have to live the rest of my life in misery.

Yesterday was Darren's birthday and everyone was invited, besides me and the other omega's of the pack. We were put on kitchen duty and clean up duty, just like every other day.

Darren had to wait until midnight until he could find his mate and all of the pack females were excited to see if he was their mate or not. We all assumed he would end up with Monica since they seemed to be perfect for eachother. Powerhungry and willing to hurt anyone in there way.

So much to my surprise that night at one o'clock when Darren came to my room and told me I was his mate. He stroked my face and I felt the shocks course through my body. He then asked if we could mate, and me being the stupid omega, I agreed, in the morning I woke up thinking he would be next to me but when I searched for him in the dim light I realised he wasn't there. Even his scent was faint so that means that he must had left right after our mating.

When I went to find him, he said that we were done, and you know the rest.

I reached for the dingy flip phone on my dresser before calling the one person that I could trust my secret with.

"Oliver, we haven't heard from you in forever. What makes you call?" My uncle Sampson asks over the phone.

Sampson is only 30 and my father's youngest brother. After my mother and father were killed in a Rouge attack I became very close to my two uncles, both of which were alphas, and very protective. Sampson and I became closer because he wasn't too much older then me and was close so I could see him more often.

Sampson had just found his mate, Julian, two years ago. He was a cute man about my height, which is five foot six inches, with black hair and brilliant green eyes. Just lately they found out that Julian was pregnant and that was the last I had talked to them, which was over three months ago.

"I...I" I couldn't even finish my sentence before I burst out into another round of sobs. I chocked on my own spit and I tried to cover my mouth so that no one could hear me crying.

"What happened, baby? Who hurt you?" He demanded in the phone angrily. I settled down more and waited until my breaths were slower and my tears only dribbled down my faces.

"I found my mate." I stuttered out in pain as my heart thumped again.

"That's amazing baby, but why are you crying." He said sounding happy, but seriously confused as to why I was crying when I should be happy .

"He reject me." I sobbed and went into another fit of crying. The phone was silent and me knowing my uncle, he was silently fuming like he always does when he is furious.

"He did what!? No, that is not acceptable . I am not letting you stay there around that monster, it's bad enough they don't give omega's equal rights, but now you have been rejected. No, pack your things Oliver , I am coming to pick you up tonight. See you soon. I love you." My mouth popped open in shock as I heard the dial tone from the phone.

I'm leaving? He is coming to get me? What does he means we don't have equal rights, this is how it always is in packs, omega's on the bottom and alphas, betas, and thirds at the top. We were made to serve them and do anything they said. That's how it is.

But still, I couldn't help but feel like I was being cut from the things I should be able to have. They won't even give me me a good bed, maybe Sampson was right. Maybe I do need to leave, and now that I'd don't have a mate to worry about, then I can just go.

With a new incentive, I grab my small duffle bag and pile all of my belongings inside.

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