Chapter Twenty-Two

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I hum as I make myself a snack. I don't even know what is in it anymore because everytime I saw something that looked good, I would put it in the bowl. Honestly the contents of the bowl looked disgusting, smelt disgusting, and I guess in normal circumstances, tasted gross, but in my pregnant state the contents of the bowl looked like the best thing on the planet, tasted like the best thing on the planet, and definately smelt like the best thing on the planet. Of course I wouldn't feel this way tomorrow morning when I woke up all alone again and threw up.

I sigh when I feel the familiar pang in my chest. It hasn't been so bad since Uriah showed up - I really need to talk to Sampson - but everytime I think of Darren and his handsome face, his perfect body, and beautiful smile, a flare of pain pulses in my heart. I always believed that when I was rejected that I wouldn't feel pain after a while, because if you are rejected it means the other person has already said to themselves that they don't want you, and it is only painful if you don't accept the reject. I accepted the reject, so I don't know why I am still feeling pain. It's been about three months, only another month until I should give birth, but I still feel the pain of my rejection as if it happened yesterday.

"Oliver, what are you doing?" I gasp as is turn around and see Sampson frowning at me from across the counter. I hold my chest as I calm down, I also need to ask how he is so silent while walking, he weighs a lot with all the muscle he has, I would assume he stomps everywhere.

"If was just making a snack, but, do you think we could talk?" I ask as I take a seat in one of the bar chairs, as dangerous as it is, I find them fun to spin on.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" I look around me to make sure someone isn't near, although if people wanted they could hear me.

"I wanted to talk about Uriah." Aprehension entered Sampson's eyes for a second and that was enough for me to snap.

"I don't like that you guys are hiding something to me. I know it has to do with me because everytime we are alone or just talking you glare at him as if he is going to crush me. All he has ever been to me is nice, except for when he first showed up amd was messing sound with the one girl in my bed....."

"How did that make you feel, Oliver? Did you like seeing him naked in your bed with another wolf? Do you think it was right what he did?" I look at Sampson like he is crazy, but when I hear my wolf growling and snarling in my head I realize the answer.

"No, I didn't like it, and I don't think it was a good thing that he did. And that makes me more confused then before because he isn't my mate...." I stop again as something clicks inside of me, and suddenly I can smell an amazing scent, a mix between berries and oranges.

"Mate." I mumur as my eyebrows furrow. I look at Sampson in confusion, but he is staring at someone over my shoulder. I turn around and come face to face with Uriah.

Everything about him seems so beautiful. Every inch of his skin seems flawless. His hair looks so soft, that like bunny fur. His jaw is sharp, as if he would be able to cut someone who ever grazed their finger against it. He's perfect.

I realize that the berry and orange smell is coming from him in waves, making me dizzy with need and want. My breath comes out in short pants as my eyes are half open with lust making them feel lidded.


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