Chapter Five

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I push myself off of the bed when I realize that I should probably start unpacking my things. I am going to be staying here for a long time, and I don't plan on moving for a while, if my current love life is anything to go by.

Most wolves don't leave their packs unless there mates have an inmprtant role in their own pack, otherwise most either move somewhere and joined a new pack, or live on the outskirts of territories. At least, that's what I thought people did, but if the amount of people living near Sampson and Julian pack is anything to go on, then I guess my pack is a lot more messed up then I originally thought it was.

I knew it was wrong the way they treated omegas, but when I was younger I just assumed it was because they were afraid of us, but then the cold ugly truth came out. They weren't afraid of us, they knew they were able to control us, so they used that to their advantage.

It's sad really when you think about it, most alpha end up with omega mates, and if not omega, then a lot of times it is just a average wolf in the pack. So to think that the alpha family is so rude and cruel to omegas is startling. Did they not think that their son would potentially end up having an omega mate?

I throw my now empty suitcase and back pack into the back of my closet. I was so far in my own mind that I hadn't even noticed that I had finished unpacking all of my things, as miniscule as they are.

I look at the clock and notice it is already five. Sampson said that dinner would be in a few hours at three, and although he could have meant six, since six if three hours away from three, I still don't want to be late, or have someone to have to come and get me for dinner.

I open up the door and check both ways before leaving and closing the door softly behind me. It's a habit to be quiet and to make sure I am alone. If I was loud and not alone, then I had more of a chance to be abused, physically, and mentally, by the pack members.

I follow the general direction that Sampson had led me in before. I think we had passed the kitchen on the way up, but I am not completely sure. I was so amazed with the size of the pack house that I really didn't notice all that was on the inside. Not that Sampson gave me much chance as he rushed me up the stairs.

I reach what looks like a living room and smile when I see my uncle, Graham, and his mate Callen sitting on the couches while watching their three children playing. Graham's hand is rubbing up amd down on Callen's swollen stomach absentmindedly. The smile on his face is pure happiness. Even though he is only five years older then Sampson, he has found his mate when he was 25, and started having children as soon as he could, Sampson only found Julian two years ago, Sampson 28, and they had trouble being able to conceive a baby, but now that they have, sampson's has been a lot more protective of him.

"Oliver!" Timothy cried before he slams into my legs, two more bodies follow his as his six year old twin brothers latch onto my legs. They wouldn't have done it if Timothy hadn't. Ever since Troye and Travis turned six they have worshiped the ground Timothy walks on. He is their idol and honestly it is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

I see Callen and Graham walking over to me so I try to meet them halfway so Callen doesn't have to walk so far. His five month pregnant belly doesn't agree when he decides that he wants to hurry. It makes him waddle like a penguin, and then he gets angry and upset because he can't walk normal. Honestly, pregnant men are the best, women are still pretty hormonal, but watching a grown man cry over being to fat to see his dick, is pretty halarious.

"Hey, Ollie. I hope you are feeling better." Callen whimpered as he rubbed my back. Callen is an omega like me and Julian, but is taller then the both of us at five foot nine inches. He has slight muscles that you can see, and a six pack that shows up when he isn't pregnant. He defies what an omega is suppose to look like, but his submissive behavior makes up for his figure. Most say that the figure is what makes an omega, but it is really their submissive nature. I am submissive, but not as much as Callen, and Graham doesn't take advantage of his mates more then normal submissive behavior, just like a good mate should.

"I am." I tell him. And I really am, just being in this pack, surrounded by my family, it is healing me. More then I could have ever imagined.

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