Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Uriah? Do you feel that? The feeling of foreboding, almost as if something is going to happen and your aren't sure that it's going to be good or bad." I ask as I mess with the new clothes that Julian has brought into the room, claiming that if he is going to be the favorite uncle that he needs to make sure I have everything I need. The amount of onesies and outfits he's bought should suffice if that is what he is trying to do.

"No, because very thing concerning you, God has told me." Uriah sausage as he looks at me from the corner of his eyes. I know he has been on edge though the past few days, he knows something is going to happen, and he still hasn't told me anything.

"Well of you know, why don't you tell me?" I ask in a 'duh' tone as I roll my eyes at him. In the past week my mood has skyrocketed.

"Because then it would mess up everything, and I can't do that. I have sworn at oath saying that I wouldn't tell you anything until it's happen. It's what happens when we come to earth. God can still tell us things, we just at rent atnrentllowed to talk to anyone about it, not even our mates." I sigh but decide to let it go, I only wish letting it go would rid the gnawing feeling in my stomach.

"Julian, please, you need to help me. You know how it is. You know I can't just sit here and do nothing. I need to get off my but and do something." Julian sighs before looking around nervously.

"Fine." He exclaims before he reaches over and turns off the machine keeping track of my heart beats. "But I'm not taking the blame once we get caught." I smile at him and nod.

"I'll start crying and say some crap about people thinking I'm invalid, they'll leave us alone because they'll think I'm an unbalanced seriously pregnant man." I conclude as I slice my legs to the side of the bed and standing up on my swollen feet, but it's one of the best feeling I've had in a long time.

"Come on, I want to put my feet in the grass again."


"Oliver, I think we should go back in now. It's almost been an hour, someone is probably looking for us." Julian said worriedly as he watches a car pull up into the driveway of the pack house.

"No thanks, well go inside when someone finds us. Now, who's that?" I ask as I nod over to the car now parked.

"That's why I want to go in Oliver, I don't know who that is, and Uriah will kill me if he finds out we were outside while some stranger showed up." I groan but stand up anyways - with his help - and begin wobbling back to the pack house, keeping an eye on the slightly familiar car. My stomach twist the same way it does when I see Uriah walk into the room, but I frown confusedly because I see Uriah no where in sight.

My breath catches as I watch a man leave the car and the smell of mint and man wafts out of the car. My eyelids begin to felt heavy and I connect eyes with one's that have been engraved in my mind and but seemed to have become more beautiful then I remember.

"Oliver." He whisper as he looks at me with dark eyes. Tears fill my eyes as I look at Darren, the mate I thought I had no more feeling for, but apparently they were only waiting deep in my heart to come back, blossoming over the hurt that he left me with.

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