Chapter Thirty- Four

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I sit quietly as the doctor explains the procedure to the three of us. I don't want to continue with the procedure, but it's either me, and three of my pups, or none of us at all. I wanted to be selfless and say that I want all four of my pups to live, I don't care if I die, but I'm being selfish. I want to be able to have a future with my mates, and with at least one of my pups. I can't do that if I'm dead or all of them are. I couldn't do it. I had to be selfish, just this one time.

"Now your family will be informed about this, but we don't have time for you to talk to them, so we have to get you into prep right now. I'm really sorry about this, but your safety and your pups safety are what we really need to focus on." I nod to let the doctor know I understand. He nods before leaving the room to call a nurse to prep me.

"You're doing the right thing, Oliver. Don't ever question that. No matter what happens, we will never stop being your mates, and we will never stop loving you. We can try again, too. If you want to. There is always another option." Darren said as he combed my hair bsck with his fingers.

"If he does die, can, can we still bury him. I don't wamt to forget about him. Our pup." I say softly as tears fill my eyes. Darren and Uriah look at each other before nodding.

"We will make sure the doctor know." I nod as I sniffle before looking up at the ceiling. The nurse comes into the room and begins to get me ready for my surgery.   Darren and Uriah hold my hands the whole time, and right before I'm being put under, I mumble five words.

"I love you both too."


When I wake up everything seems unclear. I don't remember what happened while I was under, I don't even feel anything, which must have to do with the painkillers they gave me, but I do know why I am in this situation.

"My pups." I whisper as my eyes flicker across the ceiling. Suddenly two pairs of eyes are blocking my sight.

"Thank god, you were asleep for so long we didn't know if you were going to be okay, well, the doctor said you were fine, but we weren't sure, you looked close to being dead." Uriah said as he laid his large hand against my forehead. I signed in content from the feeling knowing that my mate were with me.

"Are they okay? How many?" I asked as I stared up at them. Patiently waiting for an answer. Suddenly they both smile.

"Four, and they are all doing great." I choke on my tears as I let out a laugh. Four. The number that I have been wanting to hear ever since the doctor told me that not all four of my pups will make it.

"I want to see them." I say as I push  myself up into a seat position. Groaning when I feel a still pain coming from my stomach.

"Be careful honey, don't hurt yourself." Darren says as he helps me sit up the rest of the way. I blush at the pet name but don't say anything because I kind of like it.

"Here they are." Both of them walk over with two pups in their arms. I sit up as I look at their cute little baby faces. I smile as I see their eyes, all the same blue eyes that they got from their father, but their hair ranges from blonde to black, never the same shade.

"They're beaitiful." I whisper happily as I look at their sleeping faces.

"I know. You did great." Uriah jokes as he sat down on one side and Darren sits on the other.

"Is it okay if your family came in, and we told them the names?" Darren asks as he sets one of the boys into my arms. I notice that he is extremely small compared to his other siblings.

I nod before turning back to my little pup. My little omega.

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