Chapter Twenty-One

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"Alright, Oliver, why don't you hop up on here and pull your shirt off so I can start the appointment." I smile at the doctor before climbing up onto the observation chair - with the help of Uriah - before scooting back, cringing when the paper crunches underneath me, before laying down and pulling my shirt up over my protruding stomach.

Uriah's eyes darken as he looks at me naked stomach, but he shakes his head quickly before turning away. What was that all about? Does he not like the idea of me being pregnant? Does he think I'm a wh*re?

"Alright, so, first I'm going to push down on your stomach to make sure everything feels right, this will be done softly as to not harm any of your pups." I nod and smile at the doctor before looking down at my stomach as he pushes down on it. He seems to stay in one spot for for a little while before he moves on to the rest, it freaked me out for a second but he told me it was simply because he wanted to make sure my blatter wasn't being too crushed beneath the weight of all four of the pups.

I relax the longer he pushes down on my stomach before I soon start nodding off to sleep.

I jolt awake when someone flicks the side of my head. I glare at the smug looking Julian before turning to the amused doctor.

"You feel asleep for a few minutes. I wanted to wake you up because it's time to see what the genders are." I perk awake quickly before nodding at the doctor.

"Okay, well, the gell will be cold." I suck in a breath at the cold gell squirted onto my stomach. "It helps with the image, so it's worth it in the end." I gritted my teeth against the chill that wanted to run through my body. I could have sworn it wasn't this cold last time, or maybe it was because last time I was here I was freaked out that I was pregnant that I didn't have time to worry about if the gell was cold or not.

"Alright, now we are going to try and find the little suckers. Sometimes it's hard to find where one starts and the other stops." I giggle lightly at the doctor before my attention drifts to the monitor set to the side of my bed.

"Oh, here we are, Baby A, seems to be in good health, do you want to know the gender? For all of them so I don't have to ask everytime?" I smile at the doctor before nodding.

"Alright, well, Baby A seems to be a boy." I smile as I look at the picture, but frown when I can't make out where the baby actually is.

"What's wrong Oli?" Graham asks as he hold Tyler in one hand and has Callen's hand in the other.

"I can't see him." I say quietly as I look at the screen intently.

"He's right here." The doctor pointed in a circular motion as he keeps the wand stationary on my stomach.

"He's so cute!" I squeal as I look at the small blur.

"Is bet he's gonna have your eyes." Callen teases as he snuggles deeper into his mates arms. I poke my tongue back out at him before turning back to the doctor.

"You ready for the next one?" I nod before turning back to the screen. This time I instantly recognize the image of one of the pups.

"Alright, Baby B, is a girl, she seems to be healthy, extremely big compared to her other siblings though." I giggle as I look at the blurry image, she is pretty large.

"Baby C, is a he, he's pretty small, so we need to watch for that. He's almost two pounds smaller it looks like." I smile but don't giggle, it's suppose to be serious when the doctor tells you your baby is underweight, you shouldn't be laughing at that.

"And Baby D, is also a boy. He seems to be in good health, about the same size as his sister." I smile at the doctor before wiping off the now warm gell off of my stomach.

"Oh my gosh, yes, now we can begin to buy baby clothes. Oh my gosh, this is going to he awesome." I smiled at Julian and Callen before my eyes flickered to Uriah. He gave me a nod and a small smile before he left rhe room quietly.

I stare after where his body once was, I don't know why I needed his approval, but it seemed right.

I really need to talk to Sampson why Uriah is here.

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