It Happened That Summer

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Part 3


Ellagirl_426: where is she??

Anonamous_haha: you'll have to meet me.

I thought for a minute 'what if he said this to Ellie and kidnapped her..... I should take some precautions

Ellagirl_426: where?

Anonymous_haha: I'll get back to you on that....... Give me a few days.

A FEW DAYS!!??? I can't wait THAT LONG! What about Ellie? What if she needs help!? I'll do more "investigating" than I'll message him in two days.

I went to Ellie's house. After Ellie went missing her parents moved out of that house, they gave me the key and said its mine... For now. I was in front of the house, it looked sad and gloomy, nobody living in it. I opened the wooden door, the floorboards creaked as I walked upstairs to Ellie's (old) room. I went to the area where she kept her diary, and flipped to the first page.


May 30, 2010

Dear diary,

I met this guy online today. He is only 2 years older than me... I don't know his name but we are dating.... His username is Anonymous_haha. I know what he looks like, he has brown hair, and brown eyes! I think we'll have the best relationship ever!!


Anonymous_haha!! She was talking to him? She never told me... Huh. I kept reading on.


June 15, 2010

Dear diary,

I broke up with Anonymous_haha... The reason? He wanted me to send him a picture of me...... Nude. I think he was mad when I broke up with him he was threatening me saying "you'll pay, and you shouldn't have done that". I'm not going to tell anyone, not even my most trustworthy friend, LuLu.


Ellie had a guinea pig, she loved that thing with her life. The pigs name was Rosie. The thing about Rosie was the she was a rare guinea pig from the South Island of Guinea. Her color was a gorgeous reddish-brown. Than one day Rosie was stolen. Ellie was devastated. She couldn't believe it.

I read another entry.


July 16

Dear diary


And I know who took her. Anonymous_haha took her. How? He knows my address. How ? I gave it to him? Why? I thought we could meet.

He wants me to meet him tomorrow in an alley on Ticonderoga Blvd. I agreed. I need my Rosie.


Oh no! She met with him! He has her! He wants me too! I have to call the police! No, no I have to think about this. I will text him tomorrow.

Meanwhile I went out to the café. I needed to cool down and sort things through my head. I guess someone noticed I was having a bad day because they came up to me.

"Hi, are you ok?" "No, I mean yes, I'm fine...... Sort of." He laughed. "My names Wesley." He was cute. And in a way he reminded me of Caleb." Oh! I'm Luna." He had this light brown medium length hair and green eyes, in fact he was CUTER than Caleb. " So..." I said, " are you single?" " well no, but I would break up with my girlfriend to get a chance with you." I was going crazy! A totally cute guy is telling me he'll break up with his girl for me!!!

I couldn't help my self... I kissed him... On the lips... AND HE KISSED ME BACK! I still have to remember.. Ellie. I will save you.


End of part 3 I hope you like the story!

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