» goodbye ben

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What you need to know:
(y/n) - your name
I'll update this list according to the chapters:)
(y/n)'s p.o.v.

Thomas, Newt and I continue walking further into the glade, as I tell them my experience about the night. They were shocked and intrigued throughout the entire thing, asking me a side question every two seconds. We reach the middle area of the glade when Newt looks towards the building where they took Ben. I learned those people are called 'med-jacks' and there are three guys that work there named Clint, Jeff and Alec.

"I think I'm going to go check on Ben," Newt shoots me a sympathetic smile, "I'll catch up with you two in a bit!" Newt half runs towards the building. I notice he has a bit of a limp. Hmm, that's strange. Maybe he fell and twisted his ankle recently?

Thomas and I continue walking aimlessly. Friendly conversation, and harmless flirts are thrown my way, until suddenly. We hear a twig snap.

We both whip our heads around, to be faced with Ben. I thought we was with the med-jacks?

"You... You both!" He points a shaky finger at both of us, "you did this to us!" He screams.

I put my hands up in defense, as Thomas attempts to talk to him.

"Hey there, man. Come on. This isn't you."

Ben shakes his head before sprinting at us. Thomas and I exchange a quick look, and take off running. I follow Thomas, attempting to keep up. Why can everyone here run faster than me? As I am running, I feel the back of my shirt being grabbed, causing me to go tumbling down a small hill. I look up to see Ben pinning me to the cold ground. He then puts his right hand on my forehead, pushing my head into the ground.

"Y-You will be s-sorry!" He stutters, shaking.

I shut my eyes tight, waiting for some sort of pain to enter my body. Yet, it doesn't come. I open one eye to see Alby, Newt and Minho pinning Ben to the ground. I slightly prop myself up on one elbow, rubbing my aching head with my other hand. Thomas crouches down next to me, putting his hand on my back, supporting me. We watch as the other three boys, and the rest of the glasses ask endless questions.

"How did he ever get here!?" Newt shouts.

"I have no idea," Alby shakes his head, "Minho, lift up his shirt."

Minho nods his head, and approaches Ben. Ben pleads no, and screams for him not to. Minho then forcefully lifts up his shirt, revealing the same hole in his stomach, with purple veins that I had seen only last night. Yet, now, it was much worse. I stare in shock, as Alby shakes his head in disappointment.

"Take him to the slammer," he says bluntly.

Minho nods his head, as him and some other gladers drag Ben off. I sit there, staring at the ground, as Newt crouches down next to Thomas and I. He puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright, love?" He questions, staring at me intently. I keep my gaze fixed on the ground, ignoring the question.

"Will he be okay?" I ask Newt, not looking at him.

"(y/n)..." Newt says, sympathetically, "that's nothing you need to worry about."

I'm kind of sick of people saying that to me.

"Nobody deserves that, Newt! I don't know why he's being crazy, but he must be sick or something." I yell, running off towards the hammock area. I sit down in the grass, wanting to be alone. Feeling frustrated by not understanding what's going on. I begin processing everything that has happened, glaring at any glader that comes near me. Before I knew it, the sky had began to darker. I sigh, standing up, and brushing myself off. I had cooled down a bit. I start walking towards the maze. I can see a bunch of gladers surrounding the opening. I just want to go apologize to Newt for yelling at him. I guess I was just frustrated and confused by not understanding what was happening with Ben. As I get closer, I notice about a dozen of the gladers holding pitch forks, and surrounding the entrance. I walk a bit closer, as I notcing them forcing Ben into the maze. My eyes widen, as I begin running towards them, hoping for them to stop. As I began to yell, Newt met me before I reached them, and wrapped his arms around me. He starts pulling me away from the scene, as I struggled the get out of his grasp.

"Newt, let go! Please! What are they doing to him!?" I cry.

"Shh, it's okay, love," He gently coos, and continues pulling me.

I struggle one more time, before signing in defeat. Newt loosens his grip a bit, as he just gently holds me. Looking up at Ben one more time, I notice he was now in the maze. The doors were about to close, as he made eye contact with me.

"Your secret won't be safe forever," he yells, pointing a finger at me, then Thomas, who was holding one of the pitch forks. The doors then close, sounding a loud bang, as Newt let's go of his grip on me, and just loosely hangs his arm around my shoulder. I look at the ground, in shock.

"Secret?" I mumble.

What secret am I keeping?

Why won't it be safe?


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