Loosing too much/Chapter Thirteen

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What you need to know:
(y/n) - your name
I will update the list according to the chapter!
(y/n)'s p.o.v

I didn't realize how long I was staring for, until I felt a strong hand grip my shoulder.

"Hey, Thomas."

"Are you okay, (y/n)? Like really okay?" As I turn to face him, he brings his other hand up to my free shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." I lie through a fake smile. The look of disbelief on his face shows he didn't believe me, but regardless he didn't pry.

"Well, okay. But if something's on your mind, please talk to me," His eyes squint as he tries to read my facial expression. I nod my head once, telling him again I'm fine. "Do you want to check on Alby with me?"

I think for a second, before briefly nodding my head. "Yeah, sure" I sigh. I may as well do something that can take my mind off Newt for a while. He needs some time to himself. He doesn't need me right now.

I look back up at Thomas. "Should we go?" I sigh, yet again. He nods his head, lightly grabbing my hand. I look down ashamed. I feel disgusted with myself, leading these two perfect guys on. My stomach starts to turn, as Thomas begins walking, dragging me behind.

Eventually, after about a two minute walk, we reach Alby. Thomas lets go of my hand. He gives me a small smiles, before walking up to Minho, who has been taking care of Alby. As they are discussing the issue. I find myself walking up to Alby, inspecting the damage. First, I look at his face. His face is coved with cuts and scars, as some are seeping out blood. Others are beginning to bruise over.

Next I look at his stomach. Minho must have taken his shirt off, to begin treating the griever sting. It looked exactly like Ben's. I lean my head a bit closer, wanting to inspect it a bit more. I take my hand from my side, and slowly reach to touch it. Yet before I have the chance. My wrist is harshly grabbed, as I am pulled forward into Alby. Panicked, I look up at Alby's face, only to see him wide-eyed, staring at me with hatred and disgust. I now look, as he flings an arm around my neck, as the other is punching me in the stomach. I let out a loud, blood curling screech, as shortly after, the wind is knocked out of me. Seconds later, I attempt to focus my now blurry eyesight on three figures running up. I study each one, finally identifying them as Thomas, Minho, and... Newt...  I focus my blurry eyesight on Newt, seeing his face filled with fear and worry. I give him an apologetic look. As he seems to understand. Seconds after. Him and Minho run to either side of Alby, pulling his arms off me. My legs feel like jello, as I fall in to Thomas' open arms. He wraps his arms around me, helping me stand. I quickly smile at him, before we both quickly turn our gaze towards Alby. His face red, and filled its anger.

"You! Both of you! This is your fault! All of this is your fault!" Alby screams, pointing at us.

I widen my eyes. I worriedly look at Thomas' face, trying to read him. Yet all I see is concern, and confused.

I turn my gaze back towards Ably. "If it wasn't for you two, none of us would be in this mess!" Alby screams yet again. By now, I notice as Newt and Minho give Thomas a look, indicating for us to leave. He sighs worriedly, while grabbing my hand and pulling me away. I didn't fight back. I didn't do anything for that matter. All I could do was think.

How was this our fault.

How could've Thomas and I done this.

Ben said the same thing.

This can't be a coincidence.

I continue on, lost in my thoughts, until I notice a hand waving in front of my face.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay...?" Thomas asks me, unsure. I look at him and give him a reassuring smile. "Yep! All is good, I'm fine!" I say, not realizing my smile drop into a frown.

He takes my hands in his. "Everything will be fine. I promise you. I won't let anything bad happen to you" he says sincerely, staring into my eyes.

I feel a blush appear on my face, as I look at the ground. "Thank you Thomas" I whisper, staring at the grass.

I hear him give a light chuckle. "You're-"

A familiar ear piercing screech rings throughout the glade, cutting Thomas off. I jump a little, letting my eyes quickly wander to his face, trying to find an explanation.

He looks down at me, noticing my concerned face. He brings his hands up to my face, trying to calm me down.

"The Box"


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