» runner for the day

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What you need to know:
(y/n) - your name
I will update this list according to the chapters!

(y/n)'s p.o.v.

       Last night was restless. All I could think about was today. How I'm going to run the maze.

It's extremely early. I am the only glader awake. Time could not go by any slower.

I sit up in my hammock. The sun is just barely peeking over the walls. I let out a loud sigh. All I want to do is go into the maze. I allow my feet to make contact with the soft grass. I begin walking towards the wall, sitting against it, waiting for it to open.


I heard a tired voice call out my name. I look up in front of me to notice a very sleepy Minho walking towards me.

"Minho?" I raise an eyebrow, "what are you doing out here so early?"

He lets out a chuckle. "I could ask you the same thing."

I roll my eyes, letting out a small laugh. "I couldn't sleep." I reply simply. "I'm excited." I whisper, feeling butterflies rise up in my stomach.

He smirks. "Well, we are going to be doing a lot of running. Probably more than you think. It will take a lot out of you. Are you sure you're up for this today?"

I jump to me feet. "Of course I am! I'm not waiting any longer!" I yell out defensively.

Minho puts his hands up, surrendering. "Okay, okay, as long as you realize what you are about to get yourself into."

I nod my head. "I understand."

Minho nods his head back, about to open his mouth to speak, before a loud noise occurs behind me. I jump, as Minho laughs at me.

"It scared me, okay." I mumble, laughing softly.

He laughs. "yeah, okay."

I roll my eyes, as I turn around, watching the walls open. Minho walks up beside me.

"You ready?" He questions.

"As I'll ever be." I breathe.

He nods his head. "Let's go!"

Just as we were about to run into the maze, two voice boom behind us, causing is to turn around.

"(y/n)! Minho!"

I look to see Thomas yelling, along with Newt quickly trailing behind. I roll my eyes. They spent the entire evening last night trying to convince out of going into the maze.

"What is it?" I question, letting out a loud sigh. My voice coming out slightly irritated.

They both share a look, as Newt looks down. "In all honesty." He starts, "we were going to see if we could talk you out of it one more time. But you really do seem to have your heart set on it." He trails off, not moving his gaze from the ground.

Is this guilt trip?

I look over at Thomas. He is lost for words. I sigh, walking up to the two of them. "I will be fine. I promise."

For some reason, those words sounded familiar. A deja vu feeling washes over me. Ignoring it, I give them both a quick hug. "I'll see you both soon." I smile. I back away before they have a chance to say anything else. I nod to Minho. "Let's go."

Without another word, we race into the maze.

Newt's p.o.v.

I watch her, as she runs into the maze with another guy. Something rises up inside of me. Jealousy. I look at Thomas, attempting to distract my mind. He looks the same as I did.

"She will be okay." He says, trying to convince me. Yet, I can tell he is trying to convince himself as well. His gaze never leaving the wall opening. I nod my head, not feeling like I need to say anything.

I look at his again, to notice his facial expression change dramatically. At first, it being sadness. But now, it has changed into anger.

he kicks a pinecone that was by his foot, as he walks up to a tree, landing punches on it. I back up.

"Thomas!?" I yell to him.

"We shouldn't have let her go, Newt! What if something happens to her! Then that would be our fault for letting her go, and we'd have to live with that!" He yells out of frustration.

I walk up to him, placing my hands firmly on his shoulders. "Get a bloody grip!" I yell back, "She will be fine! She's got Minho with her. He won't let anything happen to her." I say, trying to reason with him. He looks down, and slowly turns to face me.

"You're right." He breathes out, "I'm overreacting,
I know, I'm sorry. I'm just worried out her." He admits.

The same feeling from before rises up inside of of me. I can't help but feel angry.

"Newt?" Thomas questions, waving his hand in front of my face. I shake my head, pulling myself pit of my thoughts.

"Sorry. Just thinking."

He nods his head. "Let's go. We've got jobs to do." He mumbled, walking off. I nod my head, trailing behind.

Please be okay, (y/n).


Are you guys team Thomas or team Newt? ;)

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