Chapter 9

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Charlie's POV

When Izzy insisted Hunter walk me to lunch, I was a bit nervous. He seemed nice, but it also seemed like he had so many secrets and so much to hide.

"Oh does my little Hunter have a lunch date!" A guys voice yelled. I turned around to see a guy coming towards us.

"No. Allen this is Charlie. Charlie this is Allen. The guy who I wish wasn't my best friend right now." Hunter said. "Charlie's new and I was just showing her around." He explained.

"Hey." I said.

"So no date?" Allen said with a fake frown. We both shook our heads.

"No, Allen." He yelled.

"I think your creeping her out." He whispered to Allen, but wanted me not to here it. All of a sudden, four guys pushed me against a locker and wouldn't let me go.

"Hey Izzy! So, how much money you have for us today?" One of them asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"For the car! We want our money!" They screamed at me. The halls got quiet and everyone was staring at us.

"Justin, leave her alone! That's not Izzy." Hunter yelled at them as one of them punched him.

"Stay out of this! She's a big girl. She can handle herself." Justin yelled.

"Izzy? So where's the money? Or do we have to do the other half of the deal?" He said.

"I'm not her! That's my sister! Now get your dirty hands off me!" I screamed and kicked him in the stomach to get him away. All four of the guys stared at me, the one I had kicked was hunched over. One came in front of me and started to push me again. I quickly grabbed his wrist and bent it backwards. He ached in pain. I swung my leg kicked his. He quickly fell to the floor. The three of them looked at me in awe.

"That is not Izzy." They said.

"Now, Izzy doesn't owe you anything and she defiantly doesn't need to deal with you everyday does she? Ok, can we go to lunch now boys?" They all nodded slowly. I stepped over the guy lying on the floor and signaled Hunter to come with me.

"What? You just. How did you just do that?" He asked me as I could tell he was in shock.

"I took self defence classes. Daddy's little girls aparantly can't  get hurt." I said. He laughed at my little joke.

"Guess so. So why doesn't Izzy ever defend herself?" He asked.

"I don't know. I guess she just doesn't do that kinda thing." I stated. I felt my smile come through my lips and I couldn't help it.

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