Part 1 Introduction

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A woman ran the rooftops, looking at the men following the little female hurrying away. The woman turned and jumped down right has they got the girl cornered in the alley, she flipped her head up and her eyes shined a red color, "Why don't you boys pick on someone your own size?", the woman waited until the other girl had ran before standing tall, "What's the matter? Am I too woman for you?", the smirk on her face angered the three men and they rushed forward. One got tossed back by an unseen force and the other two froze slightly, "Mechove.", two blades appeared in her hands behind her back and she spun them over her shoulders, "Men like you take me back to my home.", her accent was evident when she spoke, "Sadly, men like you were hung before I was fully ready to handle them myself." She threw one of her swords and it entered one of the men's shoulders and stuck into the brick wall, "What are you?", she smirked, "I'm Phoenix, and you shall not rise again." She broke the man's neck with a smirk on her face has she turned toward the man hanging on the wall, the dead man going up in flames. "Tell me, what is your worse fear? Show it to me.", her eyes glowed and a red energy moved between her fingers and she dug into his mind, making him see his worse fear, she disappeared along with her swords has he screamed and the police arrived, all that was left behind was a red feather, and a burned bird on the sidewalk. "Call Director Fury, this will interest him." One of the police nodded and called S.H.I.E.L.D HQ in Washington D.C., this was something they couldn't handle has a Chicago police department, little did they know that the one they searched for was already leagues away in Sokovia.

Ashlyn Walsh blended in well has a tourist, it was her job. She was glancing around when she noticed a group of men in an alleyway watching a pair of females. A smirked formed in her face has she disappeared in the crowd and into the opposite side of the ally, creeping up behind the group, a fiery aura surrounded her and she was in her Phoenix form, her eyes red and her hair fiery, "Hello boys, you in for a good time?", they jumped and she quickly attacked and left one screaming while she disappeared yet again, leaving only a red feather and a burned bird in the sidewalk.

•••S.H.I.E.L.D HQ•••

Agent Barton looked at the file, "We have nothing on this guy?", Nick Fury sighed, "We know he is a she. She is 5'5, speaks other languages, she used hand to hand, weapons, and she has powers. She leaves one victim alive, and they all say the same thing, she was a Phoenix. She appears and disappears quickly." Phil Coulson looked at his boss, "Is she a threat?", Nick shook his head, "She only goes after people who are up to know good. Murder, rape, robbery. It appears she has stopped it all." Maria Hill looked at Nick, "What's our interest with her?", Clint looked at the one video of the girl, "She's quick, smart, resourceful, observant, pretty, and she's a good guy. Why wouldn't S.H.I.E.L.D be interested?", a flash of red filled the room and the girl they were speaking of was crouched slightly, her face smudged with dirt and her hair a mess, "A friend of mine told me you were seeking me." Nick Fury looked at her, "Who is your friend?", she smirked, "Good question. My friend's name is Anthony Stark, I think you know him. My name is Phoenix, I am Unknown, I am 19 years old, and I was orphaned at the age of 7 by a bad man who kidnapped me and released my inner Phoenix. I mean no harm to the living good, only the wicked.", Nick Fury smirked, "It seems we have something in common." The girl nodded and transformed to her original form, "It appears we do Nick Fury. When I am not Phoenix, I am Ashlyn Walsh. Pleasure." She held out her hand to him and they shook hands, a smile grew on her face has the words left Nick's mouth, "Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D, Miss Walsh." She nodded, "Thanks for asking nicely."

•••15 years later•••

Groans came from the training room has rookie after rookie hit the mat, Ashlyn had yet to break a sweat. "Come on Maggots! I'm 34 years old!", a man's mouth dropped, "You're 34? No way." She raised an eyebrow, "I thought you were like 27 or something." She smirked, "Do you know who I am?", the man nodded, "You're Ashlyn Walsh, level 7 Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and a close personal to Director Fury ma'am." She nodded, "Very good, but you all need to learn to read files a bit better." She quickly changed and all the room filled with gasp, "You're Phoenix!", and she quickly changed back, "If you aren't observant, you will fail. Failure could mean death to you or your partner." She grabbed the person behind her and quickly threw them to the mat, and restrained them, "Rookies, this is Agent Clint Barton." She jumped up then helped him, "We have a mission in New Mexico." She glanced at him, "Asgardians?", he shook his head, "Tes-" she stopped him, "Agent Ward! You're in charge." The man nodded and she quickly left with Clint behind her.

The two took a QuinJet to New Mexico, the only two on the jet. "You're really beating them into shape." She shrugged, "I kind of have to, if they can't handle my training they can't handle missions." He nodded and the two flipped on the autopilot. "How have you been?", she sighed, "I've been good." He looked at her, "What's bothering you?", she groaned, "Phil and Nat keep trying to set me up. They say being an Agent and the Phoenix have ruined my social skills." He nodded, "Question, if you're a Phoenix, does that mean you die and come back to life from the ashes?", she laughed softly and Clint smiled, "No, I actually don't know why my mother said I was a Phoenix." Clint looked at her and she held a gleam in her eye that few agents did, "I'm glad you joined S.H.I.E.L.D so easily, Ash." She smiled, "Me too, Clint." The jet beeped and the two quickly went to the pilot seats. "It's time to get this show on the road." They began to land and she glanced at Clint, "Why didn't we just teleport here?", Clint chuckled and Ashlyn gave a bright smile. When they landed their demeanor changed, it was time for work.

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