Part 2 Translations

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Alright, so this one doesn't have much translation to be done but because 5 lines I put in, I have to include this.

1. "Vy ste určite nie je hoden, ty prasa." Slovakian, "You're defiantly not worthy, you pig." Part 2 Chapter 3
2. "Ty si bol omyl! Nechceli sme ťa!", Slovakian, "You were a mistake! We didn't want you!", Chapter 4
3. "Mami, je mi ľúto. Nechcel som to! Ja neviem, čo sa stalo. Prosím.", Slovakian, "Ma'am, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to! I don't know what happened! Please.", Chapter 4
4. "Mohli sme sa konečne usadil, ale môžete ju spackal, tie idiotsky dievčatko.", Slovakian, "We could have finally settled down, but you messed it up you idiotic little girl." Chapter 4
5. "Naozaj? Výborne. Perfektné načasovanie riaditeľ. Prečo ste si vybral stodolu?", Slovakian. "Really? Great. Perfect timing Director. Why did he chose the barn?" Chapter 5

I think that's all for this part! Let me know if I forgot one, my apologizes if I did.

Now on hold! I'll try writing again ASAP but college starts soon so.... Wish me luck and I wish you luck in life.

*If you have a story you think I would like, let me know.*

Xoxo Thanks for the reads and have a happy life. Until next time.

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