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"Have a safe trip home honey." Mom said to me, giving me a tight hug before hugging Justin. "You too. Thank you for coming."

"Thanks for letting us come." He smiled, taking my hand from my side.


"Alright..." I sighed, slinging my duffle bag over my shoulder. "See you soon?"

"Yup, in about a month I'll see you."

"Ok, bye. I love you." I told her, pecking her cheek before standing back with Justin again.

"I love you too. Take care honey."

"You too." I took Justin's hand, following him towards the train and looked back once, but let him pull me away.

We had to go home - and we were practically going in head first without knowing what was coming.

At least I didn't know, if he knew anything he didn't tell me, and we hadn't talked about it much the rest of the week.

I didn't want to fight with him anymore this week, and he was excited about going home to spend time with his family. Bringing up Manny would just bring up the reminder of the constant danger - that we were in constant danger.

"You ok?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as we walked on the train.

"Yup, I'm fine."

"Alright." He let out a small sigh, then kissed my temple, leading me to an empty compartment again and gently took my bag from me, setting it up top and pulled me down on top his lap. "Ready to go home?"'

"No, not really." I admitted solemnly, looking down at his hands and took one into mine. "But we have to go, so it's fine."

"You know you can always stay at my place if you want."

"Yeah, and I want to, but he hasn't seen me, and I think he wants to talk."

"Do what you want baby doll, but when has he ever talked?"

"I don't know." I sighed, biting down on my lip. "I don't know what to do."

"Well we have my dad's first. That gives us a little time, I understand if you want to go home and you know I'll take you, I just don't want you upset...or locked away from me."

"I'll handle it." Reassuringly, I smiled at him, resting my head back on his shoulder. "I'm excited to see your family though."

"Yeah, it'll be nice. Dad is making all this food and stuff for lunch, and we can get in the pool, and I can see you in a bikini again."

"Why is that always such an exciting thing for you, hmm?" I giggled, smiling as his arms tightened around me.

"What isn't exciting about it? Everything is."

"I just don't understand it."

"You get all excited when I take my shirt off."

"But that's different."

"How?" He said in my ear, raising his eyebrows. "I mean the only difference I know of is you have boobs and I don't."

"Shut up!" I blushed, playfully smacking his shoulder. "I barely have anything."

"That's not true. I would know."


"You're so cute when you get embarassed."

"No I'm not. I look like a tomato."

"Nuh uh." Justin shook his head, kissing my cheek again. "It's cute."

"Alright, you've said cute two times now, are you ok?"

"No, no I am not ok. That is a stupid question." He mumbled with a groan, throwing his head back. "I have not kissed you for four days now and I'm going insane."

"Aw, really? Are you?" I held one hand up to my heart, then leaned closer into him, letting my fingers walk up his chest. "You're the one that said we had to wait three weeks."

"You're the one making me quit smoking."

"You'll thank me later when you're not dead at 50."

"I won't!"

"You don't know that!" I laughed at his face, his face snuggling into my neck where I felt gentle kisses.

"I know when it comes to this kind of thing, you're a lot weaker than I am baby."

"No I'm not. I can do this. You're the one that hasn't seemed to get the idea that no kissing means no sex." I whispered the last part, watching a smirk curl on his lips.

"Honey, if you think that's a problem, you're sadly mistaken. I waited almost six months for you, and even then you wanted me. We all know who's winning here."

"Hmmm, no, I don't think so."

"Really?" He whispered in my ear, pecking my neck again. "You're sure about that?"

"Yes, I'm positive. You think you can win, but you can't. Today in the pool you'll want to kiss me, but you can't."

"I could...but..."

"You'd lose."

"You know, one of these days you're really going to regret even bringing up this bet, and it'll come back to bite you in the ass."

"You're just saying that."

"No," He shook his head, catching my ear between his teeth. "You just think I am."

"You keep doing this and I'll hit you."

"Baby, you couldn't even hit me if you tried - and if you did it would be a turn on and I'd force you to kiss me."

"I'd force you off of me."

"You couldn't."

I pursed my lips, feeling his laughter against my skin, letting go of my hand to slide his along my hips.

"You know, kissing would make this ride home so much easier."

"Well that sucks for you."

"But I've been good." He whined, squeezing my hips in his palms.

"Nope, you still have a little over two weeks."

"This is stupid."

"You're stupid." I grinned down at him, kissing the tip of his nose. "I think it'll be quite worth it."

"Oh it better be."

I just wanted to win.



"Justin!" Jazzy ran over to me, laughing as I scooped her up in my arms and kissed her cheek.

"Hi princess, how are you?"

"I'm good. You got a boo boo?" She asked, touching the tip of her finger to the small cut above my eyebrow - that was almost healed up by now.

"Yeah, but it's not that bad. It's almost all good."

"Jaxon!" Bella said beside me, running over to him as he jogged down the stairs and hugged him.

"Somebody missed me."

"Well duh, it's been a few weeks."

"I'm just glad you guys are both ok."

"Yeah, we are." I nodded quickly, giving him a look as Dad walked in.

"Looks like you had a nice vacation." He smiled, looking back and forth between Bella and I.

"We did have fun." Bella told him, smiling up at me.

"Well come in, I have food grilling in the back."

I sat Jazzy down, laughing as she pulled Bella away by her hand to outside, leaving Jaxon and I behind.

"What's up? It's everything ok?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Has anyone been around here? Have you seen anything weird?"

"No," He quickly shook his head, looking out the window. "Why?"

"Dammit. It's too quite. The rumors are Manny's planning something, but he hasn't shown his face here in two weeks, and Hunter called while I was gone to tell me that he heard he's coming back."

"Does Bella know?"

"Yeah, she does. She doesn't talk about it."

"I'm sure she's terrified..."

"I know." I locked my jaw, nodding my head for him to follow me and shut the door behind us.

"...And Justin's done smoking, isn't that right Justin?" Bella asked, her eyes meeting mine as my dad turned his head, a mischievous grin plastered on her face.

"Yes, I am." I cocked my head to the side as Dad turned back around, eyeing up her body so she blushed.

Two could play this little game she had going on.

"That's good, it's a bad habit."

"Yeah, I've wanted to stop for a while now." But instead of looking at him, I looked at her, sliding my hand on her leg.

She rolled her eyes, fidgeting underneath me as I looked at Jazzy, chuckling as she ran around trying to catch a butterfly.

Not kissing was bullshit.

But I could go for as long as I needed to without kissing her, it just wouldn't be very long because I knew she'd cave first.

I could live without cigarettes.

I slid my hand farther up her leg, watching as she squirmed a little underneath me, giving me one of those infamous looks, but I kept smiling.

"Are you going to come in the pool with me?" Jazzy asked, taking my free hand.

"Yeah, after we eat. I don't want to get all wet and then have to get back out." I shrugged, letting go of Bella and picked Jazzy up, sitting her in my lap. "Have you seen Mommy?"

"No, not recently." She shook her head, doing somewhat of a pout. "I miss Mommy."

"Why haven't you seen her?" I asked, looking up at Dad with an eyebrow raised. "It's summer."

"She's just been really busy lately." He shrugged back. "Do you want cheese on your burger?"

"Sure...You know, I'm going with Bella next week...we could take Jazzy."

"No, it's ok. Spend time with your mom, it's been a lot longer for you than them."


He was acting weird. I knew they went to Mom's every weekend, and more in the summer, but maybe it was something he couldn't bring up in front of them, then he'd just get pissed off at me - and I certainly didn't need that now. Not when things were going so great with them.

I looked oveevr at Bella, and she hadn't even seemed to notice, making Jazzy giggle where she sat.

But I did. I noticed.



"Hi." I whispered, sitting my duffle bag down in the living room, looking at my brother, at my dad.

I wasn't angry anymore, I was just hurt. I was afraid to be home, I was afraid of not being around Justin. I was afraid of everything around me.

Dad stood up, walking slowly over to me, like he knew I was scared, like I'd start screaming again and cover my ears, that I'd run away.

I wanted to, but I didn't.

"I'm so glad you're home." He said in the same tone, pulling me into his chest in a bone crushing hug, a sob trying to force its way up through my lungs.

But I was fighting it, I was fighting all of that.

It felt like the worst thing had already happened to me, why cry now? Why hurt now? Did he really want me here? Did he really not want me dead? Did he love me? Was he willing to leave politics for his family, or was it just so I'd come home?

"I'm so sorry Isabelle. I'm so sorry for everything - for what I said, for hurting you and making you feel like you had to run away. I love you more than anything."

"You don't want me gone?" I squeaked, feeling the tears finally welling in my chest. "I thought I was just a burden holding you back, and I love him. He's made mistakes, everyone has, but he makes me happy. I-I just thought you really didn't want me around."

"No Bella, never. You deserve to be happy, and I know he loves you. I've seen how he looks at you, I just want you to be safe."

"He's not a part of it anymore. That's why they came after him. They were going to kill him - I'm scared."

"You don't have to be scared. I know Justin is looking out for you, and so is your brother and I. What can you tell me?"

"I can't." I cried a little harder, shaking my head. "So many people could die if I told you, including me and Justin. It's being taken care of - that's all I know."

"Well I won't let anything happen. You have school soon too and you'll be gone. I promise I'll keep my eye out, and I won't let anything happen to Justin."

"Really?" I sniffed, finally pulling back from the embrace."

"Yes, really. I know you wouldn't give your heart to just anyone Izzy."

I wiped my eyes with the back of my palms, quickly nodding my head, then looked over at Josh, running over to him and gave him a hug.

"I'm not mad at you you know." I told him, kissing his cheek. "I know you were trying to do the right thing."

"Thank you." He said back, hugging me with the same force while I nodded my head.

"I'm going to take a shower and head to bed, I've had a really long day."

"Ok. Night sweetie." Dad said as I got closer, cupping the back of my head and kissed my forehead, smiing at me.

"Wait - Dad, you didn't drop out, did you?"

"No, not yet...but..."

"Don't. Please." I shook my head, hugging my arms to my chest. "You've been working your whole life for this and you're so close, don't quit...just check your priorities."

"Ok." He nodded, smiling at me again. "Goodnight."





8:28 PM

"Hey!" I heard Bella's voice as I pulled on my blue jacket- well blue was an understatement, it was more of an electric blue, but still.

"Hey, I'm coming!" I leaned my head towards the door, turning around to my dresser and picked up my bottle of cologne, spraying once before I checked my hair, ruffling it with my fingers one more time, then turned the light off and walked in the hallway. "If you want we can always-"

My lips stopped moving as I looked up, eyeing her up from her legs to her face, unable to formulate words as she stepped in front of me.

Dammit. Dammit, dammit.

I knew tonight was going to be hard, but this?!

"We can always what?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Nothing," I swallowed, my eyes flickering down to the little cleavage, then back up to her eyes. "Nothing at all."

"I'm ready to go when you are." I took in the black dress, a see through area in the perfect spot, still leaving my mouth hung open. "You sure are staring a lot." She laughed, wrapping her arms around my neck, my hands instantly catching hold of her hips.

"All I'm saying is you are so lucky we're not kissing, or tonight would be very different than what is now, sucks for you."

"I don't believe you."

"It just might unleash the beast in me, too bad you're not kissing me though."

"Too bad." She dramatically sighed, moving her face in ever so slightly. "Would mind holding my phone for me? I didn't bring anything else to put it in."

"Sure." I took it from her, breaking the gaze to try and swallow discreetly, but I don't think it was.

"Come on, lets go. Before you drool all on the floor."

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my keys off the counter and put my arm around her waist, making sure the door was locked before we left.

This bet was ending tonight. I don't care if I win or lose, even if she was like this on purpose, I just didn't care. I was going to shove her against walls and kiss her, I would make her spend the night no matter what she had to tell her father.

She was staying here, and she would not be wearing that dress all night.

"Hello?" She asked, snapping her fingers in front of my face.


"Never mind."

"No, what is it, tell me." I pouted, tugging on her lips and kissed her cheek. "Tell me."

"No, you weren't listening."

"I was thinking, tell me."


"Fine, be like that." I frowned, watching her walk in front of me in the garage, then reached forward, cupping her butt in my hand and squeezed before I jogged in front of her, laughing while I unlocked the car.


"Oh shut up, you're totally asking for it wearing that - and I swear if anyone else but me does that tonight, I am definitely punching them in the face." I spoke up after we were in the car, putting my keys in the ignition and let it come to life.

"I'll be by you, Mike, and Jackie all night. I promise."

"Yeah well who knows if you'll remember that when you're drunk off your ass."

"Maybe I won't get drunk and I'll let you drink a little tonight."

"Nah," I shook my head, looking down at her legs again. "You drunk is like both of us drunk, so it's fine. This way someone can drive us home."

"Maybe I don't want to get drunk."

"Yeah, right." I scoffed, rolling my eyes at her in the rear view mirror. "I know you will."

"Nuh uh, I'll be good. I used to not drink at all."

"Used - as in past tense. I used to smoke, past tense."

"We'll see how long that lasts."

"Hey! Be nice to me. I'm doing pretty well if I do say so myself."

"Yes you are baby." She smiled, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"But too bad you can't kiss me."

"Too bad."

Not for long.



"Here," Justin laughed, handing me another drink with his other hand still on my waist.

"I love this stuff, I really do."

"I know." He laughed, running his hand down my arm, then kissed my shoulder. "Want to go dance again?"

"Mhm." I nodded, letting him pull me behind him, swiveling so he could pull me back into him.

I was having so much fun, not needing his hands this time for guidance, so instead his hands moved around, my head tilted back on his shoulder.

I felt his breath on my neck, then his lips, my own breathing uneven.

"Are you sure you still don't want to kiss me?"

I let out some sort of whimper in response, holding his hands against my waist.

No. We had a bet. I had to win. I couldn't kiss him for another week at least, especially with going to New York and everything.

But right now I was barely surviving.

"Come on, I know you want to."

I turned myself around, pulling him down by his neck and kissed him, his hands going straight to my back, making it arch as he slid his hands down, catching my butt to give me another tug closer.

"You're touching my butt." I giggled, pulling myself back to his lips for a moment.

"I win."

"I don't care." I mumbled, kissing his lips again, no longer tasting smoke, raking my fingers through his hair and sunk my teeth into his bottom lip.

I don't know where Jackie and Mike went either, but once again I didn't care. I wanted to leave. I wanted to go home.

"You're so drunk." He laughed, pulling back and tucked one of my curls behind my ear.

"It's your fault. You know, you could take me home and I wouldn't have to drink anymore."

"You want to go home?"

"Mhm," I nodded, leaning into his ear. "Please."

"Alright." He didn't even hesitate, he just pulled me out from the crowd to the back door, scooping me up in his arms so I didn't have to walk through the parking lot.

"I love that my dad doesn't even care now if I stay at your place."

"That's because he knows your safe with me, and if he didn't let you over you'd sneak out anyway."

"That's so true." I pursed my lips, touching my finger to his cheek. "You just shaved."

"I did, for my lady anyway."

"Who's that?"

"Um, you?" He chuckled, sitting me down gently in front of his car, and before he could even open it I kissed him again, wrapping my arms as tightly as I could around his neck to make sure I stayed standing, his hands sliding past my hips again to my butt.

Two weeks of not kissing or doing anything like that in general really messed with your mind.

"I knew I'd win."

"I'm not going to remember anyway." I shrugged, pecking his lips again before he opened up the door and helped me inside.

I laughed as he turned on the radio, glancing out the window with his hand sliding on my leg. I didn't even notice.

"Oh my goodness." I blurted through my giggles, looking down at his hand.


"Nothing." Shaking my head, I leaned over to him, taking his ear between my teeth.

"Ow, Bella!"

I laughed harder, running a hand through his hair.

"It's probably a good thing we left when we did."

"A very good thing." Nodding, I sat back in my seat again, tugging my dress down a little. "Mike and Jackie disappeared on us anyway."

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