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"Justin?" I said into my phone, running my hand through my hair as I looked out the window. "Where are you? Are you ok? I have to go to school soon, so just text me. I love you."

And I hung up, pacing for a minute through my room.

Where was he? He never called me last night...

"Do you want me to take you to school?" Josh asked, standing in my doorway with a bed head.

"Um, sure I guess."

"How long do you need?"

"Give me five more minutes."

I tried calling Justin one more time, but once again, it went to voicemail.

Great. Just great.



9:56 PM

I groaned, shoving my face farther into my pillow.

I didn't want to get up.

I didn't want to move.

And I didn't have to work at all today.

So I would stay right here in bed, letting my thoughts wander - if I could even fall back asleep.

I had come home and puked my guts out, tossing and turning - crying.

But I couldn't call Bella, not like that.

I had barely slept all night.

I was a murderer.

How had I even done something like that?

I was in fear for my own life, disappointed that I wasn't more than what I was.

I shouldn't be seeing Jazzy and Jaxon, but because of Bella, I was.

There was a continuous knock on my door, and I groaned again, pulling on a pair of my pajama pants and looked through the peephole, seeing Bella standing outside the door.

"Bella?" I asked her, opening up the door. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you in school?"

"I've been worried sick about you! Why haven't you called me back?!" She asked, making me stumble backwards a little from the bone crushing hug.

"Babe, I just woke up, I didn't even know you called me. I'm sorry. Why aren't you in school?"

"I told the nurse I wasn't feeling good and I really wanted to go home. So I left and came to make sure you were ok."

"I would have texted you or something."

"I couldn't wait much longer to hear from you. I just told you about how I worried when you went somewhere with Manny. Are you ok?"

"Not really." I mumbled, shutting the door behind her and went over to the couch.

"What's wrong? You look so tired." She sat beside me, lightly pulling me into her, running her fingers through the back of my hair.

"I am. Exhausted."

"When did you get home?"

"Like one AM."


"Yeah." I whispered, thinking quietly to myself.

"Justin, what happened? Please tell me. No offense, but you look awful. What's wrong?"

"More than you can handle Bella." I squeezed my eyes shut, holding onto her hand.

"Don't do that. You can tell me anything. I know you aren't talking to anyone else about it, please."

"You'll hate me. No."

"I won't hate you." Her fingers still ran through my hair, me swallowing from the sound of her voice - she really had no idea. "Please tell me."

I was so ashamed.

"I-I-" I started, shaking my head. "I brought my gun with me. I didn't think I'd have to use it-"

"You did?"

"I've used it more than once."


"Last night I didn't really know what he wanted me for, but we have competition in Baltimore - that I guess was heated up or something and he needed me for that. When we actually got there last night, there was a fire. It was crazy, and his guys were around. I pulled the trigger a few times- but the last time-" I cut myself off, holding onto Bella. "I have a family, I don't want to die. I have you - but so did he. Whoever it was. I hate myself so much Bella. I hate that I can't leave."

"But it was self-defense, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so. That time."

"That time? You've done it before? But I thought-"

"Remember when I couldn't tell you that one night? Why I left?" I asked softly, clutching onto her legs in fear of her getting up and leaving. "I don't kill people - but it's part of my job. I find a way around it, or I have someone else do it. I can't. B-But somebody I had let go was found, Manny had him. He didn't believe I had killed anyone else. I lied and told him I had. There was more than one fun pointed at me in the room Bella. If I wouldn't have done it, they were ready to kill me. He would have died either way, and so would I. I pulled it. I pulled the trigger and killed him."

She was silent, and I didn't cry, I just laid there, holding everything in.

I was in shock when she didn't get up though, she ran her hand on my back, gently squeezing mine with her other.

"You didn't have a choice."

"He didn't deserve to die. I don't want to be a cold blooded murderer. I'm am. I killed two people I didn't even know."

"You killed them so you could live...will they find you?"

"No. Manny takes care of everything. Even last night. There isn't a trace left behind. A part of me wishes there was."

"But then you'd be taken away from me. I know I sound selfish, but what if you just disappeared? I don't know what I would do."

"I'm not good for you Bella."

"Don't say that. It's not true. You're perfect for me."

"No I'm not."

"Justin, stop. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Everything will be ok Justin." She said softy, causing my head to turn so I could look up at her.

"I know." Letting out a sigh, I kissed her hand, holding it afterwards to my heart.


1 week later:
April 31st
7:43 PN

I stared down at my phone, an unknown number lit up on my screen.

"Hello?" I asked, setting my beer down on the counter.

"Justin? It's Jackie."

"Oh, hey. What's up?"

"I am calling about prom mister. Prom. Have you made up your mind yet? This thing is a week away and I can tell Bella is dying inside. Are you coming, you better be coming."

"Damn Jackie." I laughed, shaking my head. "I really don't think so. Why?"

"What do you mean why?! Ok. Let me explain and you listen. Bella is going to be leaving in a couple of months for New York City. You might be able to see her practically every day now, but that isn't going to last forever - at least not yet. Prom is the one night is girls dream about besides our wedding. This better be the best god damn night of Bella's life before she leaves - and in order to make that happen you need to be there. She is going to look so stunning, but she wants you there. It's just a couple of hours, and it would make her so happy Justin. So do it for Bella dammit!"

"Whoa," my eyes were wide, leaning back on my couch. "Now would you to hear my side of it?"


"Ok. Josh is going to be pissed as hell, putting more tension on Bella and odds are Troy will be there too. I am not going to start a fight with him at Bella's prom. I don't want people to criticize her because she's with me, because she should be with someone better. She should go and have fun without all of the stares."

"You really think she cares about that? She just wants to he with you Justin. And people are staring at you because you're honestly good looking, I'm very happy with Mike, but I'm being honest."

"I have a suit in my closet from my own prom that I never even wore. I'm pretty sure she knows that I'm not going, so what do I do? I want to make her happy."

"She will be mad at you if you don't go. Trust me. I know Bella. We're going to take pictures at my place in the afternoon."

"Does she really want me there that bad?"

"Yes! But she won't say anything because she's scared of being too clingy. I get if you have to work or something and can't come to pictures, but at least show up to the dance so she won't be all alone and miserable."

"Ok, ok. I'll go. On one condition."

"And what is that?"

"You don't tell her I'm coming." I grinned. "If I'm going to come, I'm going to surprise her."

"You're going to surprise her by not telling her you're coming?"

"Yes. That's my condition."

"If you don't show up, I will personally come over to that apartment and kick you straight in the balls. Whoops. No kids for you."

"I'll be there! Her dress is purple, right?"

"Periwinkle. It's periwinkle Justin. It's like a blue purple. Do you need me to get you a tie personally?"

"No, I have a black tie. But I want to look for a corsage for her."

"Aw, ok. Then purple or white."

"Like her room." I chuckled, rolling my eyes as they landed on the wall. "I'll look now, and I'm coming. Just don't tell her."

"Ok. Remember - you're children Bieber."

And then she hung up.


I'm really going to prom.


May 12th

"Where's Justin?" Dad asked, shutting the door to my side of the car.

"They wouldn't let him take off, so he couldn't come..."

"Oh, I'm sorry Bella. That's stupid."

"I know, it's ok. Not his fault."

But I had a feeling he had lied to me so he didn't have to go.

I rang the doorbell, squealing as Jackie answered in her yellow slimming dress, hugging her and saw Mike down the hall.

"Bella!" He smiled, and I hugged him after her. "Damn, I can't believe Bieber had to work and miss you looking like that. You really do look incredible."

"Thank you Mike, that's sweet." I smiled at him, then saw Deanna with her boyfriend.

"Aw, you're so pretty." She said to me, walking over in her dark blue gown.

"Thank you, so are you."

I think I might be the only one without my boyfriend here.


8:14 PM

"Jackie." I sighed, looking around the room, biting down on the corner of my lip. "I think I'm going to go home. It's not as fun as I thought it would be without Justin here."

"Bella, we've been here for ten minutes. Don't go."

"You have him. Basically everybody is here with somebody, I'm going to go. I'll call Josh or something."

"Bella, you can't leave."


"B-Because I always thought of being at prom with my bestfriend, and I just...yes Mike is here, but we can still have fun."

"And do what? Have you two dancing while I dance around you? Jackie, I'd just rather be home, I'm sorry. I'll call you tomorrow or something."

I disappeared into the crowd, lights reflecting off my dress and off to the side where I had left my clutch, ready to pull out the strap and hang it over my shoulder when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, startling me so my head turned to see who it was.

"Where do you think you're going princess?"

"I was going to go home." I told Justin, little tears pooled in my eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to come and be with you. I know it meant a lot to you, and I didn't want to let you down."

"I can't believe you're here." With a giggle, I swiveled in his arms, hugging his body to mine.

"Of course I'm here. I would not let you dance with other guys. Mine."

"So you've said before."

"You look so beautiful Bella." He whispered, tilting up my face by my chin. "You really do."

"Thank you."

I got a huge eruption of butterflies as he kissed me, sliding my arms around his neck.

Now we were the same height because of my heels.

"You look like you're missing a tie." I giggled, playing with his collar.

"Yeah, it's over there. I've never really put them on before. Like once when I was younger, but it's been quite a while."

"I can put it on for you."

"Good. Thank you."

"Welcome." I kissed his cheek, letting him lead me off to the side and hand me the tie, which I slipped around his neck, not tying it too tight, but I fixed it the right way, leaving my hands on his chest.

"Before we go dance, this is for you." He leaned over to a little plastic container with a purple corsage in it, opening it up and held it out, slipping it right over my wrist. "I would have got one for myself, but I figured with us dancing it'd just get messed up."

"It's beautiful, thank you."

My cheeks were officially hurting from smiling so much, pressing another gentle kiss to his lips.

"Welcome. Will you come back and dance with me?" He asked, nodding his head back over towards Jackie.

"Yeah," I nodded, brushing the color of his tux. "You look really handsome too. I'm sure all the girls here are just swooning over you."

"But only one of them is mine." He smiled, kissing my cheek while he took my hand, leading me back to where Jackie was. "She was in on it the whole time by the way."

"That's why I couldn't leave." I laughed, letting Justin hold onto me from behind. "You all officially suck."

"Why me?!" Mike said over the music.

"Oh stop! You knew!"

"But you didn't know I knew!" He stuck out his tongue, then kissed Jackie's cheek.

"You're welcome." She laughed, shaking her head at me, and I held onto Justin's hands, dancing along with the music like we were at the club, laughing with him a couple of times as he kissed my cheek.

And to think I was going to leave.

"I'm glad I caught you in time. You were mad at me." He said in my ear, giving my hands a squeeze.

"Yes I was, I was very mad at you. Work my ass."

"You know I don't usually work on Saturdays."

"You were so convincing."

"I'm pretty good at that." He grinned, looking over at the doors that led outside to the lighted area, there was another small dance floor out there, along with a garden with a fountain in the middle and a gazebo.

"Do you want to go outside?" He asked me, leaning down into my ear over the music.

"Yeah, sure."

"We'll be back." He told Mike, letting go of one of my hands and led me out of the crowd, the cool spring air kissing my skin.

"Thank you for coming."

"I know I would have been mad at myself if I didn't. They were right, you do look stunning, and it's only a few hours. If a few hours with me in suit will make you happy, then I'll wear the tux."

"You know why everyone is looking at us?" I asked him, holding onto the front of his jacket.


"Because you're eye candy and they can't have you."

"That's not why." He chuckled, quickly shaking his head.

"Yes it is. I never thought I'd see you in a suit, but now I don't want you to take it off."

"Yes you do." He winked, pulling me over to the dance floor outside as a slow song came on, my breath held in my lungs.

He wanted to slow dance with me?

He wasn't still talking or pulling me over to the fountain?

While I was thinking, he smiled at me, then pulled my arms around his neck, then gently took hold of my hips, pulling me closer to him.

"I'm glad I came. I wouldn't have wanted you to go home because I wasn't here."

"It didn't feel right without you." I admitted with a shrug. "But you do clean up very nicely."

"Clean up nicely? Give me a little more credit than that." He laughed, playfully rolling his eyes.

I didn't answer, I just rested my forehead against his, my fingers gently massaging the edge of his scalp where the little hair was from his hair cut, brushing my lips slightly against his before I leaned in fully, kissing him with everything I was feeling in that moment, my arms around his neck as far as he could be, his hands dug into my hips with a grip that wouldn't let me get away, but that was fine.

I didn't really mind making out in front of people.

Not at prom.

It was our night; and he was really here. He came.

"I love you." He whispered once we pulled away, sticking out his lips just enough to kiss me shortly again.

"I love you too."

I rested my face in the nape of his neck, smiling to myself.

It wasn't until he was singing in my ear that I really became speechless, laughing a little to myself, then lifted up my head, pressing my lips hard against his, the same amount of force felt back from him.

I didn't care who was watching us, I honestly didn't.

He gave me the best feeling in the world, people could stare away.

But he was all mine.



"You're going to the party, right?" Jackie asked Bella, who looked up at me, and I nodded, giving her hip a gentle squeeze.

"Good, I'll see you there then, I figured you'd ride with him."

"I am." Bella nodded, snaking her arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. "See? Was it so bad?"

"No, not at all." I admitted, pressing my lips to her forehead. "I had a lot of fun. Now let's go to that party, hmmm?"

"Yeah, let's go." She laughed at me, letting me lead her out of the dance and through the road to my car.

"You had fun, right?" I asked hopefully, looking at her as we made our way through the parking lot.

"I did, so much fun. Thank you."

"Anything for you." I pressed her up against the car, giggles escaping her lips as I rubbed my nose against herself after a minute I pulled back, tugging at my tie. "But will you help me take off my tie, I'm hot."


She undid it, leaving both ends in her hands and pulled me down, tangling her hands into my hair as we kissed - harder then usually.

And I was aching.

I was really starting ache.

"Are you sure you want to go to that party?"

"No." She whispered, shaking her head, nibbling at the corner of her lip.

"Ok, when do you have to be home?"

"1:30....so we have some time."

"I'll have you home by then." I grinned, patting her butt before unlocking the car. "Just tell Jackie you changed your mind."


We got in the car, and I took off my jacket too, setting it in the backseat with the tie, starting the car afterwards and pulled out of the parking spot, waiting patiently behind cars and slid my hand on Bella's leg.

"I'm so happy you came." She giggled,putting her head against my shoulder.

"Good. I am too. It was worth it."

She was smiling at me, then dipped her head down in a blush, her hand rested on top of mine.

"Why are you still blushing?" I asked her, reaching over and tucked a curl behind her ear.

"Because you have that effect on me."

"I guess that is a good thing."

"It is."

We were quiet the rest of the way, and after I parked I quickly went over to her side, noticing she had slipped her shoes off.

"Here," I chuckled, scooping her up in my arms and shut the car with my hip.


"No problem." I kissed her temple, walking with her through the hall and into the elevator, laughing as she kissed my cheek a couple of times, walking through the hall again after the door opened and sat her down in front of the door so I could unlock it.

I let her in first, locking the door behind us and grabbed her by her waist, her laughter filling the room as I spun her around, then she was silenced by my lips, pressed back on the wall with my hands running up and down her sides, then picked her up from her thighs, her dress pushed back just a little.

"You just cut to the chase, don't you?" She said, running her hands on my chest.

"Pretty much." I shrugged, nuzzling my face into her neck, sweetly pecking the skin down to her shoulder.

Her legs tightened around my torso, then I walked with her to my room, hovering myself over top of her, moving my hand along her skin, my lips furiously back with hers.

"Wait, Justin - I - I'm not ready for..."


"I told you that."

"Sorry." I cleared my throat, sitting up and ran my hand through my hair.

"No, don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. I should have said something again."

"Bella, it's fine. Don't worry about it." I assured her, running my hand on her leg.

"Just not yet. I want to, I just- not yet."

"Baby," I leaned over to her, holding onto her neck so she looked at me. "It's really ok. Don't worry about it."

"I like kissing though...and the other stuff."

"You're not the only one." I chuckled, leaning back over her and brushed the back of my hand along her cheek.

"I wouldn't protest if you wanted to take your shirt off though." She teased, propped up on her elbows.

"Yeah, well considering I have to take you home clothed, and that would require me putting it back on...so."

"You're funny." She rolled her eyes, but I kissed her again, taking both of her hands into mine.

Either wa, she was happy tonight. That's the only reason I went, but I had fun too.

Jackie had been right - I only had so much time left with Bella here.


Author's note:

They are so cute I just asjendjfajrnjfnajfhls. :) I love Jella. Ok.

Twitter; @lostinstereoWP

Character Accounts:

I still would like a few more of those accounts, Mike doesn't have one, neitehr does Troy, Manny, which might be really fun to play later :))) Same with Christian, but you heard about him a little while back.

You will be seeing much more of him very soon.

You should be crawling in your skin with that little hint.

Ta ta for now ;)

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